Your Main is Deleted

I’m a flex

Mostly I play with:
Tanks: Rein, Orisa, Zarya, Roadhog, Wreckingball, Sigma
Damage (least played because, most of the time I can’t play with): Sym, Bastion, Torb, Reaper, Soldier, Hanzo, Mei, Junk
Support: Lucio, Brigitte, Baptiste, Mercy, Zen

I Like them because the possibilities they can do with their team:

From Tanks:

  • Rein can be good to savings and opening oportunities. Most of the time I play as 1st wave tanker or push when the team it’s really well coordinated as 2nd wave tanker.
  • Orisa can be played agressively really well while maintaining the barrier for her team, opening space while making combos with her team. She is a decent as second wave tanker as first wave tanker.
  • Zarya most of the time I play on offense, but I done nice savings on the backline with her.
  • Roadhog most of the time I play to keep most of the time on the objective or remove threats from there, serving as wall/decoy to his teammates when they need to retreat while waiting the other tank to protect the rest. Good friend of damage and barrier breaker.
  • Wreckingball most of the time targets for snipers or supports that aren’t brigitte. Poke them and return to the objective, while consuming each health pack on the map(mostly from the enemy team side).
  • Sigma most flexible tank, because can be really good against bullets(most often his enemies), less viable against beams and melee heroes(rein/brig).

From Damage:

  • Sym, most underrated hero in the game. She can do amazing plays if you have game sense and good pattern recognition. Perform wonders if her team enables her, but can be easily countered because her options will become more limited every single minute. She relies on element of surprise and good damage output in a really low interval of time against “broken” formations.
  • Bastion, this little guy can do great things if your team enables it, if you got on high ground and decent team, you almost certain can push your team most of the game. But sadly organized formations can disable him really fast.
  • Torb, it’s a bit tricky to talk about it. This dwarf can exploit at least 2 shooting angles to make the enemy team frontline suffer a huge amount of damage, but only really works if your team splits as well and keep check on either formation. Can also mess the entire point to avoid enemies to get in.
  • Reaper, deserves his name when his team enables more damage for him or bubble/lamp him at right times. Requires a bit of luck and cooldown timmings against CC abilities.
  • Soldier 76, can be the healer and one of the most annoying damage dealers on the game, his ultimate has only bodyshots but if he got damage amplification from baptiste/ana/orisa can do a huge amount of damage. Even on bodyshots, his reloads become faster and can helix targets for damage increase(less armor on the target means more damage on his normal shooting).
  • Hanzo, good barrier breaker and nice damage even at close quarters. Sadly his damage on mid/long range gets less value because his arrows aren’t that fast. Still good choice against sombra. Good ultimate for small locations.
  • Mei, this troll it’s a double edge sword with a cute smiley face. She can help a lot on damage, on CC and blocking damage. But also misfortune your team really badly if she mess her timmings.
  • Junkrat, this explody guy can make really good damage. On control points does wonders like sym. Breaks barriers easily, deal damage even without seeing the enemy, has tools to know from where enemies coming.

From Support:

  • Lucio, speed/healing are the most useful thing for this guy. Amp it up it’s one of the best abilities for tunning those 2. If the situation got dire, sound barrier can save his team. Also can group enemies in a single spot with boops and throw them away from objective or the map.
  • Brigitte, can be the one of the greatest assets on her team, because her cooldowns are low and she can CC really crazy abilities that otherwise would kill her entire team. Keep poke the enemy to generate healing for her entire team while sending repair packs and CC against divers.
  • Baptiste, his secondary shot saved my teammates a lot of times, while his primary helped me to deal with “flying” threats. His lamp when done well can makes junk really hate you. His new amp matrix can be amazing for heroes like rein and fast firing heroes.
  • Mercy, sadly performs really well pocketing db. Can jump really fast between allies and heal/db a crazy amount of damage if kept unchecked. Her rez can help a lot if her team enables her or she uses the right timming and decent cover.
  • Zen, the best defense it’s a good offense. This monk deal great help on providing by himself and for others a huge amount of damage, while his ultimate can be a game breaker if done properly.

I wouldn’t say deleted, I would say certain ability “changed”. It’s about sombra invisibility, she could be “translucid” or had a “water effect” or be had “more noisy footsteps”. Becoming a bit harder to see but could be noticed if people keep eye on it. She really only has “hanzo’s scout arrow and widowmaker ultimate” to reveal her. That’s really OP on the hands of experienced players with nice analytical skills. The teamfight would have less overall damage, but tight formations against her ult would be broken and isolated heroes have bad time against her. So she becoming more “perceptible” would be great even if she get better abilities stats. (More strong points with more Weakness)

1st wave tanker = who pushes his team (mostly with 1-3 heroes with his side)
2nd wave tanker = pushes when 1st wave tanker retreats to protect them and swap with them.

This kind of formation it’s very dynamic and works really well on coordenated teams who aims the objective, mostly with projectile absorbers/wallers/barriers.

I don’t know how to skate.

They will NEVER delete a hero from the game.

If they delete my main, genji, nothing changes.
hero is unplayable.

It’s not hypothetical at all. Since the two years I’ve been playing my two mains, Orissa and DVA, have been completely deleted from relevance in competitive play.

I’ll play something else. I don’t play for any 1 character specifically. I play for the overall experience.

honestly, i’d stop playing the game lol. don’t get me wrong, i can play other heroes, but mercy’s playstyle fits me so perfectly and i love playing her, without her being in the game i wouldn’t be playing overwatch tbh