Your personality and your Mains!

I got ISTJ-T, or Logistician

Introverted, observant, thinking, judging, turbulent

Mercy/Sombra/Sym/mei/hamster :muscle:

INFP-T Mediator
Mostly just play Tracer in qp

DBPT - as in “Doesn’t Believe in Peronality Tests”

I like playing Zen Zarya and Sombra

I enjoy things just fine actually

You can enjoy things without being credulous


Mercy is in my heart
Zarya/cow in my head
sombra in my pants

What brand of cheese are you?

I’ve taken this test three times (at different times of my life) and have gotten three different results

  1. INTP (Pharah main)
  2. ENFP (Hog main)
  3. INFP (Ashe main)

All I know is I’m a forever changing individual

I got Virtuoso. My mains are Widow, Reaper, Junkrat, and Moira. Take that for what you will.

Dude, it’s just for fun.


I did the test and the result sounds nothing like me, it paints me as a goody two-shoes who loves helping people (advocate)

When in reality im a lawful neutral a-hole who looks up for himself and maybe sometimes my heart softens up to others

I like to play McCree, Ashe, Mercy and Sigma btw

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You don’t have to take a personality test so seriously… It’s just for fun. Obviously it seems that you can’t just let other people enjoy stuff without coming in and talking down on them.

This test isn’t hurting anyone, it isn’t bothering anyone, people are just having fun and discussing their mains and test results. Finding people who scored similarly with similar mains is really neat to see too.

It’s honestly okay to just- let people have fun once in a while in a community.

They can enjoy it all they want. Just like I can say the truth that this is pseudo-science nonsense.

Me saying it is pseudo-science isn’t hurting anyone.

I’m not stopping you from having fun. I wager that I am incapable of doing that even if I wanted to.

I’m merely stating facts. That is all. Continue having all the fun you want. I can’t, won’t, and don’t desire to stop you.

INTJ-Dva, Ashe, Moira

Imagine calling something credulous, and mentioning something as irrelevant as an activity being ‘pseudo-science’ to an audience whose enjoying it, and expecting it to not have any negative impact.

It’s called reading a room, and being a decent person.

Imagine assuming I didn’t expect any negative impact.

It’s called being factually correct.

Stating a fact does not make me not a decent person. To suggest otherwise is, well, quite telling to say the least.

:roll_eyes: You’re so punctual when defending yourself, must be used to people calling out your toxic behavior.

I’m just punctual actually.

I’m used to people having disproportionate reactions to my comments, yes.

As you are now

I could care less about how you feel about my reaction. I’m still going to call you out for your behavior

I think you mean you couldn’t care less. If you could care less that means you care at least a little bit.

You can call out whatever you want. It doesn’t make you right.

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