Zarya is one of the highest skilled characters in the game right?

still not seeing a result


I don’t think goats is built around Zarya though. Its more like how powerful everyone’s synergy is.

Still rather see 2-2-2 myself

Zarya def takes skill but she has a fairly low or mid skill ceiling. There are things she just can’t do. She’s limited in a lot of ways due to her range, mobility, and HP.

Any meta is fine honestly. Regardless of what it is people wont like it. Also sniper meta lasted like one season? It passed by like a fart in the wind.

Zarya is still plenty meta until our Hammond overlords solidify the new one.

Zarya being meta is fine imo. What is not fine is the type of meta she’s currently in.

I dont think people really have a problem with zarya being good or meta. They have a problem with the meta being 3 tanks, 3 supports, and 0 dps. Back in the early days of the first couple seasons, there was tons of rein/zarya comps, but it was played as 2/2/2 and people didnt have an issue with her then.

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Alright, OWWC Nov 2018. Dva has a 98% pick rate and Zayra has 57%.

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It’s not the same because Zarya gets free charge in GOATS mirrors, which makes things a lot easier because she can save bubbles for peeling since she is always maxed out on energy.

Zarya isnt the Hero people hate right now. :stuck_out_tongue:

i still zarya needs a damage nerf.

legit her maxed out beam can do 200dps and thats basically more than all the dps can do except for very few

id trade a zarya dmg nerf for a bubble buff,

Zarya is one of my most played heroes over the comp seasons, and I think D.Va takes way more skill.

The triple support. Brigitte and LĂșcio continuous AOE heals stack. LĂșcio speeds up the tanks who Normally wouldn’t have the follow through to go whack-a-molling. Zen provides DPS firepower and damage focus. Brigitte gives everyone armor — including Zen and Zarya. Because these two also have shields of their own theIr durabilities are compounded by having both shield and armor to slog through.

A good chunk of DPS heroes use pellet damage that do poorly against armor.

The current nerf targets mostly group friendly abilities and synergies within Goats while at the same time it buffs solo queue skills and in some cases the heroes that counter goats.

Baptiste appears to be an adhoc collection of all the abilities Ana mains forwarded to buff her back when the dive meta more or less made her a throw pick. From all that effort they only buffed her Ult and threw all those suggestions together to make an altogether new support hero.

190, but close enough.

I don’t know about Dva, but Zarya had her meta. As much as “launch grav, launch dragons into grav, team kill, win” can be called a meta.

More meant ladder but I appreciate the change of pace, you right, in pro play like the OWWC she had a >95% pickrate (s tier) for many of the teams.

Zarya is nowhere near as hard to play as D.Va or DPS heroes.

Zen is used in GOATs v GOATs only. His dmg orb is super valuable in killing enemy tanks, which is why. In a GOATs v DPS comp Zen is worse than Moira or Ana.