Your Main is Deleted

Judging from another thread, if my main got deleted I would have several smaller identical mains.

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Generally speaking itā€™s always seemed as though my games are more likely to be won when itā€™s a team of OTP than flex players. I fully stand by the being underranked theory. It seems to play out in game for me :man_shrugging:

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Totally, OTPs expecially non meta OTPs have people throw just because they are picked sometimes.

Which means by default if you donā€™t, you get extra goodness out of them.

if you cover for their weaknesses, then boy oh boy, it is free SR time for you.

You didnā€™t actually read that post I linked did you? Mass Resurrect made up for a lot of deficiencies in Mercyā€™s base kit. Now that isnā€™tā€¦ the greatest design in the world, but the rework deleted Mass Res and didnā€™t patch up those holes with anything else.

She just flat out isnā€™t. Most of her ability to swing fights on her own got deleted.

Which is a massive shame because Damage Boost is her worst ability for a multitude of reasons.

Which was an incredibly dumb plan because that is the thing that Mercy can do that no one else can. It is still her ability most deserving of the descriptor ā€œUltimateā€.

Well then I am very glad that you are no where near the balance team.

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Painfully trueā€¦I cant even imagine the amount of matches I must have lost over my time 1 tricking :man_shrugging:

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Mass Resurrect was problematic, not healthy for her AT ALL.

It had way too much power, and if you failed to pull it off. You WERE throwing.

People threw their games for mass Rez. Resurrect is the thing that will always hold her back because itā€™s the ability that completely resets things and creates an uneven playing ground.

Damage boosting is far healthier for her, because it enables the team directly and isnā€™t a flip flop ability.

Not play the game, players main a hero because they truly enjoy the character. Removing the only reason these players even get on will completely destroy any motivation to ever play this game again. Some wont care and play anyway but I personally would quit


Mass Resurrect did have some flaws. Primarily that it had way too much of Mercyā€™s power budget wrapped up in it.

Howeverā€¦ however. Damage Boost is the least engaging ability in the game bar none. The Mercy player has practically no say in how useful or powerful it is. In factā€¦ they went as far as to make it so Mercy practically could not react to her teammates using their burst damage abilities and give them Boost when it would matter mostā€¦ making it even worse at giving Mercy any semblance of agency.

Seriouslyā€¦ Mercy just gives someone boost and prays they do something with it. How on earth is that healthy?

Maybe Iā€™m just a crazy person who wants a video game to be funā€¦ but Mass Resurrect was at least that. Damage Boost has never been fun for the entirety of its existence.

Well she was effectively deleted once

Itā€™s the reason I donā€™t play anymore


Sym 2.0 was already deleted and itā€™s the reason I quit. The game doesnā€™t have the zoning shield support I once enjoyed playing

Its funny how this isnā€™t really even a hypothetical as it has happened in the past

Imagine actually having to worry that an entire playstyle will just be deleted


cry and never play support again because mercy is legit the only fun and not trash hero. Iā€™d rather go to sym

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Already did.

Flex, especially when iā€™m on Quickplay Classic.

Sombra = 550 hours
Orisa = 250 hours
Zen = 100 hours
Mei = 100 hours
Bastion = 100 hours

I used to be an Orisa one trick and then picked up her counters to dislodge stubborn enemy Orisaā€™s. So i picked up Genji, Tracer, Sombra, Bastion, Zenyatta, Mei, Reaper, Junkrat. Essentially shield counter, shield breakers and to some extent, tank busters.

I basically main Orisa, but i also specialize in killing her. Enough that even before the shield nerfs, i could deal with an Orisa/Sigma pair. The thing was, they werenā€™t meant to be played for an entire match, theyā€™re just there for me to switch to if my DPS couldnā€™t handle the enemy tank, so i swap to tankbuster, deal with the tank, and then go back to tank.

After role lock and the repeated nerfs over the past year, iā€™ve basically already stopped playing tank.

And considering the nature of my alternates, it wasnā€™t a stretch to move over from a tank main, to a full time tankbuster.

Iā€™ll continue with the previous course, if the DPS is a good tankbuster, iā€™ll pick them up. Which also means iā€™ll likely never have an incentive to learn heroes like Doomfist and McCree.

As mentioned, I, like many other former tank mains who have gotten fed up with the repeated nerfs, have already left the tank role and moved over to DPS.

Honestly, tanks have been so bad overall that itā€™s made QP even worse as the lack of tank mains and the further loosening of the MMR means the bad tanks get spread to higher MMR games they really donā€™t belong in, which in turn drags down the MMR of the people actually trying to play well in QP.

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What do you mean, ā€œhypotheticalā€? It happened with Symmetra. They replaced her with a completely different character that are reusing her cosmetic assets.

At the time I mourned her death, moved into my other playable characters and kept going. Role Queue, however, removed my interest in playing the game, and since I had no appeal from a single character like before, it made the decision to quit an easy one.


My main was soft deleted already. I moved on to supports and other projectile characters, but how blizz treated this particular character is shameful and I have no idea why I bother with this game right now. I wish I knew theyā€™d do that earlier so I didnā€™t have to spend 530hrs exclusively on Mei for nothing

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I delete the game
Iā€™m not playing without Mercyā€¦

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orisa was nerfed so hard at some point, i felt like she does not even exist.

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sike my main has already been deleted from this game twice or even more times and I still played her

Sombra 4k+ hrs
Widow 4.5k+ hrs
Tracer 1.5k+ hrs
Lucio 1k+ hrs
Dva 500+ hrs

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If they delete Ana before Doomfist then Iā€™lll cease supporting this company.

I donā€™t care how good OW2 looks, Blizzard has forever lost my trust.

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Sombra is 80-90% of the reason I play Overwatch. Thereā€™s a few others I enjoy to some degree, but I donā€™t think Iā€™d keep playing just for them. Besides, if Blizzard did delete (or harshly nerf) my favorite hero Iā€™d be so pissed off Iā€™d uninstall anyway.

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You have about 10 k + hours in OW ? wow