You Murdered Moira

It’s not at all that bad, and more than ever rewards aggressive play with how much more you have to fill resources. That said, we’re close to if not already at a point where we need to talk about adding utility to her kit.

I hope not. I like her kit and really didn’t like the idea of group fade and “cleanse”. I like moira as a healer powerhouse and wish they would just stick to that

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I liked her before too but it seems it’s their intent to slowly back away from that kind of design. Raw healing was her greatest strength imo, and if they want to put that more on equal levels of other supports she’s going to need a little something to help compensate for it.

I thought her recent change was to emphasize that. The changes in general for ow as a whole seems to be… Questionable. Very different from what they said they wanted. Imo, it feels like they are slowly re-introducing niches. But I wonder why when they never made every hero universal anyway. Idk tho.

I think moira’s not the strongest healer, but I think that’s more on ana being a monster tier above the rest and baptiste not being allowed to use his utility and not a moira issue.

You like healing your team significantly less and not keeping up with damage even when you aren’t totally drained?

All on your 2+ hours of Moira played?


lmao I haven’t gotten to do placements yet and I dont play quick play

so yes, please to scour through my profile

and idk I find this play style more fluid while being harder to manage

just last night I healed 42% of team DMG, 19k in 11 mins

I only played moira and the other support was only ana

and just so you know I have 31 hours on moira overall and 25 of those are from comp, so dont act like you know everything about a person by looking at a profile that hasn’t placed yet

o and whats even spicier is that you have a private profile lmao

Nah they resurrected Moira. She takes skill again, just like the old days when she was actually fun.

Just play Ana. Any other pick is just being a masochist and awaiting for nerfs.

Only if there’s a ceiling above you to bounce it back, if you shoot an orb at the ground it’s going to bounce once and then go off into space…

This trick literally only works on one map that I can think of - and maybe some small rooms where fights usually don’t take place / off objective. The only objective this works on is that one Nepal map where the objective is a short room/box.

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They didn’t change anything about her kit that makes her “more interesting”. What is this deluded nonsense? All they did was make it so you have to poke every three seconds to get healing resource. It’s not interesting to have more opportunities to get sent back to the spawn room with zero agency.

Every time a hero gets gutted you’ve got the “git gud” crowd barging in and saying well actshually it’s not a nerf when it 100% is. Dunno what your sort is compensating for, but you’ll be happier if you lay off the gaslighting.


Lotta bad heroes get play in owl. Orisa was not good and she got play. Coordinated people that literally get paid to play this video game are gonna get value out of heroes that you or I will never be able to make work.

They’re playing a different game while dictating how we play ours. It’s fundamentally messed up.

They slightly raised her skill floor. For literally the lowest skill floor character in the game, she’s still incredible value for skill needed. People saying she’s murdered I suspect were accustomed to 4 golds for no effort…

Anyone else read the title then complete it like you were a character on South Park ?

Moira is back in the meta in gm.
but go off.

i like the changes


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They wanted to nerf her, so she would not be so easy to play and easy to kill players - well, after nerfing heal meter, I have to dps MUCH more and I was the healing one. Well played, Blizz. I hate how she is now.

Good riddance.

It’s just a shame they didn’t outright remove her from the game - but not as much of a shame as it is that such a character ever made it into the game to begin with.

They don’t remove anyone from the game. How unfortunate. I wanted to see some heroes removed.

Will , and should, never happen. Removing heroes is a bad bad idea as it will always upset someone, your fun of not having that hero in your matches is not more important than another’s fun of playing that hero.

In this case, tell this to Moira haters who wish to make Moira mains upset. It’s not that Moira mains are happy atm.

I know. No heroes will be removed. Jeff already said this.