Your impact is too small. OW too team reliant

I managed to get only to platinum, as higher tiers are, more boring game becomes for me, and people become overly serious.

Question is, will support be able to turn that “throw yourself at enemy frontline” into “successfully breach enemy frontline”? That’s individual impact as support for me - converting poor plays/weak teammates into good plays/strong teammates.

You are like Dr. Frankenstein - inject your teammate with proper serum, and they turn into monster, that crushes and destroys things in their way.

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Same. Always been a support player, the fact that Overwatch allows me to do this in a meaningful way without also forcing me to have twitch aim is one of its biggest strengths for me. >.>

Turns out the hero shooter formula has some serious flaws.

It can be a fun game. But as a serious comp game? LOL hell no.

This thread reminded me that the TF2 and CS:GO source codes have been leaked and are giving people malware, now.

If your aim is good enough (it must be if you’re waiting valorant) then pick Widow and try again

Although yes it takes more effort as a team to achieve stuff, pls don’t tell me that you can’t do anything by yourself when there are multiple DPS heroes out there who can kill 2-3 people in 3-4 seconds all by themselves…

It’s not that you cannot have an impact…no…it’s just much harder to achieve those things if you play as a DPS hero. YOu just need to get better. But if you watch some clips, you’ll see that there are thousands of clips where if a DPS player is poppin off they are killing 3-4 people by themselves…

When people want games to play like other games…

You kind of address the point while missing the point OP. Overwatch’s basis is predicated on team coordination rather than simply having enough players to cover both points on a map. It’s not simply flash the **** out of A site and rush them with a spray or quick scope.

It’s like comparing CoD and Halo on the basis they’re both they’re both action FPS’s. Both are FPS’s but both have very different focuses on gameplay: CoD is fast paced low skill with an emphasis on kit customization for lower TTK, and Halo is slow paced high skill with an emphasis on equality, timing, rhythm and weapon placements.

You could even go a step further and point out that both rely on map memorization, but both serve a very different function with CoD being vantage points and highly travels paths and Halo being dependent on spawn placement and weapon points.

Play Valorant or CS if you want more individual impact, Overwatch really doesn’t need it. Games don’t have to emulate other games because you think they do. If you don’t like the team focused mechanics in OW that’s ok.

I will. And OW should change, to become more like valorant.

Then you ignored every single point I made, let me reiterate:

Let me know if you disagree with anything.

Yes, I disagree with the idea of, if you don’t like a game, just switch to another game. If there is a problem with a game, you should try to change it.

So you feel that the game should be adjusted to how you want to play it? That rules and mechanics put in place to make a game the way it is should be adjusted so it can play like another title on the market compromising individuality through being unique for adopting trends that make the game into ‘everything else’ because it might be more fun for you?

Let me know if I’m understanding that correctly.

Yeah basically.

Compromising the rest of the playerbase’s enjoyment and appreciation of the game as it stands?

Sure. This thread was created primarily with myself in mind.

So if your argument is completely subjective, changing the game because it would suit your preferred gameplay experience, how do you feel like it’s relevant?

If you don’t like the way the game plays, there are plenty of alternatives to playing it. Games don’t have to cater to everyone, just a big chunk of everyone.

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OW players think they don’t want it, but they actually do. All of this complaining on the OW forum, such as. Leavers, throwers, smurfs, trolls, etc. It could all be taken care of by simply giving the individual more power in OW.

which is exactly his original point, why bother mastering zen if he needs babysitting and can get killed by literally everyone? sure he has more value

I don’t think they do dude, if the game has gone on as long as it has as successfully as it has, I think you need to bring some better data than just an assumption.

All of this stuff is running rampant in CS though, and CS is a very individualist based team shooter.

The thing that Overwatch and CS have in common is that the team mechanics require a lot of dedication to the game you find yourself locked into once you queue. You don’t have these kinds of issues in CoD for example due to the relaxed nature of the gameplay.

It’s not so much an “individualism” issue as much as it’s a game asking a lot of you. When stress gets to players, they seek ways to de-stress, and they de-stress by smurfing (beating on players in lower skill levels), trolling/throwing (giving up or ruining the game for others for some level of satisfaction that they aren’t getting from playing), or just leaving (getting away from a stressful situation).

A lot of this is well documented, there’s even a tooltip in CS that states that games can last for upwards of an hour, suggesting that the competitive mode shouldn’t be approached casually.

Changing the game to be more individualistic won’t solve these issues. A lot of the problem weighs heavily on the actions of individual players. I found that a good way of reducing the tilt actually comes when you queue with people you know that you can work around rather than random players that could bring a plethora of problems to the table. As with gambling, reducing chance of risk puts you and your team in a better position to win big.

Well I mean this is your opinion, and I respect it. But obviously I’m me, and my opinion is the best imo. I’m bias for myself lol.

I mean throwers are running rampant in CS:GO? Why though. If someone throws, you can still carry and win.

I am just protesting for the game to put your SR into your hands, instead of other peoples hands. Certainly you don’t want other people to control your SR mate?

Your account has done nothing but shill other games and talk bad about Overwatch since SEPTEMBER 18th and have like eighteen different posts that are ALL ‘make the game less team focused’ and ‘this game is the worst ever created’. Why do you play it so much? Your a higher level than me by a HUGE margin. Is this some kind of weird stockholm syndrome or do you just come to the forums to complain every time you lose a game? Your main complaint is that Overwatch isn’t generic enough

Like seriously dude get a life

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