Your personality and your Mains!

I love been very sarcastic/snarky this year from playing too much moira

INFP-T I main Junkrat, Lúcio, Sigma, Baptiste, Hammond and McCree.


And I play DVa, Orisa, Sym, Soldier, Baptiste, Moira

Fundamentally incorrect. They can change completely over time (and more often than not, do). They can change immediately with significant or traumatic events.

People need to stop referencing psychology data from the 1940’s.

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One things is certain - when playing I totally relate to Moira on a spiritual level.

ISFJ (Protector/Defender) btw, I play Mercy, Moira, Ana, Baptiste, Sym and DVA (a bit)

Sombra and Symmetra. But I’m actually really introverted.

Defender - ISFJ-A / ISFJ-T

  • introverted / 71%
  • observant / 68%
  • feeling / 51%
  • judging / 69%
  • assertive / 61%

Damage - Reaper
Tank - D.Va
Support - Zenyatta

Adventurer ISFP-T

Dont agree with it since you can be a mix of things, making it only vaguely accurate, but i have done it for funsies

Campaigner ENFP-T

Mains:, Tracer, Zen

I’m an INFP and proud.

My mains are -

  • Soldier: 76
  • Mei (which could fit for INFP or INTP)
  • Orisa
  • Ana

Zenyatta, one of my most-played Supports, would most likely be the prime INFP of my Hero Pool.

I took this weird test
I’m a ESTP-A Entrepreneur
I main Hog-Zarya-Soldier-Tracer-McCree-Ana
Is this like a good thing?

ESFP I main Mei, best OW girl.

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INFP, Mercy & main!

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Enneagram Type 1w9

Characters i mainly play:

Reinhardt, Zarya, D.Va
Torb, Sym, Soldier 76
Lucio, Brig, Moria

That’s pseudo-science btw.

This is fun.

My favorite heroes are Reinhardt and Mercy, I play every tank except Dva, she’s annoys living hell out of me. I got Turbulent Logician (INTP-T).

My favorite hero is Tracer.

I’m an Advocate, I took the test before and just did it again to make sure and sure enough, I’m still INFJ-T/INFJ-A.

I’m sure Tracer is also an advocate. It fits her personality.

Hiya, fellow advocate. ^^

I got INTJ-T (Architect)
The heroes I like to play the most are Genji and Rein though I can play many more proficiently.

Yoo, high five! <3 Same hat

I feel like some people don’t know how to just- enjoy things.

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Rein main