Your Overwatch perfectly embodies the elitist content creator

this community needs buffs, not a character © Your OW
Feels like actual 10% of dislikers at this video come along here to trash talk what they are not agree with, but who cares about average player for real =) Diamond is such a boosted rank, probbably ~75% of all orders is there, how easy it is to achieve.

He’s right. The wording hurts obviously. People always asking for nerfs and buffs but same people may not be playing the hero properly. And people have so much pride and toxicity they’ll just go off on YOW.

I wasn’t talking about the relativity of skill differences, but efficacy. In a game where the parameters and objectives are predetermined there’s absolutely objectivity. Your example was ‘below average’ because ‘rope’ doesn’t have a standard length, whereas in Overwatch efficacy is observable and demonstrable. You’d want to measure and compare the tensile strength of the rope rather than the length.

Longtime watcher of Freedo, and I will admit I am overall a fan of his takes. I think he is a deep thinker, and I admire him for swinging for the fences in his analyses.

That said, I did note a seriously weird and annoyingly elitist pitch in his tone during this video. He seemed deeply upset about OW players just not ‘getting it’ in a way that I am not used to hearing from him.

I do believe that there is a culture of lack of respect for some of the highest level players and pundits of this game. People that don’t just log in to have a couple hours of fun like myself, but people that actually dedicate time and energy and thought into making this the best game possible.

But also, at the end of the day, who is this game made for? I mean, if you fail to balance it for the top end of super players, then ask yourself what is the point of trying to push yourself to get better?

I think I started this post thinking I had a point, but… I don’t. I’m still noodling on it and trying to keep an open mind. Selah.


I agree with almost all their balance takes. I’m one of the people on these forums that gets hate for suggesting balance around the top ranks is best. I think Brig is a terribly designed hero and used to argue constantly for changes to Moira. I think they were made as a shortcut to make people deal with flankers rather than improve their own game. But it’s hard to convince people of that when you’re telling them that MASTERS players are average lol. Imagine how an actual average player in plat will take that. If someone in like the top 5% is average then wth are they? It’s a very weaselly way of just calling them bad which is 1. not very nice and 2. not even correct.


I mean, a lot of them literally don’t understand because they’ve never been in the position of being average or below average or even just a little above average.

One of my favorite tank streamers will outright tell you that you don’t start understanding the game until 4.4k, and yes, he’ll also say without irony that he’s bad as well, although he’s peaked in the 4.5k range. He also got very passionate about the fact that he’s had to grind to where he got, thousands of hours, going back over replays, working on everything.

Sounds great, right?

Except for the fact that he was Masters in S2, and GM in S3. Now I’ll admit that’s a grind…but how can he possibly grasp how hard it is to go from being NATURALLY Bronze to even Gold or Plat?

He can’t. It’s inconceivable to him. When he does an unranked to GM, the fact that he has muscle memory ingrained in him that’s literally impossible for many people in lower ranks to have, when his gamesense is (and always was) orders of magnitude higher than anyone in the lobbies he’s toying around in…none of this even crosses his mind as being possible.

It’s the reason why elite athletes frequently make for bad coaches - they literally can’t conceive how anyone just can’t do THIS or THAT that’s obvious to them, and easy for them.


After thinking on it harder, I think I want to go back to my default opinion.

I really don’t care what happens at T500. I don’t care. If those people that spend all their time minutely micromanaging every OW interaction, and if those people find that only 6 heroes are worthwhile at that level of play, I say good on them and let them play those minmaxed heroes.

Leave the rest of us alone. Let us have fun with the heroes we want to play. Even if we play the game ‘badly’ in your opinion.

Something like that.


as a mid diamond player that statement is completely true, the gap between me and a mid gold player is far closer than the gap between me and a 4200 player. IDK why you forums people feel attacked when high level players talk about this type of stuff

That’s half truth,the game actually plays different accross the ranks. Even if you take a top player and put him in an average rank he’ll alter-adapt his gameplay in order to win the game. So, “properly” is very relative.

Its normal that ppl get pissed, there are players that play 4years 8-10h per game and make a living out of this game. The gap from the normal players is steadily increasing over the years.

But hes right tho lol, its not 2k16 anymore nowadays everyone can reach Diamond and Masters.
IMO Plat is below average, high diamond is average and Masters is slightly above average like high plat was above average 4 years ago

Imagine actually watching Your Overwatch.


Efficacy is the ability to perform a task to the expected degree, right? Then how can you even quantify efficacy in a PvP game? It’s not like the difficulty of the task is predetermined and set in stone like in PvE, it entirely depends on the characteristics of the opponent and is reciprocal to make matters even more complicated. That means that everyone can attain either near maximum or near zero efficacy depending on the situation, regardless of how good they are at the game in a vacuum.

If anything, in a game with a functional and accurate matchmaker, efficacy is expected to converge to 50% for any player regardless of rank. After all, in essence the whole point of PvP is trying to maximize your own efficacy whilst simultaneously trying to nullify the efficacy of the opponent. So if two evenly matched opponents are pitted against each other, they can only operate at 50% efficacy on average.

No, it’s not because ranks are relative. Ranks will always have more or less the same relative amount of players because that’s how they’re designed. If there’s no space in master, you’re not going to get in master without bumping someone else down to diamond.

Imagine that everyone below master would suddenly quit the game alltogether. Do you really think that bronze-diamond would just remain empty? No, the remaining master and GM players would just get spread out over all ranks.

This is what I tried to say. And since we have no measure of actual skill and are only given SR and MMR that we treat as linear we cannot conclusively say the median or mean SR player is the same as the mean ‘actual skill level.

That’s not even what he said lmao. He said the average support player as in “behavior of the average support.” He then went to list ranks where he sees the topic of discussion.

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Yeah, but that’s not just limited to support players, like he was implyin.

I’ve played with people who are top 100 on leaderboards, an a lot of em must have worse aim than people who are in high plat-low diamond, the lack of picks they get.

Just cause the support role’s been given the easier heores, that don’t make all support players ‘average’. If he really thinks that, I hope any support mains that queue onto his team throw his games, just so they can laugh at him for bein that thick.

the point is
Freedo 1:0 Plat chat

I never took that channel seriously when I watched a video and saw him aiming and doing well, and then he said his aim was bad. From then on, I’d pretty much ignored anything by that channel.

I suggest people watch Blame The Controller, Master Ian Gamer and Bro You Wack (also stylosa is alright).

Not exactly, mostly because the whole boosted streamers thing is just rumored, but if you’ve ever watched a few(including some members of your overwatch) play on stream, they really do not look like they belong where they are.

Wow that dude is even more annoying than I originally thought.

Ahh, Samito. The obnoxious and opinionated burst-damage one-trick. Always has something enlightening to say about the meta. Always a good laugh.