You're not helping Symmetra

Literally this. She just got a pretty nice buff, why can’t we just be thankful that they’re actually making moves to make it better to begin with? Nobody said this is the end of her buffs, yet people are already screeching at it.

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Like, sure? The difference is that Symm is actually bad and Mercy’s fine. Their complaints are not unprompted.

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Symmetra’s primary is best charged off of barriers. Guess what the heroes with barriers pretty much all have?

It sure was the problem I heard complained about a lot.

Pretty much along the lines of, “Doesn’t matter it does X damage because I’ll never be able to get it there with how long it takes.”

Here’s the thing I feel about just “Hey, here’s +50 shield hp.” It’s just going to reinforce people playing Sym the way she currently does. It’s not going to make people magically go, “Alright, now I have the HP to be close to the fight.” Nope, it’ll do that at first with excitement, then they’ll just realize the old playstyle is way safer and do that instead.

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Lack of range?

Best…not “only”…nor are tanks the only things she should be targeting…or useful against…

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ngl you sound like those ppl who say genji is braindead and have 15% accuracy on him and an under 1 k:d on him
off topic question btw, at what settings do u play? i mean dpi and sens mostly.
i cant help but feel unstability while i play but i also feel “free” while i move, turn around etc but if i lower my sens i feel like im glued and react much slower to stuff

Armour. Meaning Sym is now doing worse against most tanks themselves, but is also doing better against their barriers.

They’re the best way to charge your beam. They’re large targets, who pretty much all have barriers.

Reducing her total DPS is a buff?

You know this is literally the same situation McCree was in, where he needed some sort of survivability or mobility buff and he got a FtH buff instead, and the Forum hated it.

OR Junkrat, where he needed an ult charge nerf and the devs cut the size of his projectile by 33% and then increased the damage of it.

Or Brigitte, where they took away her ability to be an off tank and create space to give her .67 more HPS.

A buff that doesn’t change why a hero is bad doesn’t make the hero not bad.

She also does more damage to tanks at low charge…and as you said just got a buff to her general damage output…

Don’t you think we’re making a mountain out of mole hill here?

There were no flat nerfs to her…and she got a flat buff…I don’t know how that’s not helpful

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Not total DPS
DPS for charged beam against armored targets.
And as it was mentioned, it’ll take 0.17 extra seconds to melt 200 armor. No hero has more natural armor than that.

Actually, with her beam charge time decrease from 1.67 to 1.33 she has more dps than before.

This buff isn’t a help to Symmetra, its an attack on Goats, which further affirms how the devs don’t listen to the Symmetra players OR are aware of her problems.

They are just filling the game with more ways to counter Gotats instead of addressing the heroe’s personal problems, look at Junrat for example: They increased the on-hit Grenade DMG not to make Junkrat better, but because Goats is only strong when grouped and this should punish that.

They aren’t inproving the game itself, they are just killing goats because its hurting OWL, which is the only thing they care about.

The first level of charge you are dealing more damage and at level three you lose damage and now you are ramping into level 3 faster.

Assuming equal skill form both players Sym has a harder time killing the other player if they have armor and she has received nothing in the way of begin more sturdy

That’s the most ??? thing I’ve ever read all day.

What Prett’s pointing out is VERY reasonable, especially when considering that Sym has RIGHT CLICK, allowing her to deal good damage from far away, even if it is spam.

Unfortunately that’s the case most Sym mains prefer to cry instead of getting good.

I want you to know that i am a better sym than you. new sym is great, get gud

hours on older sym.0s doesn’t mean diddly squat when talking about current sym’ s viability. your just bad with her lol

Again. Losing damage only against armor. Only. Against Armor. Against high armored target you have secondary, that can instatly drop up to 117 armor from the target, and the cast time is enough to throw an orb without losing your charge level.

But with faster chargeup speed she not only get to her 195 dps level faster, she will hold it for longer without reloading.
So in the end the toughest nerf she got - being unable to charge ult while it’s active, what’s actually fair

I am not saying that she doesn’t have a secondary but just because her orbs are decent damage doesn’t change the fact that her primary has been nerfed along side the charge speed buff and its not insignificant. I don’t use her primary as is currently cause I think it already sucked but luckily her orbs are plenty useful.

Honestly if her ult was up more I think she’d be better all together but I guess the idea to to reduce her power and increase use of her utility

Lol idk why y’all are complaining. Giving her quicker charge is indeed the best direction to go in, though I don’t understand why they don’t just put it at 1s per level.

Now all she needs is 100 ammo and a slightly faster reload and she’d be pretty peachy.

Im not denying it was nerfed.
Im saying that she was nerfed by like umm 5%?
And don’t forget - her turrets now deal more damage to armor so it is kinda win-lose situation.

Anyway, she is bad, but either armor damage nerf (even if we take away turrets part) or chargeup buff won’t make a big difference, since she isn’t bad just because of her weapons