Your Main is Deleted

Same here. I play alot with my son. He can play all of the heros well. I play about 4 heros really well and the rest… I’m total trash with LOLOL.

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Quit out of principle.

A OTP is often kept at a lower sr than they could otherwise achieve if they did swap and learned other heroes. This is due to their refusal to switch when countered which leads to more guaranteed losses than flex players.

When not countered they are generally more capable of being the carry than others in the match as they are playing at an sr below what their skill is. This leads to ranking up often being a case of just waiting for enough games in a row where someone on the other team isn’t maining a counter. Equally, their sr may fluctuate more than a flex players as the opposite can just as easily occur.

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I mean… it kinda did. 3 times.

Now, I was never a one trick. However I did in fact lose access to my favorite hero 3 times.

Mercy got reworked and nerfed into oblivion.
DVa got reworked and nerfed into oblivion.
Brigitte got reworked and nerfed into oblivion.

What did I do? Well, not gonna lie, after the third time I got super salty about it. I uninstalled everything Blizzard related from my computer. I refuse to buy any sort of Blizzard Merch. Any time Blizzard or Overwatch come up in a conversation, I will tell anyone who will listen why I now hate both.

I’m mostly still here on the very slim chance that the Devs actually fix things. So far they haven’t.


Not true at all. OTPs usually climb faster than players that flex because they focus on the mastery of their hero rather than having the base knowledge to play more than one hero.

You will often see One-Tricks in T500, across all regions or players that only play in a very small circle of heroes (1-4).

There are heroes that are better to OT, such as Tracer, and there are worse heroes to OT.

I think there’s a huge difference between a true flex and a true OT, btw. A true flex has gone on to master more than one hero rather than just learning more than one, similarly to how an OT masters their hero.

Also, the statement about OTs being largely stuck in low ranks can not be proven nor has any real statistics to back up such a claim. However, a good example to this is Rascal, who is distinguished as a flex player among OWL players, and has built his reputation around it. Whereas most other players will have a hero associated with them, usually those heroes being someone like Tracer, Widow, Ashe, McCree, Winston, Zen and etc.

Mercy is fine? The only thing that changed about her is her ultimate, and it is far more healthier now than what it used to be.

She’s not. If you want a quite long read, well, here’s a link to a fairly lengthy post I made on the topic.

If you want a very short version of why Mercy needs a rework… her last rework made her just about impossible to counter. The devs then proceeded to cut out a very very large part of her individual power to get her out of the meta. That left her as an unbelievably boring shell of her former self.

In Depth look at why playing as Mercy is Bad - General Discussion - Overwatch Forums (

Perhaps I explained myself poorly.

I agree that OTP typically climb more quickly than flex. However, their sr generally fluctuates more than flex players as they can get many matches that are more likely to be guaranteed losses due to counters. However, they climb more rapidly once their counters aren’t played as they’re better players than their sr would suggest.

I didn’t say that OTP are largely stuck in low ranks. I said that their sr is often lower than they could achieve than if they flexed when hard countered. That doesn’t mean that their rank is necessarily low. Just lower than it could be. This applies from bronze to gm.

She is still fundamentally the same hero. Old Mercy meant gambling your game away to see if you can hard reset a brawl. It was throwing.

Mercy is in a healthier state, and her power has shifted towards her DB, rather than her resurrect which again, much healthier and if it was up to me, I would’ve done away with resurrect being in her kit at all.

Move to another one, unless none interest me, then just play a different game and wait for new heroes.

This is why I LOVE to play with OTPs, since if I can cover for their flaw, then, it is free SR, since they are under valued.


Judging from another thread, if my main got deleted I would have several smaller identical mains.

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Generally speaking it’s always seemed as though my games are more likely to be won when it’s a team of OTP than flex players. I fully stand by the being underranked theory. It seems to play out in game for me :man_shrugging:

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Totally, OTPs expecially non meta OTPs have people throw just because they are picked sometimes.

Which means by default if you don’t, you get extra goodness out of them.

if you cover for their weaknesses, then boy oh boy, it is free SR time for you.

You didn’t actually read that post I linked did you? Mass Resurrect made up for a lot of deficiencies in Mercy’s base kit. Now that isn’t… the greatest design in the world, but the rework deleted Mass Res and didn’t patch up those holes with anything else.

She just flat out isn’t. Most of her ability to swing fights on her own got deleted.

Which is a massive shame because Damage Boost is her worst ability for a multitude of reasons.

Which was an incredibly dumb plan because that is the thing that Mercy can do that no one else can. It is still her ability most deserving of the descriptor “Ultimate”.

Well then I am very glad that you are no where near the balance team.

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Painfully true…I cant even imagine the amount of matches I must have lost over my time 1 tricking :man_shrugging:

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Mass Resurrect was problematic, not healthy for her AT ALL.

It had way too much power, and if you failed to pull it off. You WERE throwing.

People threw their games for mass Rez. Resurrect is the thing that will always hold her back because it’s the ability that completely resets things and creates an uneven playing ground.

Damage boosting is far healthier for her, because it enables the team directly and isn’t a flip flop ability.

Not play the game, players main a hero because they truly enjoy the character. Removing the only reason these players even get on will completely destroy any motivation to ever play this game again. Some wont care and play anyway but I personally would quit


Mass Resurrect did have some flaws. Primarily that it had way too much of Mercy’s power budget wrapped up in it.

However… however. Damage Boost is the least engaging ability in the game bar none. The Mercy player has practically no say in how useful or powerful it is. In fact… they went as far as to make it so Mercy practically could not react to her teammates using their burst damage abilities and give them Boost when it would matter most… making it even worse at giving Mercy any semblance of agency.

Seriously… Mercy just gives someone boost and prays they do something with it. How on earth is that healthy?

Maybe I’m just a crazy person who wants a video game to be fun… but Mass Resurrect was at least that. Damage Boost has never been fun for the entirety of its existence.

Well she was effectively deleted once

It’s the reason I don’t play anymore


Sym 2.0 was already deleted and it’s the reason I quit. The game doesn’t have the zoning shield support I once enjoyed playing

Its funny how this isn’t really even a hypothetical as it has happened in the past

Imagine actually having to worry that an entire playstyle will just be deleted


cry and never play support again because mercy is legit the only fun and not trash hero. I’d rather go to sym

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