Your impact is too small. OW too team reliant

Yeah, I have my own opinions, and I’ll “shill” them until the end of time.

You spend your entire life making nothing but bait threads about a game you apparently love to play. What is your agenda, dude?

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To change overwatch, and make it a better game. Duh

How do you make it better by making it even more like every other game on the market? None of your arguments make sense. Everything you say sounds like you made it bad on purpose.

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If overwatch was more individualistic, it would still be different than every other game. It has it’s own art, abilities, and playstyle

Actually OP is incorrect. The game was designed that you can sill make an impact by yourself, but its balanced out. It is why they went with 6v6, so single players can still make an impact and still feel like they did. Happens all the time. Its just not an impact to the point that you would carry it all by urself sort of speak. But can still be enough to help the outcome.

I don’t think my impact is too small. I think too many people throw, intentionally or otherwise.

I don’t think the game is too team-reliant, I think it’s just reliant on that Genji not playing Genji into a damn Zarya-Moira comp.

Almost everyone I hear talk about not having enough impact on the game boils down to having terrible teammates or being a one-trick that thinks their hero should be a universal multitool.

If anything; the game is impacted too much by individuals, the amount of times we’ve just lost because DPS players chose to play the most flexable role then DIDN’T FLEX

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But since september 18th? Half of your posts are all identical

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Nope, I’m completely correct, and everyone else is wrong. OW is more team reliant than any other team game. Keep arguing with reality. Reality wins.

My posts will always say the same thing, until the game changes

Definitely a troll, closing this thread and moving on. Everyone can stop posting now, stop bumping it.

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Translation: I don’t like to hear opinions different than mine. Time to close my eyes and ears. Lol.

Less of an opinion and more of an educated guess based on an observation really.

And yeah I’m not discounting you have a take on this lol, I hate being difficult but I do like to discuss.

Yes this is true, but the same occurs in Overwatch as well, I can vouch for this personally. Going in 5 on 6 is definitely a handicap, but it’s similar to going 4 on 5 in CS. It’s what the rest of the team can do with the hand they’ve been dealt that matters.

Again, what I suggested by getting people you’re familiar playing with a lot of frustration can be mitigated in situations like this too, I’m not saying that it means you’ll succeed every single time, but it’s still a way of mitigating issues.

This is a better argument really, and one that I can empathize with. But I do disagree to a certain extent, it’s one of the risks of the game that I personally undertake (or have undertaken in the past, I don’t play the game anymore).

Technically the SR up to a certain level is impacted by individual skill, but is still heavily team dependent. And by teaming up with people I’m familiar with playing with, I can trust my SR to my team as we trust each other. I stay away from solo queuing for this reason.

TL;DR: I would want teammates I know control my SR, I wouldn’t want randoms controlling my SR.

Thank you, I’m not discounting your opinion either.

This is where we separate though. I don’t personally play OW with friends. And I’m not personally interested in making friends in OW. I just like to log into OW, get drunk, and climb by myself. Don’t really think it should be a rule to be a social butterfly, make friends, and rely on them to win.

You know what? People stay in fights too long. You see a RallyBrig running at you? run away. Let them use their resources and then roll back in.
Ever notice how the pro’s rotate as a team giving up ground quickly, ever notice how the lower the rank the long and just iiufqe839784h978(*&-98-a9328-2 the fight is?

I feel like I did significant work and “carried” by myself all the times I managed to slip past the enemy team and pushed the payload or captured the point on my own, and vice versa when I manage to distract the enemy team enough for my team to do the same. Seems to me the carry potential is less in the killing and more in playing the objectives.

I don’t really take Ow seriously, because everything mainly depends on how well my team is playing. Yumstalebread, top 500 player.

I quit OW because i’ve never played a game like this before. I’ve never played a game where if your team isn’t playing well, you will lose no matter what - Dragonmar, GM player

You’re definitely not a team player. You’re Overwatch play probably has been ruined by playing too many deathmatch games.


Team play is flawed. Having to rely completely on 5 strangers you can’t control is bad game design.

Save "team play’ for OW league

shrugs Look I don’t care what random dude that plays OW has to say. For me the potential to carry is on the plays I make that help the team. That is what you don’t seem to understand or want to understand. Maybe just maybe the reason you lost isn’t your team playing badly. maybe it’s the fact that you are off trying to secure those sweet kills and ignoring the actual main objective.

Yeah figured that and the dafran vid where he was “busy” spawn camping and ignoring the point/payload. Maybe if he had been with his team and not trying to show off his team would have won.


It’s a team effort and you know it. Go play DOOM or something until you feel better.