Your perfect balance changes

No. It really is not. Currently the roles tend to fill out as 2/2/2 which is an indication that each role is equally as important. 2/2/2 being the most dominant was true even at the OWL level.

Supports in every game with a support hero get the most attention and have the most focus fire, because it’s harder to kill someone being supported than not. If it wasn’t, there would be no point in supports.

She was meta for them on those certain maps before all the other buffs though so she’d be ridiculous on those maps now with health pack charge back. And most of the newer maps, are quite friendly health pack wise.

I think you’re also underestimating how strong a buff it would still be even on less friendly pack farming map. Even if you don’t have your whole team sitting on hacked megas, it’s still a huge net gain of personal ult charge for the Sombra herself.

Mercy, Tracer, Orisa

Mercy: Revert to before the rework then replacing invulnerability with a damage reduction, 1 Second cast time on the Ult and LoS requirement (based on GA’s Los), New E ability that Allows Mercy to temporarily Overclock her staff, increasing her healing, meter based. (Refills slowly when not healing (by damage boosting for instance)

Tracer -
Either Blink cooldown increased to 4 seconds or Charged reduced to 2 but the extend of her Mobility has to be toned down.

HALT! now applies a 1 second silence for Mobility Abilites (just as Graviton Surge does) after the pull.

Fade at 5 seconds is not OP. That tells me you can’t aim. Where at higher tiers people can actually aim.

Moira dies easily in higher tier and Fade is too long. Only low teirs complain about Moira. This has always been true, but Fade at 5 seconds will help Moira out in Masters/Grandmasters much more than it currently is at 6 seconds. 1 extra second to potentially get away and live is a big difference.

I believe the buff will eventually happen. One can only hope. I’m a Masters at 3600-3700 SR on average and main Moira.


  • Take a Breather heal reduced to 200 (was 300). When the channel is over, Roadhog is healed for an additional 100 HP over 2 seconds. During that time, his Take a Breather damage resist decays from 50% to 0%.

This change backloads Roadhog’s healing, so he gets less healing initially, but a longer duration on his damage resist. He becomes less suceptible to crowd control since he is guaranteed at least 100 HP even if he gets stunned out of it, and he feeds less ult charge because he spends more of the game with a damage resist.


  • Machine Pistol fire rate reduced to 15 rounds per second (was 20 rounds per second), but the spread angle is reduced to 1.35 (was 2.7). Now treated as a midrange hitscan weapon, meaning damage falloff minimum is 50% (was 30%).

These changes increase Sombra’s consistency and range at the cost of raw damage output, allowing her to stand farther from her enemies and deal threatening damage. She won’t have the extreme burst to delete an enemy at point-blank range, but the added consistency and range allow her to stay safer or hold high ground positions and still be a threat.


  • Shield Bash stun duration reduced to 0.1 seconds (was 1 second). Enemies hit are slowed by 50%, decaying over 2 seconds. During that time, they cannot use movement abilities. Cooldown reduced to 6 seconds (was 8 seconds).

This change focuses the effectiveness of Shield Bash on locking down heroes that depend on mobility, rather than anybody who happens to enter Brigitte’s range. Instead of a long-duration stun, it is an interrupt followed by a slow that prevents the target from escaping with a movement ability. Brigitte could still combo Tracer and keep Genji or Winston in place to get focused, but against a hero like Reinhardt or Roadhog, she’d be far less effective. Enemies would have the freedom to shoot Brigitte or use non-movement abilities to fight her during her combo.

Fade 6 -> 5
ult range 30 -> 40
ult heal 140 -> 160

damage 19 -> 20
ammo 25 -> 30

revert 1.0 with loS + burst heal on “e”

ult - casting time -> ult cast now is instant on ground

now has 50 % ressistance against all kind of CC.

favor the shooter:

  • removed

Please no. This is coming from someone who plays quite a lot of Winston. 15 metres in longer than you might think. Combined with the barrier, this would be too good.

Get a job at Blizzard please <3

Ahhh. Yes
Let’s send Junkrat right back to F-Tier because he can’t do his job/play at his strong range without dying! /s

That would be like craziest nerf, why would you do this?

Support hater spotted

Sombra: revert her latest change. Back to timing things right and intense situations.

D.Va: make her heal faster, it’s so slow now it feels atrocious for the healer and the D.Va how long it takes. If it makes her insane and people cry, compensate, but she needs to get back to the fight faster.

Reaper: change teleport, it’s called shadow step, right ? So make it actual step(or steps, dunno) that goes any directions, quite far(not too far either) and fast. A dash not affected by human gravity.

dva is already overpowered. She needs no buffs.

as for my changes

Tracer: Either nerf her damage by 20% or nerf her mobility by making it so she has a .2s animation between blinks where she cant blink.

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She isn’t. She’s good. She always was. But she isn’t overpowered. But yeah don’t read my whole comment about it so that you can freely be outraged about what I say. Skip the part where I said “if people cry, compensate”.
And this is a “YOUR perfect balance changes” I’m saying mine with the bias and the fun this thread is supposed to be and that’s fine.

If you go on that territory,
you ask for Tracer nerfs. She doesn’t need nerfs at all. She never did.
But that’s YOUR perfect balance change. So fair enough and interesting to read anyway.

she is literally in or can be in every single meta/viable comp and cant be replaced. In what reality does she need a buff.

Tracer has been in the same boat, except shes actually in an unfavorable meta right now. Shes been a top dps in every meta except in s10.

but yes, sorry for taking the thread into a serious notion lol.

Literal Tank, I like it.

Just because she’s viable in almost every scenarios doesn’t make her overpowered. And can’t be replaced ? Wrong. You don’t need a D.Va to win. While same couldn’t be said about some characters.
I’m saying she’s slow af when it comes to get her health back, and I don’t like that, I wouldn’t mind a well thought change in another area to balance her healing quicker.

Mmmh ? Didn’t you mention a nerf…oh okay bulky point to me here mate, she’s been viable for so long but she currently isn’t as viable(while still being viable) so you’d nerf her…I see where you’re going with this but still bulky to me :stuck_out_tongue:

But yeah, it’s just for fun dude. No hard feelings, just fun threads where we can be free to be biased, heh. :slight_smile:

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yea lol, forgot this is a fun thread, you really dont get those much anymore.

That doesn’t mean anything.

She’s just versatile and very usefull. Extremely well done hero.

In what reality we should nerf every hero that has high pickrate? High pickrate doesn’t always mean some hero is op.

she has one of the most overpowered utility abilities in the game and it is the only reason shes used in every single scenario.

She does not need a buff.