You're not helping Symmetra

Barely. As in, it’s pretty much the same as before.

Which is great. However the heroes she spends a lot of time punishing for having barriers now punish her because they have armour.

Nerfing an F tier hero isn’t good.

The beam changes were most definitely a flat nerf to her. The charge rate buffs are nice, but it’s not what most people thought Sym needed.

And buffing…keep skipping over this…a flat one at that…mountain…molehill

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You mean get carried.

Stigma? Hahahah. Sym mains had and still have stigma since the beginning. I dont care about other people’s opinions anymore.
Just give me the right to shine that we deserve.

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im not gonna complain, im thankful that she finally got a good buff.

Or how Ana players wanted mobility or more self sustain, got neither with the nano buff and additional 4 rounds, and is now the most picked ladder support?

Sometimes what we want for a hero isn’t what they are meant to be. McCree is a glass cannon and they played to his strengths with FTH instead of covering his weaknesses and giving yet another hero more mobility.

Junk and Brig were meant to be nerfs, and they had already nerfed so much of their kit prior they didnt have much left to try, honestly.

Along with a flat nerf. Making this, at best, a minor buff (or an adjustment at least) overall.

There was no flat nerf…there was a situational nerf as it depends on how charged your beam is…unless you think you’re only ever at full charge (which according to forums never happens)…the buff is flat because it applies at all times…

That’s not what makes a buff or nerf ‘flat’. What makes it flat is that they only recieve buffs or nerfs. Not both. So, overall, there is no ‘flat’ nerf or buff to Sym.

You used the word as well…and given your description it doesn’t apply to you either…the nerf is conditional…the buff is not…

Happy? (Rhetorical question)

Try playing Symmetra on competitive, deal with the harassment, with the power creep, then you can proves us wrong, also youre a level 61 player and youre calling out some people that have thousands of hours on their heroes.


Originally, yes it was a flat nerf. Now, it isn’t.

Also, the beam’s main usage comes from charging it and dealing damage with it once it reaches full charge. The full charge beam is pretty important to Sym.

Ignoring How the other options are a hero who only offers healing and is counteracted by Ana and a healer who doesn’t have enough healing and utility to compete.

I love this line since its so true.

I am sure they don’t want to shake things up and give her too many buffs at once.
Its only been 3 years. Give it another 15 - 20 years and with enough buffs her pick rate may reach 2%.


If it’s true that you only have 6 hours on sym…you should just keep quiet. Nothing you say holds any weight…and it’s obvious that you are just a troll trying your best to keep Sym from getting buffed.

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I have over 1,000, and they’re right. Most Sym players do not play her well tbh, and suggest buffs that she really doesn’t need, which is why she doesn’t get them.

Bug fixes and QoL adjustments. Thassit.

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It isn’t.

Doesn’t mean it’s wrong.

Okay then.

I’m apparently the troll when it’s other people that keep up with the logical fallacies, misdirecting and misinterpreting my arguments and intentions and going off-topic. Because that’s logical.


Checked your profile…

You have 6 hours on Sym in quickplay…

Virtually NO TIME on her in competitive. You go to competitive, and feel she’s useless so you play everything else. Your opinion on this character belong in the dumpster honestly.

I’m not going to go to some Widowmaker thread, talking about how she doesn’t need buffs or nerfs because…get this…I don’t play her in competitive enough to understand her problems or strengths.

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Show us how can you get good and survive a fight, Stevo.

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Sigh… I primarily play arcade. Symmetra is one of my most played heroes.

My opinions are also formulated from watching other people play Symmetra and their opinions towards her (Luminum for example) and sheer logic.

Even if that were true (It isn’t however), that doesn’t make anything I say wrong. You have to actively prove it wrong for it to be wrong. Shouldn’t be so hard for you considering my opinion is supposedly so worthless.

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