Zarya is one of the highest skilled characters in the game right?

A meta built around Widow or Tracer or Ashe, etc is fine because they are high skilled characters, but why isnt it ok for Zarya to get a meta finally after being buried by DVA for over a year?


what do you actually want to say?


What meta is built around tracer widow or Ashe?


Dive for over a year?


Not built around them.


Tracer was a big part, Dva and Winston were as well.

Zarya not so much.

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zarya is indeed difficult to play.

But not so much in goats.

When you’re goats vs goats, your targets are big, so no aim needed.

You bubble rein so no need to care about charge.

You grav when’s out of dm so no need to worry about it being eaten or fast moving targets. Everyone’s clustered.

She is skill demanding. But not so much in goats.

Besides, goat’s central power source is brigitte. Zarya’s just here for the ride and she quite enjoys her glory.


Show me where zarya has been below dva in pickrate at any point after February 2018.


Zarya is not the key hero of GOATs, she’s simply enabled by it. GOATs on the other hand is bad because it deletes an entire role from the game ;sadface;


So what does enable it then

I mean it seems to be that a high skill character is only actually high skill until they become required for a meta, then they become the easiest character in the game.

Dive was built around: Winston. Not snipers/any dps.


she was until brig and hanzo rework went live…

DVA sat around 55-60% pick rate at all ranks for a year where as Zarya rarely climbed above 35ish%.

Hanzo rework and brig go live and Winston and DVA die a little bit and Rein and Zarya go to 70ish% pick rate in GM along with Hanzo and brig.


Which you will find was march, hence my asking for after february 2018

  1. We’ve had Widow metas and it was far from “fine”. People complained about it a ton, and rightly so, because it sucked. A meta being based around a high skill hero does not mean it is good.

  2. Zarya got a meta finally? She’s been a meta pick in multiple other metas, and GOATS in particular has been around for a while now. What is this “finally” business?

Both of the key premises in your post are just flat out wrong.


It was late march and we didn’t see that shift until late april/may when new hanzo went live.

Zarya’s pick rate skyrocketing had nothing to do with her and had everything to do with Brig dumpstering mobility

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I’m hearing conjecture but have yet to see a source

you can go look at meta reports yourself or just simply google when the hanzo rework went live.

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That isn’t how burden of proof works

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I don’t have to “prove” anything to someone too lazy to search for a meta report or when a hero rework was released.

The source is literally google it yourself

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