Your main's ultimate is now on E

How does the ability function? :smiley:

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Well naked blade is pretty bad in S12, so why not. :stuck_out_tongue:

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You know, the only legit ult that could work on E is Ana’s nano boost. The ult in itself just feels like an ability and not an “ult”. It’s not the same calibre as every other ult in the game…

(…also maybe Sym’s shield ult. That needs to be on E again)


Well, I main Mercy, so… we already know how rez on E works. is my second main. So her bomb is like a Junkrat mine that dies more dmg and has a 18 second cooldown. Call mech niw has a longer call time.


whole hog is a suicide button


fire in the hole :joy:

Already happened to Mercy, so…

A mini coalescence - Moira fires a short ranged beam that can only heal or damage, instead of mixed damage/healing - so basically her regular primary/secondary, but with no resource… Orbs are moved to Q, and she unleashes a flurry of orbs (healing or damage, IDK about both) into the fray.

God that sounds so messy.

I main Junkrat so this is amazing.


so do i, if you think about it its possible to get your ult in under 30 seconds alot of the time tho

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that would be surprisingly good for Zenyatta

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A Transcendence which heals for 100 HPS and lasts for 3 seconds.


Seeing how “many” people take the time of active supercharger right now when it stays 15sec, i’m afraid to even imagine.

Pls don’ EVER touch my lovely Orisa with filthy reworks, my heart hurts from even thinking about it : (


I honestly love Orisa’s ult. It’s definitely underrated. It can make big pushes happen


Sombra has an AOE hack on E with a 20 second cooldown. It’s extremely OP and so they nerf her entire kit so badly that’s she’s just an EMP Bot and isn’t even capable to damage anymore

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Mei throws snowball and it has a 7-meter radius on a 12-second cooldown. Doesn’t go through shields anymore. Lasts for 3 seconds and cooldown starts as soon as it hits the ground.

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Valkyrie on E?

It would function like any other E ability. It’s already a long-lasting E in the wrong part of Mercy’s kit, the only reason it was ever strong was because of the bonus rezzes.


I mean I already have a free reload on shift


Valk on e it’s already an e ability with how the devs Nerf it.

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Please don’t remind me.

Valk on E isn’t that bad. Much better than trash rez.

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