Yeah I didn’t need this post to tell me that the Reaper that walked into a choke that was being visibly spammed by Junkrat and died was a bad teammate. In fact it has gotten much worse lately because the matchmaker is so desperate to shorten the Q times that we get people from further apart in SR
You give the matchmaker too much credit. It is relying on you playing a large number of matches where the randomness of any one match (which the matchmaker can’t do anything about) is evened out.
It’s not a conspiracy theory but it is unproven, just as much as the idea that the matchmaking in COMP does a good job matching up players of equal skill.
There are games as I climb that I get paired with bad team mates, far worse than teams when I was at a lower SR. Not that their mechanical skill is bad, that is hard to prove without looking at their specific game play, but their positioning and team work is bad. It’s almost always evident on the first engagement. Even when telling them to group up, they still just feed 1 or 2 vs 5 or 6.
My experience, albeit limited, is that COMP isn’t much different than QP in that it seems to create lopsided matches on purpose. It doesn’t feel like individual SR, it feels like it tries to create some obscure team SR, if that makes sense. It’s either that or there is such a gap between player skill that it goes from one extreme to the other but it seems like that would not be likely because it happens so often.
I don’t think the complaint is, “I am so good, and they are so bad”. The complaint is the matchmaking assumes if you are good enough, you should carry others that are not at your level just like you should not be put in a match where they expect another player to carry you.
It’s not an ego thing.
Not sure if Blizzard ever said this but if they did, their motto is basically, everyone gets a trophy so therefore, this is the opposite of competitive.
Which is why you six stack with 5 friends who are also good at the game.
I’m not someone who takes QP matches seriously, but it stops being fun when half my games turn into a pub stomp over and over again
You are either unlucky or play late at night…
At normal hours it’s not rarely that bad for me… it’s more like win some, lose some, sometime stomps either way…
fully agree and I know im still a bad player… I would tack on that, and I’ve actually climbed each season consistently, but I play a lot and do my homework, and Im still not great but sure as sht better than where I started…
First, if youre a tank, dont wait for your DPS to get a pick, be proactive, assume you gotta be the one to make the win happen and be encouraging with how your teammates can help you…
It sounds like BS but honestly being positive in comms can make a huge difference if you know what to call out and how to communicate effectively… if your mccree hits a HS and kills their widow give em a nice shot it tends to keep the momentum going.
The matchmaker is designed to do one thing and one thing only – ensure a complete and utter stomp by putting the best six players on one team and the worst six players on the other. It does this with (statistically) 100% consistency.
Which is why the standards for whats considered negative behavior (genuinely negative, not trash talking or the occasional curse word, but truly wretched behavior) would have to be set appropriately.
Which I’ll agree, Blizzard does not have a history of doing this quite well. The goal isn’t to make people into their best possible selves and force positivity (endorsements from my own in-game observation proved to me at least this isn’t possible or good), but rather separate the extreme cases who go well out of their way to cause harm.
For the less extreme cases, thats what Mute and Squelch Chat are for.
Found the salty scrub
Took you 6 months to find, apparently.
so… this is the reason why bad players keep staying at the same elo… oh, blizzard… you are the “TRUE SR GATEKEEPERS”… muhaha… muhahhahaa… MUHAHAHHAHAHAHHAAHA!
I am perplexed and curious about your… (late) “answer” to my post…
How is that related?!
Is it an insult or an agreement? Insulting how? Agreeing with what?
Is that randomly generated text?
So many questions are raised!
I started noticing this too, I found that playing average and not trying to carry my team is what allows me to climb. Whenever I carry to my hearts content and start getting over a 60% win rate, the game then starts to give me players that have no business being in my match or players that are legit throwers. Its a real thing, thats how the game truly works. I dont bother with carrying games anymore, I just chill and do what I can, im no overwatch league pro and comp to me is just a mode where I go for self improvement. I highly recommend the sweats to tone it down if they really want to climb or the game will then start forcing you to have teammates that will straight up frustrate the heck out of you
There isn’t any evidence of this being true. The 50/50 match making for a fact goes by sr numbers to try and even out the skill rank in the matches. While that can be true, there’s no evidance behind it.
what this tells me is the system punishes success and rewards failure…
something I have been saying all along
Here’s something I’d like to see;
Minimum level to play at 100, and mixing all platforms to lower the stupid queue times. (except Switch because jeeeeeeeez)
everybody is a winner!