Your Overwatch perfectly embodies the elitist content creator

Reading this thread is like reading a Kotaku article. “Somebody said something and I feel personally attacked!”

What the heck are you on about ?
I don’t get how people think that anyone can reach GM in this game. Like do you not know that humans are actually different ? They are aged differently to begin with … I’m in my 40s and I just do not have that potential. Besides, you don’t even have to look at age, people simply have different sets of skills. Welcome to the human race. Children like you are the reason we need the ability to hide our borders.

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what am i suppossed to watch then?

Why are y’all so sensitive about this? He’s technically wrong but it’s not that big of a deal…And before one of you guys assumes i’m gm or t500, no, i’m gold

I wouldn’t say it’s easier, it requires perfect positioning, perfect aiming, the widow has fractions of seconds to make a shot and only a minority can do that and be really impactful

Oh buddy you missed his point. He wasnt saying ALL players in Masters and Diamond are “average”, he said SUPPORTS in Masters and Diamond are average and he’s right. Supports in Plat below are not “average”, they’re honestly trash and easily the most toxic subgroup within this game. Support is easily the most powerful role, yet somehow casuals have determined that’s because support is meant to be “easy”. If it isn’t, then “my hero needs buffs!!1!”

Y’all are so disillusioned with reality it’s hilarious. Btw, Freedo has climbed from Plat to GM over the past year and a half, so he has the experience to share. If you want to insist on being ignorant and buttmad, then your complete lack of skill/gamesense is your own fault. If you don’t like it, then uninstall. The game’s community would be better without you in it.

TBH kinda glad he ripped the mask off though. This game has a bad rep of turning people into out of touch jerks if they get too much attention. Good riddance honestly now that I know how he actually feels.

None of that makes any sense

What are silver and bronze, chopped liver? You’re saying all this like those ranks don’t exist

Then you don’t know what “good” is

Your standard is unreasonable, and you’re probably a terrible judge.

That creator discord called Genji AFTER he got those game breaking buffs average, let that sink in. The majority in there are biased as all hell and simply cannot be trusted with balance when what they want is unbalance that favors them.


He makes Overwatch stuff?

Yeah I wonder why there aren’t any Overwatch YouTubers who are plat and below talking about balance…

Probably because they moved on to other games that are more fun for them and also don’t completely ignore them just because they aren’t GM. Blizzard knows this is bad for business or they wouldn’t be tailoring OW2 to be a PvE for said players. Problem is they are so neck deep in the problem right now that its causing unrest. No one would mind the private discord if most in there weren’t so shamelessly biased.

I was alluding to play and below players don’t know jack about overall balance.

The thing is, knowing how to play the game properly should be a pre-requisite to knowing and suggesting balance. So it depends on how much depth do one think this game has, or how good in this game is “starting to know how to play the game properly”.

im not saying widow is easy, far from it.
Im talking about brig and comparing why widow can be a high elo viable hero cause of skill requirement, but brig being mechanically easy cant be like that.

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I know what you were alluding to, you just fail to understand that they simply did not care and just wanted the game to be FUN. Extreme competitiveness has stripped that away and ultimately the people dictating it as such just want to play another milk toast shooter with an OW skin on it. That annoyed the people you’re trying to shame, the casuals that “know jack about balance”, and they subsequently left the game. OW has a serious issue with player retention because of how its being ran.


Technically, the average player is Gold given that’s where the majority of the playerbase lies.

‘Oh you’re down THERE? In… MASTER?! how bad can you be?’ - this kind of behaviour displays more of a superiority complex as well as insecurity issues. ‘The old I’m better than you are’, crap.

The best thing we can do is not watch their content and support creators who don’t have this attitude (Stylosa is one I can think of) and ensure we don’t apply elitist behaviour in our own games.

Also, when they upload borderline pornographic, warped and body-shaming images of the female heroes while only uploading goofy, unattractive photos of the male heroes it tells you a little more about their mental state. Report the thumbnails too.

I think Overwatch is doing pretty well for it’s 4 year run.
People have said the game is dying since season 4 but it’s going pretty strong.

I think that it’s because they balance from the top.
If it’s balanced at the top then everything below has the tools to work with.
The casual level is to varied and diverse to balance around. There is nothing solid to measure against.

You would still have competitive metas etc even balanced around casual because people want to win. They want to have fun but losing isn’t fun.

And they are wrong because plat is above average :wink: