Rework a hero Blizzard style


Infrasight becomes a cool down ability.

Her new ULT: One Shot

her Sniper Rifle fires every bullet in the chamber doing 1,200 damage.


E changed to be dependent upon whether his shield button is being held. With no shield, it still shoots Fire Strike as it does now. While the shield is up, he causes a minor Earthshatter which bumps all enemies a couple feet into the air and interrupts any interruptables they’re casting without actually stunning them. Shares a cooldown with Fire Strike.

New Ultimate: “Shield Wall” - Overloads his shield, increasing its coverage to include his sides and overhead, all angled forward (imagine a Roman testudo) while increasing its health to 4,000. Enemies can pass through it like any other barrier. Lasts 15 seconds, during which his primary attack becomes a shield bash with no stun but sufficient knockback to push any enemy out of and away from the shield wall.

During this, use of E will cause his new Earthshatter to hit every enemy inside the wall. Used as a combo, knocking the enemies into the air with E and pushing them with M1 will result in significantly more knockback with a 30’ trajectory.

This is fun, I can see why Blizzard likes this rework style, even if they’ve never improved a single character with it. :joy:

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Because she is super meta right now:
Primary fire: Damage decrease by 15%
Defense Matrix: Increase uptime by 25%. Regen rate increase by 30%.
New E: Self Destruct. Has half the radius of the original Self Destruct. Does half the damage but with reduce cast time from 3 to 1.5 second. When call a new mech, D.Va only has 300 Health. Cooldown: 20 seconds
Booster: Reduce speed by 30%. Duration increase from 2 to 2.5 second.
New Ultimate: Offensive Matrix.
D.Va now hold giant matrix with the cone in front of and behind her for 6 second. When the enemy shoot into the matrix, any projectile is redirect back to their team. Offensive Matrix use the same resource meter as Defense Matrix. Regen rate when using Offensive Matrix is increase by 20%. When using the Ultimate, D.Va now shoots the Micro Missiles that does the same damage but now with increase projectile speed and duration, but she cannot hold the Offensive Matrix and shoot Missiles at the same time. Using Self-Destruct during the Ultimate also cancel it.
Developer’s Comment: We hear community feedback that D.Va does too much damage and not enough protecting with her Defense Matrix, as well as her ultimate is way too easy to dodge and is only used to call a new Mech. The new Self-Destruct is now increased in lethality but reduce in survivability. Her new Ultimate now emphasize this Defense Matrix focus role. D.Va now does less damage and has less mobility overall but can now consistently protect her teammates. She can even be considered a Main Tank with these new abilities!

New Pharah 2.0

New E- Microbarrage :rocket:

  • Shoot out a triple rocket cluster that do 150 damage each for direct hits or 100 for max splash hits. Drains your hovering fuel completely when used

New ultimate- Missile Swarm :rocket:

  • Hold Q and hover cursor over enemy for 0.5 seconds to lock on to them (up to 6 total) then let go to release a swarm of micro missiles that aggressively track and fly towards their target, does half as much total damage as current Barrage. The missiles will explode if they collide with something physical (I.E. someone hides behind cover).


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  • Infrared is on cool down
  • Hook shot now allows her to hang from walls (like in her cinematic)
  • Her new ult “One Shot One Kill” allows her to shoot through walls but crit has been removed. Ult duration 6s. :joy::joy::joy:
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I’m too lazy to follow simple steps, don’t mind me


  • Self-Destruct is now on e
    Ejects, D.Va with a small blast
  • Micro Missiles Lock on to targets
  • Defense Matrix is now the Ult
    Lasts 15 seconds and acts like DM 1.0


  • Sound Barrier on e
    Gives a teammate a small health boost
  • New Ult: Reverse Amp (Like in HoTS)

Is it possible to like something more than once?


