Your main's ultimate is now on E

Valkyrie is now an ability and res is an ultimate? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

lol would be highnoon all the time. not sure how that would work

think id be fine with it for widowmaker tho can see thru walls alot more so wall hacks 4 dayz

yea its definately not one of the strongest ults in the game xd

He still just presses E to respawn. McCree’s ult is either garbage or overpowered, there’s not really an inbetween.

I figured one of you would end up here at some point.

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How else do we spread the word about our main being less playable…

You don’t just expect us to have the largest thread on the forums to yet be addressed by the devs, do you?

Wait… :upside_down_face:

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It’s tankmode on E; the clowns have won. inside ish joke.


Deadeye on E.

50% chance to reload your gun and a 50% chance to send you back to the spawn.


Seems i’m too quick on the draw…

(Tbh i don’t have much issue getting use out of deadeye… <.< Just saying.)

That sounds OP but I don’t really know lol

Imagine meteor strike on E, doomfist sure needs more insta kill abilities

Soldier Main here, Visor on e would practically do nothing
You lose the ability to hs and without it a widow/hanzo/doom can just instakill you.
Tanks would take less dmg than without visor because no hs.
Only supports and flankers would fear it, but those can hide fast enough since, again, no hs.
(I think literally having an aimbot on soldier 24/7 without hs is a debuf in the end since you now lose every 1 v 1 against tanks and have overall decreased dmg)

Tbh. I dont think I would use it a lot more than the ult except to scare tracer/genji away in a 1 v 1 when I start losing.

Like a lot of ults are actually well imaginable to have on e without beeing too op like hogs, moiras, crees, tracers, hammonds, brigs, syms, widows, etc…

My main’s ult is Hanzo’s shift…

Pharah presses E to instantly transport herself to spawn.

Zen becomes actually unkillable. Have fun trying to kill me when I have burst damage with a safety valve of full health invulnerability

EMP on an E wouldnt be balanceable. People are already whining about hack, which has a cast time, is single target, gets interrupted by 1 point of damage, doesnt go through barriers and doesnt touch shield health.

same with symmetras new ult. it feels so underwhelming its insane. they would just have to reduce its duration to like 5 seconds.