Your personality and your Mains!

Have you taken the 16 personalities test?

It’s kinda cool seeing what type of people play what heroes, so I’m curious as to who the forums is as an individual, and who they like to play.

I’ll start, i’m ESFP-A, or an Entertainer <3
(Emotional, Observant, Feeling, Prospecting, Assertive)

I love to play Symmetra, Moira, Mei, and Hammond.

I’m interested in seeing what types of people play what :blush:


Every time I take the 16 personalities test it changes between INFP and INTJ.

Either way, I main Mercy, Sym, and Sombra. There’s also secondary mains, but eh



dva, moira, lucio, mercy, orisa

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I don’t personally agree with personality tests.


im not taking some cheap myers briggs test. its nonsensical pseudo-science. personalities are flexible. you could take it after feeling a certain way now and then take it again when you’re in a more neutral state. it’ll always change


Adventurer, ISFP-T

Think I got mediator last time I took this

yeah but making it a 100 times will result in a bell curve of results with one or two closely related results dominating the others

of course the test depends on your current mood, and honesty.

doesn’t mean it’s pseudo science, it’s just not very accurate


i’ll say. it can give a rough idea of what you’re like, but its definitely not meant to be taken 100%
though while im still here, i got INTJ-A, Architect. Maining Torb correlates well enough to the result i guess


I got Virtuoso, but it did not really fit too well, if you ask me. Either way, I am a hitscan main. Widow is my main, but. I have a ton of hours on McCree and Ashe is climbing since she replaced Handsoap.

INFP-T, Mediator
Ana, Rein, Mercy, Banjo, Zarya (just my top 5 by playtime, I don’t really consider myself a main)

Not a perfect fit but close enough.

I’m an INFP-T and I main D.Va, Mercy and Ashe :slight_smile:

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Was bored, so i did the test.

Main whatever is meta in tanks and supports.


I took that test a while back on amino. I always got debater.

That test takes way too long to complete, and isn’t very fun to take IMO.

I’ve gotten 4 different personalities on it so i don’t believe in it.

Adventurer, ISFP-T (Introverted, Observant, Feeling, Prospecting, Turbulent)
Mercy, Moira, D.Va, Orisa, Zenyatta, Ashe. Not very sure about Sigma because I haven’t played him much.
Haven’t read all about Adveturers yet but seems pretty close so far.

Back when i started playing OW i one tricked pharah. I took this test for a class around the time, and i know it was different from what it is now. Maybe thats why i stopped playing Pharah as a whole?

Anyway, right now my favorite is Mercy. She has been for a very long time. But quite a while back i stopped one tricking her and now play Ana Widowmaker Hanzo Ashe and Zenyatta.

My test result was
(Introverted Observant Thinking Prospecting Turbulent)

Last year I took this quiz and was infp but now that I’ve retaken it it says im infj :thinking:
But regardless I main mercy and dva

Or you can just take quizzes on quotev and let kids judge you and your characters how they see fit. XD I use to like making personality quizzes, but I always lose interest off and on, leaving the thing for months and then coming back on. Not sure why.

Anyways I have took that quiz, I don’t remember what results I got.

INTJ-T - Architect.

i like high risk - high reward characters like reaper.
i also get fascinated by my own ideas about characters.

for example i play brig because i like rein and thus i like brig.
or i play characters that’s relatable to me in a sense like quake champions like pharah.
or i am infatuated with the idea of magic users, like characters with a kit that looks like a mage kind of. for example sym, moira or sigma.
and sometimes i try to learn the character people is whining about being too weak.