  • Moved to E ability
  • movement speed reduction removed
  • Instead of dealing damage, McCree deals 50% extra damage to enemies the ability ‘locks on’
  • .65s cast time
  • debuff lasts 3 seconds, ability has 10s cd

Ultimate: Longshot

  • removes mccree’s damage fall off
  • lasts for like 10 seconds
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  1. Widowmaker because why not.
  2. Her wall hacks are now working on a D.Va style 3 seconds resource meter only for herself. (Venom mines is gone)
  3. One shot, one kill - Transform ultimate, which converts all body shots into crits for 7 seconds (primary and alt fire). She glows like a chrismas tree during her ult.
  4. Probably needs a few nerfs to be balanced after release.
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1800 damage to a target? Nice.


  • Pulse Bomb is moved to ‘E’ and its damage is reduced from 300 to 150. Cooldown: 15 s
  • New ult: Chronoboost
    Tracer’s abilities immediately come off cooldown and her gun is reloaded. For the next 12 s, she has 50% cooldown reduction.
  • Tracer gains a passive, ‘Cocky Cockney’. Her damage is reduced by 30% if she hasn’t used a greeting, voice line, emote, or spray in the last 30 s. Every voice line or greeting used by an enemy with Tracer in their crosshair accelerates the countdown by 1 s, with an internal cooldown of 1 s. This means that enemies can’t proc her passive more than once every 2 s.

Two months after the rework goes live, her passive is nerfed to require her to a minimum of 20 s, down from 30 s. To offset this, Tracer can now spam twice the number of communications that other heroes can before being forced to wait. This is to ensure that Tracer players BM as much as possible, to promote the class fantasy.


  • Infra-Sight moved to ‘E’. Now a toggled ability but only grants vision to herself. Surrounds her head with a purple (ally) or red (enemy) aura, similar to McCree’s ult.
  • New ult: Widow’s Bite
    Widowmaker blows a hitscan kiss at an enemy, dealing 5 damage and marking them for death for 10 s. The kiss can be blocked by barriers. Widowmaker’s next shot to hit that target is a guaranteed crit for 3x damage. This shot can pierce barriers.
  • Venom Mine
    Now has 2 charges
  • Grappling Hook
  • Passive: Iceheart
    Widowmaker is immune to CC, much to the consternation of tank players everywhere. When asked why this passive was given to Widow, rather than to Reinhardt with raised shield, Blizz slyly replies that she’s too impassive to be stunned by the words or actions of others, and that she can’t be knocked up.

Two weeks after the release of this rework, Venom Mine’s cooldown is increased from 15 s to 20 s. However, a bug causing the Widow’s Bite debuff to be removed by Venom Mine’s damage-over-time effect remains in the game for another month.

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This is a rework to make Moira blatantly dumb and OP similar to the Mercy Rework.

  1. Moira - could use like a super slight buff to make her more on par with Ana (like a second shorter CD on Fade and/or maybe 1-2 seconds on Orb CD)

  2. Coalescence now lasts 3 seconds with a 10 second CD. Orbs moved to 3rd ability slot and CD increased from 10 --> 12 seconds and the effects stay the same.

  3. Moira creates a “sea” of Orbs that project out of her hands rapid fire style, alternating Orb types (and same effects as ability Orbs) and can be fired at a rate of 2 per second for up to 10 seconds AND Fade can be used during this channel (unlike Coalescence).


  1. Moira lines up 16 Orbs (alternating) in 4x4 square layout starting right in front of her view and they move across the map in a straight line until they hit a surface per usual. Can be used to push as your teammates follow along the square of orbs, as 1/2 the orbs will heal them while the other half creates a damaging barrier of sorts.

  2. Along with the rework in 2. + 3. Moira’s Fade CD is lowered by 1 second and during Fade, Moira can launch her Orbs (ability and new ult ones).

Better yet we all get to sit at a table and drink tea while invuln for 6 seconds
Also she fires cookies now because grandma things

Buff Brigitte
Rally is now “e” ability
New ultimate “balanced hero”
She has 0 cooldown on stuns until she dies but has her own mini transcendence and sound barrier
New ability- when you are in her LoS while active you get stunned
New passive- if you pick Brigitte you win the game, you are literally just playing for fun

