If you ever play the game with a regular group of friends, where you can 6 stack you will see the same exact good, trash, really good, wow who so terrible etc cycle you get in normal games.
Even when the players on your team never change.
It’s not OP’s tinfoil hat theory, it’s just the nature of the game. It even happens at the pro level…
the system uses you as a carry, and your chances of having bad players on your team are actually higher.
This is also know to be the source of the infamous winning/losing streaks that keep you going up’n down like a yoyo. The effect feels very strong and direct - every time you win say 4-8 games you’re matched up with players who are so bad that not only are they uncarryable but if you play a hero very dependent on the team’s performance then your own performance will collapse too.
I think the 2 most effective ways to mitigate a predictable losing streak is
Communicate more - try to orchestrate push, try to encourage hero synergies etc…
Select a hero who’s performance do not depend too much on the team’s performance. For instance Road Hog, he can to some degree compensate for dps players that are not getting any kills and missing heals.
Or maybe it’s possible that a winning streak puts you at a rank above your actual level, so you’re matched with harder opponents, while tilt causes losing to be more common in streaks.
Y’know, the explanation that doesn’t require someone out to keep you in particular from getting to the next rank.
I just think most overwatch players are bad, i mean you can’t expect so many players to actually be good at a game that most people just play to…well…play
Hidden truth: Matchmaker takes your playstyle into account. MMR is not just a number it’s so much more.
IDDQD tested this with some alt accounts. Even in GM when his MMR should be settled the games on alt accounts where much easier than on his main (it got worse after a long time)
I was playing in a game yesterday and I noticed the McCree was playing at a level way-too good for the likes of me. I checked and not only was he a rank higher (gold in a silver match), but he had played at almost 2700 the season prior. That’s 1000 SR difference.
But, we did almost win. His teammates were pretty bad, but ended up with 70+ elims.
Sounds like trust factor based queue 2bh. Which based on blizz’s record of overexaggerating negative behaviour severity, there are going to be a lot of forced positivity that does nothing but cringe people.
The sad thing too is the match maker doesn’t always notice what they are playing. That same person could be a master Mcree, but currently slumming it out as bastion. It would still expect them to “carry the team” as if they were playing their best hero.
You clearly have an ego that gives you the illusion that you’re better than your teammates. Guess what, you’re not. The matchmaker in Overwatch is not just good, it’s a bit too good. It knows really really well where you belong. That’s why people sometimes feel “stuck”. Because the matchmaker has put them exactly where they belong.
The 3 player performing well and 3 people performing badly is completely ridiculous. I love that you stated random things as fact even though you’ve made everything up.
TLDR: If your teammates suck, it’s because you also suck, and you’re matched with similarly sucking teammates. Congrats.
They won’t ever have the self reflection. Even if the theory was true the enemy team gets those same bad players on their side as well. If you are truly one of the good players it means you should be exploiting the bad players on the enemy team.
This whole hypothesis though has a big wrench thrown into the logic when you consider that with the parameters given, a team can be comprised of all “good” players who have been losing which the matchmaker would identify as “bad” - to hitch along with the other 3 “good” payers - because of their bad teammates that your proposed matchmaker actions presented them with in prior games.
I guess this can account for the steamrolls you sometimes encounter.
I do agree though that if the MM is supposed to be offer up a “fair” match then a logical way to do it would be to pick the 3 losers and winners in a given SR range. It certainly would explain how every game there’s someone/multiple people who inexplicably seem to have pudding for brains and act like they just bought the game a week ago.
The more parameters you start qualifying for to search for fairness and such to put a team together, then the longer wait times will be to get a game.
A few seasons ago I finished at 2744 on my Sombra only account, did my 10 placements for the next season had 3 leavers and 3 throwers (I mean they just jumped off the map); And where did the system place me 2480, I lost 264 sr because in 6/10 games things happened beyond my control.
The hidden mmr is a joke to be honest the amount of trolls and throwers you get is bad, but they put you with these people all in a short time frame which makes it worse. This is why the whole 50% winrate theory is a thing, the system puts you with players you can’t win and in the devs words “so you can enjoy the grind through the ranks”.
The system needs a rework and a massive reset (expect for the higher tiers since most of them are in their correct rank)
The best matchmaking for a comp game I ever played was halo 3, every game was winnable, every game could be carried, I ended up at lvl 50 for all playlists, though I did find out that there were a decent amount of people at top rank compared to other games
This anecdote to show that modern games force a bell curve for ranks so they can more easily pick out who breaks the code and could be pro
This isn’t a my team are bad and I’m great, what he’s saying is the system is designed to make it harder for you to win by putting you with players that are having a hard time.