Your Overwatch perfectly embodies the elitist content creator

I never really dedicated myself, I couldn’t tell you 3/4 of the numbers on character skills or stats, I barely follow nerfs and buffs, I play for a couple hours every other night… Half the time I’m having a glass of brandy and I’ve got my pipe handy…

This isn’t to make other people feel bad.

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People need to really re look at what average is.

top 10 percent of anything is hardly average. Now I wont say diamond players are Gods. but to call them average is laughable at best.

Bench warmers in nba players are considered “scrubs”. They would mop the floor with 90+ percent of basketball players out there as in flat out run circles around them.

It is all relative. Your average competitive player and your “average” overwatch player are two completely different animals. Pull 2 teams one average comp players and 1 of average qp players into a scrim sometime it would be quite lopsided.

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I mean, diamond rank is average level.

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average is NOT top 10 percent ROFL. Average is somewhere around mid gold. The average american is overweight now. A woman that is say size 12 dress size is actually above average as the average dress size is size 16. What people see as average is NOt what average really is.

Average generally speaking is quite bad comparing to what would be considered good. Doesnt change the fact that it’s still average.

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Yes, as in “the average support player’s response is to do this.” He only mentioned rank to clarify that this behavior is most often seen in lower ranks, sometimes even Masters. To be so offended that you need to create a topic pointing out how Masters and Diamond players are actually better than most of the player base is a bit silly. You say he’s elitist, but this topic comes off as you, a diamond player bordering on Masters, not wanting to be paired with the “riff-raff” because you’re too good for that. I don’t see how that’s less elitist than what he said.

I stopped watching them after they started to give Samito clout.


No I am saying that the distinction is smaller than the gaps at the higher ranks. If I were going from 1-100 and were going to give Bronze a 5 in skills, I might give silver a 9 and then gold a 15 and plat a 25 and low diamond a 32 and high diamond a 45 which is how exponential growth works (I could probably make numbers more accurate if I drew it out but the rough idea was what I was trying to communicate).

Depending on your definition of average you might be looking to find the middle level of skill not where the median player is.

I like Your Overwatch. He makes very well thought out arguments and he understands that the game is very different in ladder than it is in Contenders or OWL. I also agree with his supposition that the game should not reward bad players that make bad decisions - rather it should reward good players that make good decisions. I suppose this last point is what generates the so-called elitist label.

And lets be honest, if you don’t think the majority of the players base aren’t awful at the game, then you are not a student of the game or are in denial.

I don’t care if you or anyone else calls me average. It’s a game that I play for fun and not money lol. It just sucks to see this mentality be used to tell a support player that their input on balance doesn’t matter because they are below X rank. Sending the message that 90% of the community opinion on the game they paid $60 for doesn’t matter because they are X rank is a sure way to kill your game.

Just stop watching this drivel.

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People’s sense of skill level has gotten pretty skewed after watching owl when people apparently call anybody not consistently within top 100 trash players.

Despite master players being better than 97% of the playerbase yea. Trash because owl players are so 'mazing I guess.

What does that make the actually average player in between gold and plat then if the top 3% are also trash?

Average is not the new bottom of the barrel.

well technically your overwatch is run by a few people (i think? all the recent uploads have been by freedo if im not mistaken)

Average isn’t even diamond, its gold. Like 2400 last I checked. So yeah I don’t get the elitist talk either

A lot of people seem to mix average SR and average skill level.

Don’t get it wrong, OW is a very complicated and hard to master game, even in GM people still make mistakes, some people used to be carried purely by their aim, now it’s less true but still. Plus the environment between solo queue ranked and a 6v6 game can be widely different so that’s why Freedo thinks diamond and sometimes masters players are average in terms of skill for OW because it’s mostly true.

That’s the issue. The averages should be taken based around the players, not the skill distribution because the video is for the player base. The skill gap should be covered as its own separate issue and honestly the blame for skill gap falls more on blizzard to prepare its players to play the game.

I mean there is a LOT that goes into just understanding the basics of Overwatch which is why so few people can do it properly. There are more than 20 maps, each with multiple points, most of which you play attack and defense on, and all require different positioning based on what your comp is and what there comp is and different angles of attack you have to be ready for. This is one of the reasons I think low ranks default to Rein/Zarya because it is the one comp they have some semblance of an idea how to play because of how long it has been around.

Meanwhile you also have to be aware of how you should be playing your 1 of 32 heroes against the other 31 and how that changes based on the map and where you are going to have to focus and what is the priority. Then you get into when to ult, when to use any ability really, because that changes depending on both your comp, the enemy comp, and the game circumstances, and then you also have to be able to keep rough track of what they have been using so you know what the next attack will be with and position accordingly.

The stuff I am listing is just basic stuff and I cannot imagine the average player being able to even come close to doing this well (I certainly could not for quite longer than I would like to admit). This is also one of the reasons I do not tend to worry about hero balance that much at the lower ranks because doing the above right is FARRRRRR more important than what hero you choose and it is not until those things start being done right that who you are doing them with starts to matter.

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“Diamond and below especially”
Which is LITERALLY where the majority of the playerbase is
Which is LITERALLY the average.

There’s nothing to confuse at all
You are looking to be triggered here

Edit: issue here is you focused so hard on looking for something that isn’t there that you missed the advice


I mean in masters ill still play rein zarya because of the understanding everyone has for it. The skill gap is there in the higher ranks, I’m not denying that. But the point of this post is to showcase elitism from talking about averages based on skill gap. It’s not a good metric to use. It doesn’t take into account the majority of the player base.

I just watched a couple of videos and this channel seems weird to me (couldn’t really tell since I’m not that familiar with the creator).

It feels like a creator that pretends to “care” about the game but the videos seem like click bait.

For example, in one of the older videos I just watched he says he was going to make a Brig guide so people can learn how to play her and to clarify that Brig actually requires skill to play and is not a “No Skill hero”.

This was after her nerfs (It was also the Hog buff patch), but I don’t see any guides or at least a video with tips (you don’t have to make 1 hour tutorial videos btw, even a 1 minute video with useful tips goes a long way).

If he is in the boat of saying that Brig is “not understood” by the average player and also says that likes to play her, why he hasn’t release content on how to play her after the nerfs?

The most up to date guide is about Rein, I mean sure nobody plays Rein perfectly and people make all sorts of mistakes, but I think a great part of the community knows the basics on how Rein functions.

And I’m not saying the Rein content is not useful, but for me that tells he would rather have a video he knows is going to get more clicks (since more people play Rein) than a Brig guide or tips video that less people is going to watch but in the long run could be more healthy for the community.

But then again, I’m not going to tell him what to put out or not.

TL;DR: The channel creator seems like someone which his actions doesn’t really reflects what he says.

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Grade C. Average.
20 chara