Your Main is Deleted

Since we are seeing a lot of delete this hero that hero, i want to know what you guys will do if your main is deleted.

This is just hypothetical and will never happen as jeff has stated, closest have been sym reworks.

Are you a OTP or Flex player

Who are your mains and why do you like them, how many hours you have on them.

Do you plan to or have tried to expand to other heros or you dont think you need to if so why.

what would you do if they are deleted from the game.
would you leave the game for good or do you like other heros or the game itself to stay with the game.

Also do you think any hero should be deleted from the game [ it wont happen ]

If so why.

My self im a flex player, i really am a nomad and play all roles and all heros, i mostly make comp picks at start of match depending on the role map and other team picks. Then later in the match if someone is trouble swap to counter.
My weak heros would be winston orissa doom sombra sym bastion moira lucio.

I dont think any hero should be deleted at most have to be reworked.


I havent put all my eggs in one basket so if one of my most played heroes would get deleted I would have plenty left. That said, I would be the most sad if Rein got deleted because I think he got the best design out of all the tanks


I agree that no hero should be deleted. There were points while I played that I thought oh my god doomfist and brig are so unbalanceddddd, or widow doesn’t belong in this kind of gameeee, but honestly there is almost always a good way to learn how to counter someone or switch to a counter for them, and if there isnt, then the devs should just rework a hero, never delete.


the best player is the player that is proficient or has mastered ALL heroes and swaps to them pertaining to a certain situation or scenario. these are the players who climb in rank i bet

im not that player lol i have some “mains” i play more than others, there is alot of heroes im terrible at

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For like 3 years I was a DVa one trick, I had about 800 hours of playtime with her. Then the Powers That Be decided that her DM wasn’t fun and I dropped literally 1000 SR, so I couldn’t play with my friends, before I decided to switch from DVa and learn other heroes.

I haven’t touched DVa for about 2 years, I miss playing her. It is frustrating they keep changing the meta. I guess it keeps the game fresh and encourages me to be flexible, but I don’t like being pushed to learn a new hero because I learned to play the one who was meta.

Moira is really strong, so I guess I’ll learn Moira.
lol now that you’ve learned Moira, we say she is too strong, we’re going to nerf her.
OK, I’ll just drop 300 SR while I try to learn Ana or whoever…


I’m only playing this game because of Ashe, so if she was deleted I’d quickly stop playing.


RIP Ana. Sigh. Guess I’m going back to being a dps now. [Clears her throat and takes a deep breath…]


I have a bunch of heroes which i enjoy. Lately Bap since he is kinda broken a bit. But in the long term, i might play less maybe, and more Solo or PvE games.

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This is why Im stuck as a support main, because otherwise I don’t get heals, and its because one of my supports that cant aim at a wall and hit it is picking ana. :unamused:

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well i’d be playing OW a lot less then lol. and mainly play tracer or echo in that case.


I don’t think a hero can suck other’s fun and give it to you like sombra does



I play ana/mercy most, but lucio is my go to off healer. I’m pretty much a support only and although in the past I flexed because of my team, I knew I was bad at tank especially.

If ana is removed, I wouldn’t continue playing. As I’ve said before, ana’s release convinced me to buy because 1) old lady characters to play are few and 2) I enjoy her kit the most.

I hate huge reworks because it throws out players who liked that hero for whatever reason. And the “delete hero” is really dumb. I have other games to play if bliz destroys the one thing that brought me here.

PS If they for some reason make a plot point in OW2 where she becomes young again or smth (an event set in the past is completely different), remove her old skins and revoice her younger, I’ll be pretty miffed and leave as well. As a 22yo, I want to play a granny thanks.


Paladins is now downloading


I typically play tank or heals… and honestly don’t main any of them anymore. I was an orisa main and moria… I rarely play either now…( I burned out on them) I’d say all total out of over 2000 hours played… I may have…100 hours in dps… LOL… I just don’t enjoy it like others do.

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And I’ll still play D.Va into double shield

bop bop


Leave my Doom alone, he’s already suffered enough ;(


I would just play genji maybe since I mostly play widow and tracer

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“Uh oh they deleted Reinhardt. I can’t wait to see the community’s reaction to this.” I would just play the other tanks at that point, with some Torbjörn to preserve the glory of the hammer.


hi i was a sym 2.0 one trick, so i come from the position of having had my main deleted from the game. Its very sad. I miss her so much, even tho it was for the best. I cant get into overwatch the same way anymore… where i used to play easily 6 hours a day… now im like. maybe half an hour a day or so. Have been that way for 2 years or so. Just isnt the same draw without the hero i fell in love with


Actually, OTPs are more likely to climb from what I’ve seen