Your Overwatch is lost about sombra confirmed [200 likes / 200+ replies]

Her hack is what defines her, and I think she’s a great choice when you need to flex for a specific reason.

While hack is buggy it covers enough abilities that you can make mobile heroes like Lucio think twice about overextending. In low elos, you can be that third DPS to provide some extra off-healing while also shutting down virtually any out-of-position heroes like Pharah, Hog, Dva, Mercy…

Or to help poke through a good choke positioning by hacking the main tank; etc.

But yes, you need to communicate and it only works if your team is willing to coordinate at least somewhat.

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I’m not denying her use in contenders and that new opportunities arise because of these changes but you could get these same opportunities if you played and positioned smarter. It’s why I say that these buffs aren’t a huge surge in power for her. Sombra ALWAYS did well when she was put with organized and cooperative teammates because her abilities get the most use when people capitalize on them. Why do you think pro players are terrified of her being meta? When placed in any team that works together she can be very powerful but in ladder play, which is what we play on, no one is that threatened by her. You can look and any past Sombra footage to see what I mean. That and like I meantioned the meta shift is also making her stronger. She counters Hammond, Hanzo is weaker now, and the support changes are making playing her easier than what it would have been before.

You know how else was a support at the time sym. But a large majority of support players saw sym as dps that was put in the Support category. Sombra was consider a support back than by the pros yes. But her like sym a lot of players saw her as failure. Sombra has stealth ability but blizzard didn’t want her begin assian. Yet Blizzard gives her a healing ability that is worse than ever other support hero. Blizzard doesn’t know what they want sombra to be considered they just changed her again to be more of a scout.

It’s not as if Sombra is in a bad state right now, yes her kit is slightly different but the LOS for Hack was fixed and allows you to animation cancel your reload. The engages and disengages aren’t the biggest issue for her, it’s just getting Hack off and giving value to your team to follow up on. I honestly think if they’d just improve the UI for Hack so that it was more clearly indicated who was debuffed would be a huge improvement to the character - she doesn’t really need power scaling.

I gave up on Your Overwatch a long time ago they never had a clue what they where talking about xD.

Haha nice joke.
They are really not I have them daily yes they where worst before the devs said “its fixed” but they are still there I would say about every 5 qp and every 2 comp games I find atleast one

And there are a lot of other bugs and exploits with Sombra:

< 140 hours of sombra in competitive on my alt
< she is fine, just fix her bugs

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In theory Sombra is one of the best heroes in the game due to the game changing utility she can bring to the team.

Problem is that general perceptions defaults her as a troll pick and the need for proper communication/coordination to get the best out of her makes her less desirable in a team on the ladder even if having her would greatly help your team like say dealing with a super obnoxious Doomfist that no one seem to be able to catch or completely devastating clumped up defense that is otherwise hard to even get close to with a EMP (Rein+Bastion etc)

There are also the number of bugs she’s got and she is also not the best dps character out there and has a hard time confirming kills by herself compared with some other flankers but that is the price of her utility.

I wonder if turning her into more of an assassin while toning down her utility would make people like her better…

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If Sombra is a support Lucio must be a DPS.

I would agree with her being fine (I like her being a bit weak/High skill with a low pickrate I would hate seeing her meta with she isnt and wont be with any huge buffs)
But I don’t agree because I can’t play Sombra in peace in Comp because 2 out of 6 people throw the game as soon as I pick her.
If I get to play her without anyone throwing most stay calm if I do well and we win.
If I do well but we loose its 100% my fault everytime and everyone should scream at me.

Thats why I think she is not fine and She should get buffed to be atleast a decent pick nobody needs to scream at.
Fix her bugs: Even more Sombra Bugs in 1.26/1.27/1.28 [With Video's] - #2 by Inky-11160
Make her more consistand.
Give more information on who is hacked.
Buff her movement speed to 6m/s like Genji/Tracer so she is better in teamfights.

Would make a lot of new’er Sombra player happy.
Would make a lot of older Sombra players (like me) REALLY MAD.
She does not need any more DMG her utility is fine just make it consistand and reliable too use.

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the first point of any hero changes SHOULD focus on the bugs first. after the knee jerk reaction of blizzard to nerf hack LoS checks based on danteh among other pro’s whining that she was too strong.

enter new LoS checks that are buggy as hell, break LoS even when you still have LoS. and the 2 second cooldown if you take any damage during hack.

remove the bugs from hack and she becomes a much better hero. she might not need buffs if her hack operates in a non stupid manner because hack is her most important utility.

Your Overwatch is terrible anyway. Their “advanced guides” are nothing but some dudes talking and offering no actual insight whatsoever.

pros play on the same servers/client so bugs like that probably never happen for them.

Don’t watch that channel. The rest of their content isn’t good either.

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Well atleast they are not as bad as dragod was back when he was active xD.

This is debating with you


Your Overwatch? lmao!

Anyone takes them serious?

The amount of BS they are spreading around breaks any limit.

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It’s been significantly more consistent for me shrug

This just in folks:

Your Overwatch is nothing but clickbait.


Better yes how I said but far away from fixed.