Zarya needs to be nerfed

In the past 6 months before rush meta started to come back. Zarya was around the same / similar pickrates to roadhog and sigma. But off an exceptionally higher winrate.

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If they do that then they should also revert the nerf that reduces beam damage to armor back to 20%.

Because people don’t understand how winrates are calculated.

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Zarya is only used on defense??? Is what you’re trynna say?

I’m lost here…

More like played on Defence a lot more than other Tank choices.

I.e. Roadhog hook is great for 1 kill picks, in a flank. But you can’t hold off a ton of enemies consistently with it.

I mean I would say she’s played on both sides equally tbh…

Most of the time it’s zarya vs zarya and then whatever other tanks, the other tanks wanna run.

Yes. THAT makes sense.

But zarya is literally good for both attack and defense… soooo???

But the times where it’s usually Zarya vs NotZarya, is when the Zarya is on Defence.

Additionally, the times where it’s Zarya vs Zarya. The winning Zarya spent more time on Defence.

Or said another way, the winning Zarya spent the least amount of time on Attack.

Yes Boss, anything you say Boss :roll_eyes:

Zarya’s beam is easier to aim than any other attack besides stuff like Rein Hammer & Winston Tesla Gun I would say; the beam is so forgiving. Maybe they should reduce her max DPS a little bit (like 170 max DPS to 165 max DPS to start and see where that leaves her).

It’s literally as easy to use as Moira’s right click.

Except Zarya’s beam is even easier to aim than Moira’s ever since they nerfed Moira’s cone angle by 37%, not to mention Moira only gets 70 value per second (50 DPS + 20 hp/s self-heal) while Zarya gets a whopping 150-170 value or so per second in DPS. I’ve been wanting them to either give Moira like 10% of her cone angle back and give her 25 hp/s self-heal, or just give her 30 hp/s self-heal back instead.

Another zarya hate train.
Let me guess… otp? Don’t shoot her bubble and focus her.

And let me guess, a reaper main who is under diamond

Let’s keep nerfing tanks. What’s next? We nerf orisa? :clown_face:

Nerd the tank that has been highly picked for pretty much forever

Which allows others to finally come back into the spotlight

Zarya has been average since double shield started. I can’t tell if you’re trolling or not. She has never been op or weak. She is the example of what a perfectly balanced character should look like

How would they make applying bubbles harder? Make them projectiles? Even if they did, doing so would mean they have to reward Zarya more or reduce the cooldown so there is more of them.

Zarya isn’t overpowered.

I mean, maybe in bronze, it’s always been easy. Zarya gaining charge has not always been easy and there have been times where you’d prefer other tanks over her due to better synergy.

The fact that you either don’t know or are willingly ignoring outside factors with other characters contributing to her power proves to me you don’t want to talk about balancing Zarya. You just want to witchhunt and nerf her. Did a Zarya save somebody from your ult?

There are plenty of heroes who can out-range Zarya and don’t need to charge their damage to melt people but that doesn’t fit your narrative of Zarya being an OP monster who’s been destroying the game for years so of course you won’t bring it up or acknowledge it.

Zarya stopped your pew pew? Halted your plans? Made you think or alter your playstyle? Was better than you? Burned your crops and poisoned your water supply?

Personally not a big fan of her current design overall…

She’s not op but she’s not a real tank either.

Right now she’s a dps-tank hybrid having a lot of weaknesses due to her low protection+not too high hp but also not focusing only on damage+having a big body like a tank.
I like the fact a tank use enemies damage against them but it’s a tank not a dps. The damage should be high but considering she has 400hp while a dps has 200 and she also has consistent damage+ protection she shouldn’t be able to do as much damage being the 6th strongest hero in the game in term of primary/secondary fire alone…

Let’s nerf one of the few fun Tanks. Personally, no Zarya no tanking for me.

I wouldn’t ever be running Zarya/Orisa

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