You seroiusly did nothing to hack!?

I guess you devs just do not want ball mains to be able to play the game. Most annoying stupid part of her kit and you don’t touch it. Of course. I would expect no less from the worst balance team in the world.


They said they made adjustments to hack, so could be buffs, could be nerfs.


Really? Damn, I’m surprised at that one. I figured it’d be swapped out for a more tank-friendly debuff. I guess I’ll put Ram on the shelf once next season hits because playing into Ana plus Sombra is rough as Ram, but currently there aren’t many Sombras running around. There’ll be loads of Sombras until the new rework smell wears off, though.


How is this a balance thing, yes sombra is annoying but she’s literally picked to counter heroes like ball. Stop crying and switch to another tank. “Must not want balls to be able to play” are you serious right now you gotta be trolling. You know what nvm I believe that ball players are this delusional. I hate sombra but the game is the game stop crying.


People straight up asking to have no counters lmao

They already removed most of the duration out of hack and people are still whining about it. Pathetic.


It still looks like it’s going to only be a 1 second ability lockout, but Opportunist is removed so she no longer has damage boost on hacked targets. Instead Virus applies a dot which is increased when a target’s hacked.

Sombra was hella dominant throughout OWL this year. Second most picked behind Tracer (up to when they discontinued statslab, but she continued to have a high pickrate up through the playoffs). Her entire problem is being ineffective in mid tiers and too effective in high tiers.

There’s gotta be some massive changes to fix Sombra. It’s not that she counters some tanks. She’s pretty effective against all tanks since they rely on their skills more than any other class.


I guess we’ll have to wait and see how it all plays out but it seems strange that they didn’t take this opportunity to swap out silence altogether for some other debuff, what with the tank queues as short as they are. :person_shrugging:t6:

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Well thankfully that ugly thing is dead, so its irrelevant.

OWL is not ‘‘higher ranks’’. Even in high ranks Sombra is bad because its still ladder and most games are not made out of coordinated pre-made teams with months of training.

Sombra has still been bad in GM/Masters for longer that she has been good.


Sombra is irrelevant tbh. Yeah, she can be considered a hard counter, but her hack has been nerfed already. She’s more like a less mobile Tracer tickling the backline if the player doesn’t know what they are doing. It’s the collective CC that’s the bigger issue.

Forum icon is what it is, I’m not a Ball main. I play more Ana and D.Va has my most hours. Ball is just my fun hero lol

So you acknowledge ball needs to switch when someone picks sombra and then go on to say I’m trolling for saying ball players can’t play the game. I’ve never seen someone contradict themselves so hard in 3 sentences.


Wait till you find out basically noone in the overwatch community likes playing against a ball or with a ball.


If I wanted to have no counters I’d just play support.

It has nothing to do with hack duration. You obviously know nothing about ball. It’s the fact that it takes him out of ball form which completely ruins his engagements. Even the best ball players in the world switch when there’s a sombra. Counters that hard are not healthy for the game.


tbh as someone who plays a lot of tank, after they made it so she can’t chain hack it was nowhere near as annoying as it was in season 1, and a far cry from what it was in 6v6. Like, of all the CCs in the game, hack was barely on my radar as a tank.

You don’t play ball.

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Yes I do. I’m far more concerned with Orisa, Mei, Brig, and Cass than I am Sombra.

“Plus, tuning for Orisa, Ramattra, Wrecking Ball, Cassidy, Torbjorn, Brigitte, and Illari.”

They said Wrecking Ball is getting a balance change this patch, which will presumably be a buff, so don’t despair yet. Also Sombra is back to not being able to hack while invisible.

It’s true that hack is less painful after that change but Hack followed by tank CC followed by Sleep can still make for bad times. But my reaction is more from surprise that they didn’t take this opportunity to go ahead and swap out the silence for something else. There’s every chance that in practice it’ll be a lot harder to get Hack off or whatever, but I’ve always imagined Hack to be a headache to balance for the devs. We’ll see how it pans out, I guess.

I wouldn’t mind a separate debuff if it makes sense with her overall hacker identity. Like I’ve said elsewhere I’m far more concerned about her defensive game and upper skill expression now that trans activates on collision. Every other flanker has a ready defensive/evasive ability and now Sombra’s looks to be basically Slightly Better Reaper Teleport.

The changes make ball better into her so what do you mean? If she hacks you there is no more invis and she has to use translocator somewhere to escape against the most mobile hero in the game.