Your Main is Deleted

quit the game 1 year ago though. and whenever I look at the patch notes these days Im glad I did


Usually 4-trick and those picks cover enough flex carry for my comfort level. Every swap out of that is essentially budget basement or desparation solve. I donā€™t insta lock my main every match, but if they deleted her I wouldnā€™t have much reason to care. The entire franchise would seem lost in a bog.

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well depends which main they deleteā€¦

if they delete sym, then guess I wonā€™t ever queue for damage role until I find another damage hero Iā€™d be willing to queue damage role for.

if they delete brig or moira, my time in support will be redistributed to mercy + whoeverā€™s left. I pick mercy more than the others anyways both because Iā€™m better at mercy than the other 2 and because sheā€™s more applicable in more comps + maps.

if mercy gets deleted, I donā€™t think Iā€™d bother queuing supports until I find another support to main. moiraā€™s got a clear defined niche of grouped up comps which Iā€™ll grow tired of forcing quickly (esp with how often people like going in each of their own directions). brig is similar, but why I wouldnā€™t like having her as a staple pick is because there is quite a lot of waiting involved as brig is rn.

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Flex but it would still be bad if they removed my most or my three most played heroes out of every role. Would I still play? Maybe.

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I play all the supports with the exception of maybe Baptist. That being said, I would likely lose interest in the game if they deleted Ana. So much fun.

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I didnā€™t played Mercy for more than a year after her rework. I didnā€™t liked Valk nor the recycled ress.

So, I would just choose another hero and move on.

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Why do people have to bring up things like this then? What is the point? Cause trouble? All this thread does is stir the pot. Be sure to lick the spoon though.

The thread has been nothing but positive so far, its just a place to know how much people love their main and how much the identity of the hero is important.

Thatā€™s why you have 3 hearts on the OP? Because everyone loves your thread? My bad.

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I have liked every response here, only sending love :heart:,[ lol so much that pops coming i have only a few likes left today after i liked ur post] it is a good discussion to have especially as we are going into the next iteration of the game, and for all we know massive reworks may come, not to mention the current climate of so many delete this hero that hero.


Oh cool, my mains are gone.

Ok, guess I will pick up a new main XD

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Primarily Iā€™m a Doom main, as such the character feels like heā€™s already been deleted, though if they actually rid of him Iā€™d just stop playing the game honestly, heā€™s so fun and difficult that heā€™s really the only thing that keeps me interested in the game.

I play alot of tank too, and I enjoy tank but Doomfist for me is the main selling point of the game because heā€™s so insanely funā€¦ well he would be if he didnā€™t suck and have a stupid amount of bugs.


If Ana gets deleted Iā€™ll play Bap.
If Bap gets deleted as well Iā€™ll play Moira.
After a week of Moira Iā€™ll quit of boredom.

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Thatā€™s what happened to me with sym. Reason I quite now I just frequent the forums. I put so much work into climbing into gm with her just for my playstyle to be removed


While I can play nearly any support (to respect of my rank and skill level) I would be saddened if Moira was removed her design is amazing her play style invigorating (yes you heard me right i sed her playstyles invigorating dont @ me) my only complaint is that i had to bare Witness to the monstrositys that are her summer game skin and her lunar new year skin

Lol I swear if in OW2 Sym is Sym 4.0 and support again I will probably switch to Sombra to annoy everybody. Because I will have nothing better to do.

I can swap and play pretty much any hero.

There is one character that i love to play though because of just how many ways you can play him and plus i have a lot of fun with said character if they deleted him i could still play and enjoy the game but tbh i would play alot less maybe even quit after a while

It wonā€™t happen. But if they delete any character, even if itā€™s one that I find obnoxious, I will stop playing the game because the devs would have crossed a line that should never been crossed.

You see, this is why we play Lucio. You get to be a dps who can heal themselves! (or a healer who can tickle people with music, depending on your aim).