Your team mates actually do suck

Competitive overwatch uses selective matchmaking to try and create an even match where both teams have 50% chance of winning.

To do this, the matchmaking bot (for example) takes 3 players who are performing poorly in their rank and groups them with 3 players who are performing very well in their rank and does the same for the opposing team. This guarantees that every game some bad players will win and some good players will lose, and if you are a good player and constantly performing well, the system uses you as a carry, and your chances of having bad players on your team are actually higher.

Why do they do this? Because blizzards motto is “everybody wins!” and they dont want bad players to lose every game. If bad players win sometimes they will continue to play.

This is why overwatch sucks. This is why people always think their team mates suck. It’s not an illusion of the ego, its actually how competitive works.


They could always go the Tekken route where you basically get your face bashed in for the first two years until you are good enough to win


I think this deserves a wbk

It’s not a matter of if, but when we accept the truth.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not exactly joyful to say the game is screwing me over, and I won’t blame it. There have been matches where I just vibed on a heal bot Lucio.

I think the bigger picture here is dealing with things the system is not prepared to account for, including cheaters, smurfs, differences in level and playtime (for the season) and, infamously, throwers.

Coincidentally, dealing with smurfing can address almost, if not all of those issues depending on the circumstance o:


You know what sucks?
Dyson vacuum cleaner! That’s what!
Oh, and your post too!

As to the match maker… It’s quite a hard to implement bit of tech… but it’s pretty decent as far as those things go… At least the comp one.
Outside of comp, it’s so relax it’s obvious… but hey we got quick match which are still fun most of the time…


Finally, others are starting to figure it out!

This is exactly what I have been telling others. The system is “kind of” rigged in this aspect as it makes it a lot harder to climb because of it.

The worst part is that they have dwindled most of the carry mechanic out of the game, so its even harder.


Or, hear me out on this, the matchmaking increases the skill level of your opponents as you rise in SR, so you’re getting a 50% WR if you’re at the right level. And people who are climbing to their skill level rightfully think that their teammates are bad, while it’s easier for people who are dropping to blame their teammates instead of themselves.

No need for massive, unbacked conspiracy theories.


the op is actually right about this. The matchmaking system cares less. Also, there is almost no carry mechanic in the game, so you are stuck with what you got.


[citation needed]

It’s easier to create matches if you just take SR and make it even on both sides. Why would they overcomplicate things for little or no gain?

Yes, it turns out that you can’t win a team game alone. Is there something wrong with that?


Random match making within 500 SR. Problem solved. Not a hard “bit of tech to implement”.


Haha… talk like a true beginner programmer :slight_smile:
This is not the problem.
The problem is measuring the SR…


It’s not a conspiracy theory. It’s been confirmed by the devs themselves this is how ranked works.

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And at times when the match maker is stressed, during long wait times off peak hours it’s even worse than that. Your team might get 4 or 5 loser and the match maker tries to compensate with one really good player.

You know those times when suddenly there is one player 1000sr higher than every one else on a team…


It would be interesting if they just created separate comps specifically for smurfs, and a salt mine comp for those who are genuinely, upon investigation, found to be insufferable wretches, throwers, and cheaters.

For smurfs though, I wish they’d just create an option in the menu for a side-account just built in specifically for this purpose. Accessible only through the main account, and included as a sub ranking for experienced players looking to try different things. You know, instead of people just buying multiple accounts or making new ones on console.

At least that way, smurfs only play against smurfs and the problem is largely resolved. Then you could actually report those doing it outside of this framework and remove them from the general population.


Bad players blame their team. Good players know for a fact their team is garbage and assume that the tiniest personal mistake means a loss.


I hope everyone that believes this ALSO REMEMBERS:
50% of the time YOU are the “loser baddie” that needs carried

You didn’t think you’re the best in your rank, did you? As many times as you’ve thought wow, I’m soooo gud! We lost cuz they’re bad and should uninstall!, others have seen your dumb misplays you aren’t even aware of and wish you never bought the game.

Let that fester in the back of your mind there, Mr. Elite.


well the joke is on u .start playing qp and be stress free

So, it’s unfair that both teams are balanced against one another, at least as far in as a computer can decide? That’s… unfair? That the game is trying… to make the game as fair as possible?

The system has its cracks and exploits, but the idea of producing games that are 50-50 in odds isn’t one of them. That’s just a logical way of forming teams to go against one another. Both teams get equal amounts of “good” players to compete against another, as do they share an equal amount of “bad” players, or some combination of the two. This creates an environment where you can best be tested for your skill; the atmosphere is as equal as it can get at the moment, so winning and losing is ideally based on the mistakes you and your teammates make. No one is simply outclassed because one team has a star player and the other doesn’t.

This is really the only way a team game can create fair and engaging matches while allowing randos to all come together. In a world where only six-stacks exists, I can definitely see a system that’s a bit less forgiving, and sees teams fighting because they’re directly adjacent in the rank. When making a system meant to throw 12 people together, it just isn’t as simple, because there’s so many factors to consider. This isn’t a fighting game where individual skill is all that influences a match, it’s a team game with lots of people participating at once.

I also don’t think anyone would have fun or be engaged with a system that blatantly spits you out into “rigged” games where you’re considerably less likely to win. How does that get balanced? People aren’t going to keep playing a game that just throws losses at them over and over, people don’t have fun playing against players that are clearly far out of their league. Surprise, I guess, I figured we’d all be able to assume this.

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so do you think you are always the good player getting ****ed by the system?


This is really it. People think they’re just ‘hardstuck’ in Diamond and being held back by bad teammates but they’re really GMs when in reality, they’ve simply reached their proper skill level.

Not everyone can be the best. Not everyone can be the second best, or the third best either. The average person is just that - average.

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I am not sure where TS got that info. This probably can happen if some of bad and good players are in a team. Anyway, if we take a team of bad players, and match them with another team of bad players, you know, how matchmaker usually should work, 6 of those bad players will win. This is what ranked system does.