Your Overwatch perfectly embodies the elitist content creator

Your overwatch is calling diamond and masters players average? Ironic considering freedo is boosted and diamond himself lol


As a diamond player, I feel pretty average. It’s a word. Get over yourself.

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Nope, the Medium skill that a player can achieve is Plat-Diamond, that’s the medium skill. Top Skill is GM to Top 500. Lower Skill is below Plat. Basically Gold is where the majority of the player base is, that doesn’t mean that those majority are the average players,

You’re not giving a reason why, so I’m just gonna ignore it

? It’s a fact that most of the player base is Gold and Plat, meaning that in average, the player base is consumed most of Gold and Plat players, hence platchat. But, that doesn’t mean they are the average skill in the over all game. If we look at the top of the game, and then the lowest of the game, gold is in the lower side, while Diamond is the average skill

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the gap between 4k and 4.4 is bigger then silver and low diamond


The gap Between 4.2k - 4.4k is huge by itself so yea


Definitely not biased

What? How does that make me bias lmao, I didn’t create the concept or anything, I just said the reason why people say platchat is because majority of the playerbase is there and they are bad

Everytime someone says a dumb comment ppl say platchat because it means you’re bad and most likely in plat because most of the playerbase is there

Just because you don’t like what I’m saying doesn’t mean I’m biased lmfao

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Or you’re abiding by a statistic to create a false perspective. I can see a lot of people doing that to make themselves feel better.

We’re not going to agree on this and I’ve said I accept where you’re coming from, it’s clear we have a different understanding on this but

just because one end of the spectrum is lumped full of casual, passive or bad players doesn’t make the ones slightly above them “good”. It’s an arbitrary and vapid take and that’s that for me.

You’re comparing players, I’m comparing good to bad as a standalone perception. Your description sounds more like a social crutch in this regard.

The term exists for a reason. Not everyone here debating this is an elitist lol.

It’s Freedo. You need to significantly discount his opinion. He’s so biased and egotistical that it’s almost sad.


His exact words from the video: “Anytime I see an average support player and I mean like diamond and below especially, sometimes even masters”

Maybe not, but who I’ve talked to so far sounds like they are

Saying you’re not good until you’re masters is just about as elitist as it gets y’know?

That’s how I’ve come to feel as well. Unless you spend all your time watching OWL and top 500 streams, that elitist level doesn’t even matter to most people! Let’s worry about how fun the game is for the 99%.

I mean pro players consider 4.4k + is when you’re a good player but that’s just their perspective. Moreover, if we consider good above average, then you’re not good until you hit diamond/masters

Again, nothing wrong with being bad or good, no flame

Even that statement sounds more arbitrary than I am comfortable with, but tbh ya I do kind of think that, and thats from someone who’s climbed from silver to diamond. That’s just my opinion though.

While statistically speaking those are not average players, in terms of actually active players diamonds are quite average players. I mean didn’t you walk into diamond rank when you played the game casually? Because I did. First season went to 2800SR and then just walked into diamond from there and I don’t think I was really good even back then


One thing i need to say is that it sounds like he needs to git gud at tank.

Idk does that 97% include people who don’t even play comp?