You know those people who say matchmaking is rigged?

I am not going to delete my message for anyone curious it’s right below this but this was kind of a joke
I don’t really think matchmaking is rigged I just wanted to make another post about me going on a loss streak and grinding open que but without the lame title of “anyone else losing allot of games” or whatever my title was in the last one I made

I did not expect 145 replies of people arguing about this because my actual opinion is no
matchmaking is not rigged
is matchmaking poor?
at times yes because I remember I believe wyoming mist said that it only requires a like 40% winrate or something to win I don’t quite remember the exact quote
also I still stand by the 1000 sr grouping does not help matchmaking

(original post)
"I’m kind of beginning to believe them
Ive been grinding open que (wouldn’t recommend) and I feel after I win any amount of games in a row it just starts forcing losses onto me

I don’t really believe it yet but I’m getting close not going to lie"

(first edit)
why does this have 136 responses
I made this as somewhat of a joke guys its been less than 24 hours I didn’t know this was such a heated topic


Welcome to reality .


well I still am not quite convinced
but from playing allot of open que it really feels like it

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You can also check your winrate. If it is around 50% then that is how it is.


Loss streaks happen because you keep playing when you’re tilted. You might not notice you’re tilted, but after 2 losses, you are, and you need to stop playing ASAP. Play some QP and win a bit before you play comp again.

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If it’s around 50% you are at the rank you belong in.


I have been at 50% since plat so this argument makes no sense.

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My winrate was 60% ish for multiple seasons, do I just have a free pass


If matchmaking was rigged, someone would have collected data to show it by now (team SR Vs enemy SR) but I only see people saying stuff never actually providing numbers that should be quite easy to get


Won’t be long before it is back to 50%.

I had 75% winrate at one point.

For like 10 seasons.

Then you aren’t soloing.

I haven’t duo’d ranked on my main since early season 3

It’s definitely possible to solo climb, I’ve done it as a support (even in open queue, which was mental pain)

Or maybe you’re not swapping to the correct hero often/fast enough to help your team win the game….

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doesnt that just mean you’re plat


Yeah right. And totally not grouping up with ppl of 2 ranks below you. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

i can second this lol
except mines 65%
(tho im pretty sure you’re higher ranked than me)

Literally can’t, max is 250 that I have been able to queue for a while

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If you know that then that confirms you have tried it.