"You're a Cult!" & The Toxicity | Let's Stop The Maliciousness

I kind of find it disappointing that a thread like this needs to be made, but with the many false allegations going on, the and the dangerously growing spread of toxicity between groups of people with a difference in opinions, I feel that this finally needs to be addressed. It’s getting a bit out of hand.

Let’s be clear here. It’s always great to have a difference in opinion with someone, but calling anyone in this forum “a cultist”, or a group of people “cult members,” just because their views differ from your own, along with any other kind of personal attacks, insults, or prejudice, is just a toxic, inappropriate, cowardly, and non-constructive way to get your point across. It adds nothing to the discussion except exemplify your hatred being spread among the community.

In most societies, usually when you call a stranger a “cultist,” or a group of people you don’t personally know a “cult,” the general perception isn’t seen as you giving them a compliment. Rather, it’s implied that you would be referring to them with negative connotations and in a derogatory, insulting way. Have we as a community really stooped that low? Is this truly the direction these forums are going in? I hope not.

So, what do you say? :slight_smile: Let’s stop the cult calling. But not only that, let’s stop the malicious attitudes and the false allegations on people who merely disagree with us and strive to have level-headed discussions again. It’s only making this community a more and more hostile place otherwise.

InB4 trolls show up, and think a username / signature automatically makes one a cult member.

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.


Ok, that sounds reasonable enough.


Signing off your post like this isn’t exactly helping your ‘we are not a cult’ message. It’s the kind of thing a really insufferable political zealot would say.


I agree… those so called “cultist” have never even made a blood offering to our lord Cthulhu!
And totally inaccurate.


Or you know, someone who has a forum signature. A very common thing in gaming forums.


Don’t encourage them… just


Well I agree.

Its important to have difference in opinions or else one would only see one side of the arguement.

A good metaphor for this is how a coin has two sides. You only ever see one side or the other but many forget the side of the coin where the two meet and actually construct the piece together.

You see theres a silver lining to everything and the true goal for free speech and sharing opinions is about meeting in the middle and making an effect on everyone involved.

Thus not heavily leaning on any one side but by making it fair across the board without negatively affecting any particular group that has such an opinion.

Therefore the impact of something being too poaitive too negative or someone trying to censor someone is consider an irrational motivation and highly inappropriate.

If people disagree so heavily that it upaets them. Disengage on the converaation and move along. Because some people are so comfortable in their own knitted safety net that they do not keep an open kind or open eyes. Therefore if anything rattled that nest of theirs, they panic.

They cannot see these opportunities the possibilities of what another opinion can do. This is how we come up with ideas this is how governments were made.

Through the compormising of tribal like behavior for the good and benefit of all and not for the sole person.

So it is in my own opinion that we should encourage arguements. We should encourage sharing of our experiences.

What we shouldn’t do is silence other or label those amwho are brave and vocal about something they obviously care about.

Why else would that person spend the time to type out a post? They would have to care in some capacity. Someway shape or form to do so abd this is why we need to come together as a community.to say thats not alright. This needs to stop. That needs to be fixed.

Rather than being struck down in silence false reporting or being pushed aside for an esports scene.

But these are my opinions.

If you believe this game us great and that the OWL is the next biggest thing with rhyme or reason go for it!

I won’t ever truly understand it but thata the beauty of it all!

I can keep the devs on their feet and the positive ones can help pay for the game. Its how the system works.


I remember the good old days when everybody had signatures in gaming forums. Particularly those image signature that some forum users take requests for hahaha


I loved making those for people. Those image signatures used to be one of my favorite part of foruming.


Dude it’s a signature. I mean dang I know I’m old but are signature really that foreign of a concept now?


It’s not that he has one, it’s the content. “a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.” Tell me that doesn’t sound like a political zealot.


You can’t have a cult without an ult. Remember that.


are you actually trying to start a cult though?

If Zenyatta cna do it, why can’t we? No fair!


I dunno…I’ve seen cringier ones on old anime forums.

And I don’t see a problem. So what? They’re passionate about a hero they obviously enjoyed and had it reworked…like right before a release of a new healer too.


What’s wrong with liking a fun and balanced game? You don’t want one?


You don’t know what goes down during our “book club”


Boy, then I’ve sure seen alot of fan cults around then

Wasn’t it like one dude who made that thread and wasn’t it like… two weeks ago

I recently made a joke about those who think everything is “fine and dandy” with the game being just a few drinks away from drinking the cyanide.

But I hope it wasn’t taken seriously…