Your personality and your Mains!

Personality test has been proven to be very dependent on mood.
It’s about as reliable as listening to zodiac sign interpretations.

But I’ll humour you. I’m usually either INTP, ENTP, or ENTJ
My hero pool:
Orisa (tank main)
Wrecking Ball (tank main)
Dva (tank secondary)
McCree (dps main)
Ashe (dps secondary)
Mercy (support main)
Zenyatta (support secondary)

Good luck finding similarities. I’ll bet they’re all different compared to most other people of my “personality”.

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Assertive Advocate (INFJ-a)
I had such tests in the past. It’s always slightly different,
but in the same ball park.

So my personality is actually supportive, idealistic and I plan ahead.
Surprise! I’m a flex player and I also enjoy to shot call.
My mains are Ana, D.Va, Zen, Lucio, Rein

So, yes, I’m acting as expected in-game, I guess. ^^

I consistently get INTJ

I like/main characters who have to juggle abilities to be effective: Lúcio, Orisa, and Baptiste (New Brig and Sigma are also starting to feel promising)

I also like playing Sombra and Symmetra, but I don’t feel confident enough with their kits to really play them at the same level as my tank/support.

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INTJ all my life. Main Doomfist and Sigma currently.

Heroes I am practiced well with and can still play though include Genji, McCree, Junkrat, Reinhardt, and Zenyatta. But after all my time playing Overwatch, I have settled into preferring the afformentioned two.

Sigmas playstyle clicked instantly for me, and the same for Doomfist when he was released.

Mediator INFP-A/INFP-T

I play a lot of heroes. Rein, Orisa, sigma,, Ana, mercy, baptiste, Lúcio, Mei, Moira, zen, sombra

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Logician INTP-t

Don’t really have a main, but I often play the following chars:

  • Tank: Zarya, Winston, Reinhardt, Stigma
  • Damage: Sombra, Mei, McCree
  • Healer: Zenyatta, Ana

I’ve been trying to learn Lucio, Tracer, Genji, and Wrecking Ball, because I’m tire of always playing shield/healer sometimes. Also, Tracer and Genji is popular in PvE Events.

Character I enjoy, but never use in PvP since I am bad at them:

  • Hanzo, Widowmaker

Every time I’ve done the test over the last couple of years I’ve gotten INFP-T, Mediator
(nearly all of them outclass the other by like ~85% to 15%)

Tank: D.Va/Hammond/Winston
DPS: I usually don’t play dps but I like playing Symmetra sometimes
Support: Lúcio/Mercy

I did the test a while ago so:
INTJ-A -The architect.
(Introverted, intuitive, thinking, judging, assertive). Also I remember my thinking vs feeling was kinda off the charts in favor of thinking, can often struggle with feeling types because of this, but am drawn to them as friends, as I enjoy their dramatic tendencies, and am honestly constantly amazed with how much feeling some people just have in their lives.

Anyway, my fav to play Mercy, Winston. I prefered old Mercy because I think she had a lot more to do, keep track of and calculate, I also prefered older versions of Dva before she became dps Dva. I like keeping track of things, analyzing the field, making sure im there when needed. Thats why I liked old diva, keeping track of enemy CDs to counter them etc, keeping track of my teammates to help them and protect them.
Getting a grasp of a situation fast and reacting accordingly.

I think its also why I used to gravitate to Sombra and Sym form the dps roster. A lot of planning, observing, prediction.

The first thing I do when I learn a game is usually the macro and strategy, mechanics come second for me.

So yeah, I guess it fits pretty well into the INTJ personality type.

The quote from the site: “You are not entitled to your opinion. You are entitled to your informed opinion. No one is entitled to be ignorant.”

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Defender ISFJ-a

I main Hanzo, DPS.
When i play tank i very like Hammond, Zarya dn Sigma.
Playing Support i prefer Moira, but in the past i mained Zen.

Also, before i mained Hanzo i was a Genji Player.

I read the whole description of my personality result, all about relationships, job etc. and i must say it fits 99.9999%, even the strength and weaknesses.

personalities are not flexible, though they might change a bit over the years.

But your own view upon yourself can be flexible, depending on your personality.

My results are usually either INFJ-T or INFJ-A depending on my mood at the time, I suppose. In this case it was the former. I also don’t have a main, which I suppose lines up with either personality type.

I saw this on the Hots forums from 1 week ago :stuck_out_tongue:

So far I have always gotten INFJ and my mains are Ana, Lucio, Zenyatta.

My dude, it’s just for fun.



Brigitte main so… it’s pretty accurate

ESTP here

I am a mercy main who also enjoys playing Symmetra.

Also, seems I’m the first E

i like playing mercy and roadhog and lucio, im toxic as hell sometimes but usually laid back.


I kind of agree but it could be better.

mind: 33% extraverted / 67% introverted (i would say 70% introverted)

energy: 45% intuitive / 55% observant

nature: 65% thinking / 35% feeling

tactics: 39% judging / 61% prospecting (i think this should be the other way round)

identity: 26% assertive / 74% turbulent

your link doesn’t work btw
and i don’t relate to heroes i main, i just like their gameplay (mercy is very easy and i am not into shooters, and i like to chill) or otherwise i could be moira main (i don’t like her ult and gameplay much)


Ashe is my main.