You seroiusly did nothing to hack!?

Ball deserves a hard counter and there’s absolutely no way that hack can be nerfed anymore than it currently is that wouldn’t still massively annoy Ball players.

Well I just checked him out. First of all, top 500 players rarely get heavily countered. You have to play at such a high skill level up there that their hero pool is a lot more limited. I checked out his stream from yesterday. He switched because of a bastion. In a game vs sombra he does something I have never seen anyone do before. He hunts down sombra and literally runs around shooting the air. It’s so stupid that’s what you have to do to counter sombra, and it really shows that in order to do so on ball, she has to be your primary focus and you cannot do anything until shes dead or forced to translocate. This also seems like a playstyle you could only do in very high rank. The large majority of players require a tank to lead them into fights and if they had a ball running around shooting the air they’d report them throwing. It’s only possible for him to play like that cause he’s in top 500 and people can handle themselves fairly well without a tank babysitting the front line. I do not believe I could play like that in masters.

Regardless, I’m sure he’s been forced to swap because of sombra if he gets forced out by a bastion. Bastion is far easier to play around as ball.

We should just go back to OW1 hack lasting 5 seconds, so ball players can remember what real torture feels like.

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It doesn’t look like it has the ult charge detection now, nor the extra damage from your gun (since they don’t mention it). But it does have “more damage from Virus”

The extra damage was provided through her opportunist passive, which they did explicitly state was being removed.

However, opportunist is actually a lot of different abilities, so it was unclear if they meant the entire thing or just the extra damage from the context where they stated it. But if they remove the ult charge icon that suggests they may have removed it entirely.

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No way. This is inconceivable. There’s just no way they didn’t rework or remove hack. I can’t believe it. Hack is literally THE reason Sombra has always been despised. Hack is THE reason Sombra has been nerfed even while having the worst WR in the game. Hack is THE reason she was reworked for OW2 with hack duration initially reduced to 1s. Hack is THE reason Sombra has still garnered enough hate to justify yet another rework.

What the hell was the point of the rework then? What were they trying to achieve if they’re not doing the single most obviously important thing? It’s like going back in time to rework Hitler and leaving his racism intact…

They really took months to do…nothing? How many times do they need to rework this hero until they address the actual one reason they need to keep reworking this hero? No. It’s gotta be a marketing error. I can’t believe it.


lol. That hack ability literally does nothing to ball, just delay the inevitable death for you or he just fly away from everyone.

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Could be still in the game. An ability that literally denies you the thing you got on the game to do in the first place.

Who would’ve thought that a “Disable all fun” button would be universally hated


You’ve never played ball, please stop talking


i played vs players who KNOW how to play ball. and that hack does nothing if team do not focus ball.

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Hack was already gutted when we moved to ow2 now it’s a weaker stun with a channel time., the only thing that made it op was being able to do it and stay invisible.

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You won’t get much sympathy as a Ball player, that’s just how it is.

As much as Sombra ruins your fun, Ball does the same for everyone else in the lobby. So the response to hack gatekeeping Ball from being more widespread is 9 out of 10 times going to be “good”.

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:joy: Okay bud


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We dps and sup mains also want to play the game…

And ball ruins the game for everyone else. The only thing that takes “skill” with WB is knowing where to place grapple and a basic understanding of physics/geometry, it’s the same with DF, Everything else in their kit is forgiving and super easy and the hardest thing just takes a few games and experimenting/watching a YT video.

Ball’s CC isn’t difficult to use/get value out of.

Ball crouching over people isn’t difficult to use/get value out of.

Ball ulting and then crouching over people isn’t difficult to do or get value out of.

Ball pressing a button and getting a bunch of shields isn’t difficult to do or get value out of.

Ball pressing a button to remove hit critbox and then quickly hooking onto something to speed around/towards/over the map is not difficult to do or get value out of.

Ball constantly displacing/cc-ing, and zoning people out the entire game, having a bunch of hp, shields, and mobility while also removing his critbox is not fun to play into, either.

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Exactly. It’s not that Sombra is a counter to ball. It’s that she’s a HARD counter to ball. Now, I know in Mystery Heroes the tanks have less HP. But one time as Sombra I literally took out 2 Balls at full health by myself in a 1 v 2. She is that hard of a counter to him. I don’t know how people don’t understand this. I cannot believe they didn’t completely rework hack to remove the silence.


My guy is using an arcade mode to justify whining about a character’s balance… absolutely, positively, undeniably, completely, tragically, unredeemably, and utterly cooked.

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Well hey now, Sombra can now throw Gamecubes at people. The wait was worth it.


I am using it as an example of how hard a counter to Ball Sombra is. Even in an arcade mode I shouldn’t be able to 1 v 2 both tanks at the same time and win. That’s just ridiculous.

That said, I’m actually a tank main and almost never play DPS so I’m not even good at Sombra. I do however play Ball and there are only 2 heroes that cause me to swap from him regularly (Sombra and Mei). Those two give me the hardest time. That doesn’t mean that there aren’t plenty of other heroes that can be frustrating. Just watch Yeattle’s video for a realistic state of Ball right now. But those two are the worst for him.

As a result of the current balance, I almost never pick Ball and I do really really enjoy playing him.


think of it this way, people who play meta and are boosted because of the low skill floor to value ceiling ratio it has, NEED a method to easily shutdown an actually good player who knows how to play their hero, otherwise the game for casual/bad players would effectively die