She’s already been reworked twice and nothing about the community perception has changed so why not again.
primary fire is replaced with sentry stream: she fires about 4 sentries a second and gravitate toward targets dealing 30 damage a piece they have a projectile speed similar to her current secondary fire but is automatic and has 20 bullets in a magazine
New secondary fire: shields shoots friendly sentries towards allies at the same rate of fire and projectile speed as primary fire and adds 30 decaying shields to allies ala doomfist
new passive sentry projectiles bounce off walls until getting close to target and then flies toward them or decays after 6 seconds
new E: barrier it’s a big barrier that is about twice the size as reinhardt’s and has 2500 hp lasts until 15 seconds are over/destroyed 20 second cooldown pressing e again causes it to spin and e again to stop it.
new shift: Vishkar speed generator© sets up a speed generator that lasts for 15 or 50hp and 150 shields are destroyed seconds and speeds up all allies in radius similar to orisa ultimate and gives speed similar to lucio without amp up 20 second cooldown
New ultimate: shield teleporter gives 100 shields to all allies who use teleporter allies can only use tp once once all allies use tp it disappears and shields start to decay tp entrance is at spawn so if you use teleporter and aren’t at spawn you get sent back to spawn and have to walk back if you switch hero you lose all shields and cannot use tp.
developer note: idk we feel that buffing symmetra will cause all of the genji/tracer mains cry about getting killed by their own stupid decisions on getting baited so we rework her again only worse, Again.

Gengu gets Dragon blade on a 20 CD to replace deflect.

New ult = Mass deflect, all enemies in 50m have their attacks/abilities deflected in random directions

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But I like the torb rework

  1. Widowmaker because why not
  2. Her ult replaces poison mine on E.
  3. New Ultimate: Spooder. Widow releases a giant spider that makes a huge web and cacoons everyone in radius so Widow can headshot them. Then the spider disappears saying “Mrs Lacroix, I don’t feel so good”.

Move Lucios ultimate to e.

And his new ultimate is para para boogie dance.

All enemies around you are locked in placed forced to dance until they die.

:musical_note:Uh! Ha! Shake it! Don’t forget to smile! Don’t forget to smile! What! Now shake it! Shake it, right! Bon Para Para! Bon Para Para! Bon Para Para! Bon Para Para! Bon Papa! :musical_note:

:musical_note: Your turn! Right, left. Right, left. Right, left. Right. Right, left. Right, left. Smile! Our beats are smooth, our rhymes are tight. Follow our lead, don’t try to fight! :musical_note:


Self-destruct becomes a regular ability with a catch - it needs to be gained via overload. Blast radius reduced. Once at maximum overload it will stay at 100% for 5 seconds before reducing at a rate of 2 per second. Time until detonation increased by one second. After detonation, no heat will be gained from any means (unless Ultimate is used) for at least 10 seconds.

Defense Matrix lasts for an extra second, and for every second it’s up it increases heat gauge by 3.

Missiles are now able to be fired as you see fit, hold down fire and they’ll keep coming out; however, they are on a meter akin to DM, and can be held down for a maximum of 4 seconds. They have a greater spread now, meaning much less accuracy. The meter refill is slower than DM’s. Will increase heat gauge by 2 for every second held down, and 0.5 for every missile that lands and deals damage.

Boosters are now infinite, but have slightly reduced speed. Will increase the heat gauge by 0.5 for every second boosting, but only if covering ground (no boosting into a corner). Upon releasing boost and returning to standard mobility, it goes on a 6 second cooldown.

Standard fire now has an effect range of 15m, after is when falloff starts, instead of the 10m it is now. Spread reduced also, increasing accuracy. Will increase heat gauge by 0.5 for every second held down, add another 0.5 for actually dealing damage (no, each pellet isn’t 0.5, it’s just damage dealing).

New ultimate is called Unlimiter. Instantly grants 20 heat gauge as well as +1 increase to gains via normal means. Also stops any and all meters, meaning you can fire missiles, raise DM, etc, as long as the ultimate lasts (haven’t decided how long). Will boost damage and fire rate of all weapons by a bit, widen the DM by a fair bit, and also increase movement speed slightly in both forms.

New option. Eject at will, because it’s fun being Baby D.Va.

How to rework Hanzo;

Step 1. Nerf every hero except hanzo.
Step 2. Call it an indirect nerf to Hanzo.

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