Your team mates actually do suck

Sooooooooo … what you are saying is that if i throw enough matches i finally get good players on my team? On it!

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Actually, yes. You can test it and reproduce it with an alt. Sandbag on one and pad stats on the other. It is like two different games at literally the same rank.

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Why do I feel like you are wearing glasses, and when you said this you pushed them up anime-style?

instead of blaming the system focus on improving your MMR
if your MMR is higher you gain more SR per win…

so if your MMR is GM even if the forced 50/50 was true you would gain more sr per win and less per lose resulting in you climbing back to the proper SR rank.

if you are hard stuck… it’s because your MMR is hardstuck.

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I’d love to see the source for this.


its not 50% tho. its more like 40% to the other team 60%. its to keep you at 50% win rate and u need to win those 40% win chance games to climb (so yea ur team is even more trash and need to carry harder). also so people dont feel bad and always gets a chance to win, like u said blizzards motto.

This is my problem, maybe I should start playing badly.

But very bored with no challenge and people just practicing and learning bad play.

I know … my games are steaks 70-80% of the time. You lose no matter how good you performe or you win with basically no effort at all.

well since the hero pool the quality of qp has really picked up cuz alot of pro players are now playing qp .

This is both true and hilarious at times.

I dc’d from a comp game and was unable to reconnect. I felt bad for my team, but then I remembered that it felt 5v6 before I dc’d. (We had a widowmaker of course).

I went back and watched the replay. This widow got zero final blows the entire defense stage. ZERO. And they were not throwing. Only able to hit bodyshots and missed most of those as well. And this was the DPS partner the matchmaker gave me.



Each to their own, not for me as it means nothing.

Or they could let bad players drop to bronze.

This bell curve nonsense is part of the problem.


There is still a carry mechanic , only people don’t want to admit it and don’t like it.

The carry role is Tanks.

For example I played a QP game that had 2 GMs in it, on opposite teams.

One GM was a tank main playing Tank. One GM was a DPS main playing DPS.

Guess which team got rolled hard…(hint: It was the one with the GM DPS).

Both GMs were playing their mains.

You should only be matched with people within 250~ sr especially at lower ranks since there is an abundance of people. As a support player it really sucks playing with tanks and DPS that are like 500sr below me. And the enemy team will have the same sr but the supports will be on the lower end. That’s not exactly fair since each role is different and supports are arguably easier to play.

(And most smurfs you see are DPS, so thanks yet again for screwing over support players blizzard :slightly_smiling_face:)

The sr system is a bust don’t even try to deny it lol, and the matchmaking system doesn’t help. It just keeps bad players up and good players down.

Here’s how I would change it.

  • Lower the freaking sr gap

  • Match the sr levels by roles first

  • Harsher punishments for throwers

  • And make it easier to climb if you’re performing well but just aren’t winning games


When the joke goes so far above your head

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This is actually incorrect.

If the system believes you should be at a higher rank, it does not pair you with worst players. It boosts you with the better players. On your team, and the other teams.

You will get major sr boost if you win a game and it also thinks you should be higher. If you preform well but lose, you actually only lose a tiny amount of sr. But your teammates actually lose more than you.

Theoretically you can lose more games than you win and still rank up.


To quote Sigma, “Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence”.
Unless you can prove with a code snippet or an official statement from Blizzard that this is true, it’s just a load of bull. People are just going out of their way to think of any kind of argument as to why it’s rigged instead of trying to improve their own gameplay.

They would have more to lose by implementing such a mechanic than they’d have to gain, since it would increase queue times and lose them more players.

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I don’t think that’s quite right. And even if that was right, it would average out perfectly fine.

The matchmaker picks up a group, finds an appropriate enemy, and then finds other based on the disparity between their ranks. That can go up, or down.

I generally do know when I’m carried, example is I suck hard at the comp elimination but still got carried to platinum (this is not my main account btw)

Bingo. The root cause of toxicity has been found (playing extremely well and still losing because of bad/throwing teammates). Unfortunately this has already been discussed and the devs don’t care.

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