You're in silver because you're bad, they said

I don’t see any point in doing that, as in my experience the “matchmaking system is perfect, you are always at the rank you belong” shills will twist anything you say or show them into fitting into their mantra, rather than actually consider that their mantra might be wrong. Or they will just outright ignore it.

I have in fact already linked my alt account including vods in a prior thread I made to show that my alt is in plat and that I couldn’t possibly be both plat & silver skill level at the same time, despite the shills telling me that this account placed in silver because I am bad and belong there. But they didn’t seem to know how to rationalize that discrepancy and so ignored the thread.

They are almost like a cult in that way.

I don’t understand what reasoning you could possibly have to assume my alt will eventually fall to silver? Did you not read the part where I said I have 50+ games played on that account with close to 85% win rate on my most played hero?

I’m willing to take that bet though, what’ll you give me when I win?

The part that you SHOULD be wondering is how I placed in silver on this account in the first place, despite putting up significantly above average stats. Especially considering I was diamond before quitting the game for like a year. Because that’s what I was wondering before coming to the conclusion that the matchmaker is busted…

Once again, this thread is mainly to show the low ranked players that make threads such as “I’m in gold, but why do I keep getting teammates that play like they belong in bronze?”, that I was getting teammates like that in gold too, it’s because the matchmaker is screwed up.

I say that to offset the matchmaker shills that always respond “you play just as bad as them which is why you are in the same elo, you’re just delusional about your skill level”. Because that’s just not true. There ARE a lot of bronze skill level players in gold that don’t drop out, because the matchmaker just anchors them to the good gold players, keeping both sides stuck in gold.

But it’s not just me saying that, I’ve seen like 5 different users post similiar examples recently. Saying that they have an account in Masters, for example but that their other account is in silver/gold and they have more difficult games down there, because they get such bad teammates.