Your Overwatch is lost about sombra confirmed [200 likes / 200+ replies]

If that gets your crossant buttered roll with it, I don´t care.
However same could be said about basicly every hero that counters you. be it meta or not.

I have to agree with memedo eh i mean freedo here. She clearly is an OP must pick now. They should “nerf” her back to pre stealth “buff”.


Well, that escalated quickly.


I wonder who they main? place your bets.
I think it’s Genji.

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Over widow, torb, bastion, reaper

This is the same youtube channel that just recently proposed that a way to increase player engagement with events would be to have $20 event passes.

They also went on to suggest that role queue be a thing so that people can play heroes they’re competent with, instead of having people flex into roles they’re not as competent in when you end up with 4 tank/support/dps mains on one team. Then in the very next breath they suggest pick bans be a thing in order to increase strategic depth to the game, while ignoring that such a system could very well lead back to a similar situation of players being forced to flex onto heroes they’re not as competent with.

I’ve stopped taking this channel seriously. While they delivery some timely news every now and then, they lack deep critical thinking skills. I mean, for real… in one video they included a segment about the Lucio emote having “troubles” being unlocked because the guy making the video couldn’t figure out that it had to be unlocked from the Overwatch League Twitch page (like most of the other OWL cosmetics).


Not sure why I don’t play her more…haven’t lost a game in the 4 games I’ve played with her this season. Even if I am in a low elo, she can be extremely dominant in the backline if the other team isn’t focusing you. Almost all 4 games I’ve played with her, I’ve caused the zen to rage switch and the entire team to tilt. I agree she has PLENTY of bugs though…I play her a lot in quickplay mostly.

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I don’t agree with Your Overwatch that she’s the best hero in the game right now. I also don’t agree with the people who say she’s trash and needs a revert. I do think this last patch was a buff, but I am not calling for any nerfs.

Sombra counters a lot of the meta picks right now

Yup even Fitzy said get ready for the nerf! :laughing:

I mean, don’t they main genji and tracer? Not only do they think sombra is a bit OP, but they’ve yet to actually try her in any competitive matches.

So uh, the dive mains hate Brigitte, sombra, and anything else that seems to stop them. Big suprise!


Just so you know, when we Hack DPS heroes, we don’t gain massive advantages. If anything, we’re evening the odds. Sombra only has one source of damage, and it’s not incredibly powerful, in case you didn’t know.


I still cringe every time I see this channel. I have absolutely no idea why they have such a following.

The current Sombra with some bug fixes coud be fine without the sniper meta. Now Hanzo and Widow can easily detect and kill her.

Shameless advertisement for my Sombra poll thread. Please share.

Mathematically speaking, a single large hacked medpack can heal as much per second as Mercy’s beam. Hacking several and having a team which actually uses them rather than being lazy and yelling “I need healing” is a recipe for a Sombra who can easily take a silver healing medal. I’ve even seen Sombras get gold.

So while she may not be a support under normal group circumstances, she’s a hybrid who, if her team plays along, can definitely take that slot and heal effectively.


Keep being toxic garbage there

And this here sums up almost half of Sombra’s problems alone. She needs coordination to get anything done. Doesn’t matter if you perfectly approach the enemy undetected, if your team doesn’t capitalize on your hacks you’re just playing a worse Tracer.


So true.

12 characters

On the ladder there’s a pretty clear inverse correlation between pick rates and win rates. At higher ranks where she’s being picked more, her win rates are falling while at lower ranks where her pick rates are falling, her win rates are slightly increasing.

That, weirdly, is showing a consistent (low) win rate across all ranks, while her pick rates slightly increase.

These kind of trends are showing Bronze players have figured out she’s not working for them (finally) where her win rates were 35%, while GMs are looking to the hype to try her out and not finding success.

Give it a week and the Contenders revival will be over.