You're not helping Symmetra

Remember when you were a toddler and your mom would bring you home a new toy and you would cry and say “waaaah but I wanted the ORANGE ninja turtle not the purple one! Waaaaah” so she’d say “fine!” and take the toy away. Then you’d cry more and throw a temper tantrum and mom only gave the toy back when you apologized and learned to be greatful. This is what Jeff should be doing to symm mains right now.


This is my alt account I’m a Symmetra main on my main account if anything I know it’s how to play the hero.

??? not sure why you guys r whining
id like tp to deploy faster so it can be better against grav but then u’d have ana mains and zen mains rioting due to tp bombs being summoned too fast

Is it possible, and hear me out here, is it possible that the developers have a different opinion on what her “problem” is?

Is it also possible that you and the other Symmetra players are by definition biased and possibly wrong?

The answer to both of these is yes.

You are showcasing your lack of understanding in this game.

It also allowed Symmetra players to melt teams if they were even slightly ignored for a couple of seconds without literally any effort.

Definitely terrible design.

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??? whyu cry over 20% faster charge ??? i love that change now just make tp faster and wider and sym is balanced wtf
i love the new charge buff 20% is nuts u can actually kill squishys now easily with ur leftmouse instead of hoping to hit those secondary fire shots… u are exaggerating sym is super fine rn …(im a onetrick sym btw so dont @ me)

The charge rate buff is just a hasty patch job to cover for the fact that in their incompetence, they unintentionally nerfed underpowered hero while nerfing an OP hero. =p

They don’t care for symm otherwise, but the community outrage would be too much over unjustified, lazy nerfs. This charge buff is to just pacify the symm community but remember, you still cannot consistently teleport out of grav if a) slope b) enemy team is not bad. Oh and 3 turrets shouldn’t have the cooldown of a dang resurrection ability.

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My ideal Sym Patch notes:



  • General

Health Increased by 50 shields

  • Photon Projector

Ammunition increased from 70 to 100

  • Sentry turret

Symmetra can now use the interact key while facing a turret to destroy it and restore 1 charge.

  • Teleporter

Deployment time reduced from 2s to 1s
Interaction radius increased by 50%

Comments: While we believe Symmetra’s damage and utility to be where we want it for now, she is still slightly weaker than we’d hoped. The additional shields should help Symmetra stay in the fight a bit longer and make the most of a level 3 beam. She can also now move turrets by taking them back, allowing her to lower her to rearrange her turrets according to the flow of the fight without waiting on an incredibly long cooldown. The changes to Teleporter should make it easier to use and allow an entire team to take it at once, rather than trickling one at a time.

(Obviously not the best at balancing, but it’d be interesting to see.)


That would make sense if only Sym were getting buffed this patch, but there were multiple changes.

Nobody, including the developers ever said TP would consistently achieve that. They said it could do that, and it can under the right circumstances, especially with Baptistes IF. Enemies are going to immediately start shooting at that, giving your team the opportunity to heal and escape with TP.

You aren’t being realistic if you think TP, a basic, easy to cast ability, should fully counter one of the strongest ults in the game. Her barrier can already snag it out of the air and make it completely useless if you can get a read on the Zarya.

I wish they’d fix the actually problematic parts of her kit, her beam was pretty much fine. The teleporter though is pretty buggy, takes a bit too long to cast, has the same issue as Tracer Blink where it seems to register you in two places at once which is why you can die during teleportation even though you came out the other end of the Teleporter, etc.

Primary fire charge rate is not the issue. You are still not going to want to use your primary fire in a duel because it takes too long to ramp up. You’ll only want to use it in a brawl where there’s something you can charge it on. But then sym has no survivability so in any brawl she can get stomped.

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All I care about is please give Sym instant Teleport deployment or some faster way for her Teleporter even if they give her increase cooldown for it

Preach it! The faster charging beam felt better but the problem is actually getting symmetra into situations to use it.

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Lets compare symm’s surivability to EVERY other DPS

  • Ashe: mid/long range, coach gun to knock the enemy back or move herself to escape
  • Bastion: mid/long range, self repair, ironclad to defend (weaker hero)
  • Doomfist: close range, shields to sustain, rocket punch, seismic slam and ult to escape
  • Genji: close range, deflect, wall climb, swift strike and ult to escape
  • Hanzo: mid range, lunge, wall climb to escape
  • Junkrat: mid to close range, mine to escape
  • Mcree: mid to close range, flashbang and roll to buy time
  • Mei: close range, larger hp pool, ice block, wall to sustain
  • Pharah: mid range, high mobility, conc blast, jet pack to sustain/ escape
  • Reaper: close range, larger hp pool, wraith form, life regen to sustain/escape
  • Soldier: mid range, sprint, healing to escape/sustain
  • Sombra: close range, stealth to approach, translocator to escape
  • Torbjorn: mid to close range, overload to sustain
  • Symmetra: close range, NOTHING
  • Widow: long/mid range, grappling hook to escape

^ Did you note the NOTHING?

Not only that she is a close range hero with neither:

  • an overloaded kit like Doomfist, Genji or Mei (other close range heroes)
  • nor a bigger hp pool like Mei or Reaper
  • nor an escape ability like Doomfist, Genji, Reaper or Sombra the other close range heroes.

Have we worked out what is missing yet? Is anyone connecting the dots?

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I don’t think more health for symmetra is justified unless they make her model bigger.

Yeah. You, like most Symmetra players, enjoy ignoring her teleporter to make her seem worse than she actually is

Even a small change with good intentions could result in Sym being VERY OP. She basically already is with enough experience and in frequent enough scenarios.

I’m not ignoring those details, they are irrelevant to the point being made: what we ask for isn’t always what a hero is designed to be. This is the fundamental problem with this forum, everyone thinks they know better than the devs, on…what grounds exactly? Make suggestions, sure, but remember they are just that, not some prophetic, groundbreaking notion.

Literally just give her back her photon barrier back. Why can’t we have that?

Not ignoring it, but it is far harder than every other ability I listed above to use in an emergency situation to get away.

Are you honestly going to compare it to Genji’s dash or Ashe’s coach gun, because they are the exact kind of abilities it is going up against in the same situation?

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Nah our case been going on before Mercy. Mercy mains just happens to outshine us because Mercy was a very important support hero compared to Symmetra. It’s all about being popular.

Feel free to show us how far you can go with her without being ridiculed. Say hi to Steevo for me if you ever reach there. Talking back to us telling us to get good will only weaken your argument so hop to it :slight_smile:. You put the spotlight on yourself Zettaslow.

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This is true, however:

This is not in any rank past gold.

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