Your impact is too small. OW too team reliant

A top 500 OW league player like dafran can carry in gold. But it is harder than in other games. Even if you manage to carry, it’s still too hard compared to other games.

He shouldn’t be in gold in the first damn place. What the hell is he even doing there really? Again if he wasn’t obviously trying to show how great he was maybe his team would have won, but nah he’s got to use his smurf account to show up those measly gold players and he got burnt for it. Totally his fault honestly.

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I want to see bronze to gm streams, with no voice com. I don’t even think GM players can do it nowadays. I just see unranked to gm, starting in like diamond. I bet you a lot of boosters have to actually refund their clients because they fail to climb.

Good? Like I legit have no F***s to give any of them. I honestly dislike the whole bronze to GM thing as a whole. Nobody should want to have some high ranked players messing up their games because they want to stomp their way back through the ranks.

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Not good, bronze to gm is a learning experience. And boosting, or making money from games, is always a good thing. If blizzard doesn’t want people to boost, they should give more opportunities to gamers to make money from their passion.

The diablo 3 auction house was one of the best things to ever happen to gaming. But the collective always suppresses the individual. The collective complained enough to remove it. And so the individual has to suffer. As usual. We always have to suffer because the majority is foolish.

Game is too fast to take such risk. You may not regain ground you gave up. Which is why massive healing is so popular - it can keep people fighting, without having them to fall back. Why tanks are so important - it’s their objective to hold and don’t lose control of taken ground.

And it’s why I want supports/tanks, that can create unbreakable wall of defense, so above mentioned RallyBrig crashes into it and fails. So pressure stays on, but defense doesn’t bend from it.

It kinda does. While the foundation is that of a team game, there needs to be some room for individual impact. Not to the degree of carry potential, mind you, but enough that it’s not an automatic death sentence if your team isn’t being very cooperative.

Shhh, people on forums don’t want to hear logical or rational answers. They want these expressions to hold true in OW: T=P₁+P₂+P₃+P₄+P₅+P₆ where P₁-P₆ are the individuals impact and T is the team impact while also holding P₁=T true so that P₁ impact can carry team fights.

It has more to do with developers eradicating almost any chances for losing team to make a comeback. Basically, if you lost objective, you won’t regain control.