You know those people who say matchmaking is rigged?


Think of me (a Masters DPS) in a Silver/gold game… My MMR is drastically higher than that of the majority of other Silver/gold players. So in order to effectively match me in a game, the MM has to find another player (or group of players) that will compensate for my performance, and put them on the enemy team.

The problem is, if I’m smurfing, there really aren’t that many, equally skilled individuals or groups of individuals, who can match my level of performance output. So the game creates the match with my team having a varied % chance of winning the game.

According to everything I’ve seen, the Match Maker is allowed to create matches ranging from one team having a 40% chance and the enemy having a 60% chance, where obviously the preference is a 50% chance on both sides.

Follow this link and follow the link that WyomingMyst references.

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Yup, i’d imagine a more aggressive transition at mid ranks - people at low ranks wouldnt get better faster, learning the basics of the game would still take about the same amount of time. Perfecting your game might be faster though, since there’s more knowledge out there for people who actually care to look and more experienced teammates to learn from.

Ultimately that would mean the same number of newbies and with higher skilled experienced players messing up their games.

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Yeah probably…

Show me that you can 100% winrate from solo unranked to GM and I will eat my words.

Are you asking him to do it or are you asking for an example? Because there are definitely people who have done it


I am asking him in particular to do it so he can show he is the only factor that matters for winning his games.

I’m not a GM player. Nor have I ever claimed to be. Nor have I ever claimed that 100% win rate is possible.

Your entire request is nonsensical…

Why not? After all…

Clearly the joke went so far over your head that you’re literally a babe lost in the woods…

Jeezhatz crickets…

Funny… This doesn’t say “100% win rate is possible.”

It implies it.

If you are so convinced that the matches aren’t rigged why are you so afraid that you may lose? It is all skill right?

No… It doesn’t… And the fact that you don’t understand the joke is really funny. :joy:

I’m not convinced, I know they’re not. I understand software. You do not.

Lol… I know I’ll lose… The difference is, I’ll win ever so many more games than I will lose and I will climb back into Diamond, and given time, back into Masters.

Yes it is. Burden of proof is on you to prove that it’s rigged…

So I guess you were joking that the matchmaking isn’t rigged too, right? :thinking:

You could be hitting an unlucky spell, or you’ve reached your real rank. In which case its not some secret rigging, its a design that is partnered with your own skill level. Let’s say your SR is absolutely perfectly correct.

You win 5 games in a row, you legend. Now you’re 80 SR higher than your real rank. So you will be playing against players better than you. You are expected to lose.

It’s not rigged. The matchmaker can’t control the enemy players. You winning a few games in a row has boosted you to an Sr level that you cannot maintain, so you can expect to lose.

It’s not the matchmakers fault, don’t fall into the trap. That’s just en excuse players use so they don’t have to take responsibility for not climbing.

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You’re literally just trolling at this point.

It happens, because matchmaking, for some weird reason, puts good players with bad players to balance things out.

If you win many times in a row, game views you as “carrying player” and will throw you players you supposed to carry.

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Obviously developers coded the matchmaking algorithm to detect if you’ve won 2 games in a row to make sure you lose the next one. :roll_eyes:

Considering I’m a Mercy OTP these days, that’s really helpful on the matchmaker’s behalf if true lmao. …Not.
:v: :woozy_face:

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You made it sounds like it is hard to do.

Also keeping everyone at 50% winrate artificially is just a way to make everyone feel equally viable even if they are bad at games so there is a good reason to want to rig the matchmaking.

Unfortunately, matchmaker is unable to account for heroes picked.

According to info from here Algorithmic Handicapping is Wrong for Online Games - General Discussion - Overwatch Forums (

certain models are used to calculate odds of winning. But any psychological model has degree of error.

It’s merely speculation on my behalf, but Overwatch “behavior model” seems to be based on pre-existing psychological compatibility of team - as in “everyone work together, play nice”. But real Overwatch team usually is far from that, in more than one aspect. Making calculated odds of winning different from actual odds.


Is it possible that you’re playing the wrong hero at the right times and providing insufficient support for your teammates?

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