You know those people who say matchmaking is rigged?

What heroes do you play?

It’s just more difficult to solo carry with certain heroes such as Mercy or Sombra.

This isn’t a new account now. I still have higher SR gains on this account, this account was started in season 4. My first account has been around since before competitive existed.

Likewise, roadhog is the most played tank on this account.

That’s awesome to hear!! I also saw great success when I upgraded my hardware. However… Hardware isn’t the only thing that separates high elo players from low elo ones. Some GM players only play on 60 Hz monitors.

What do you consider high SR gains/losses?

This account gets like 24-25 SR per win and loses like 10-12 per loss.

My other account gets 12-18 per win and loses like 20-25 per loss. I can literally win 2 games and lose one and go down in SR on it.

Yeah… You would need to win 3-4 games (where you were the carry) before the PBSR system will help you out.

Hmmn, maybe anchor stats are real :flushed:

I know.
But I think it is a very good example to prove the “rigged matchmaking/forced 50% winrate” crowd wrong, because it is an immediate gameplay improvement and you can actually see the results reflecting in my SR.

If those claims where true, then the matchmaking should somehow try to take me down again - but it doesn’t :woman_shrugging:

The most impressive results where in Competitive Deathmatch - probably because it is so heavily focused on your personal performance.
This were the first 10 matches I played to test the monitor and my mind was completely blown :astonished:

It took me the first match to adjust a bit, but then I started to go completely out of control.
It almost felt as if I was cheating :joy:

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The quality of my teams takes a noticable dive after I win too many games. I’ve been noticing the pattern for years. :v: :woozy_face:

Its not “forcing” losses on you. You are either past where you belong, in which case you are the problem, or, and this is equally possible, given that you are playing OQ you are simply getting the other end of a lucky streak thus creating the statistically concept known as “regression to the mean”.

Regression to the mean in very simple terms refers to how even though streaks and do happen with an odds-based event the data will eventually reach the mean value, in this case 50% win rate. There is ZERO need for the MM to do anything special to “force” you to hit 50% because if it simply finds you games with people at your skill level you WILL have a 50% win rate.

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Which is BS.

If I have 60% win rate, I should be gaining rating, not losing. This account could literally have less than 50% win rate and still gain rating.

Nice players on my teams.

Suiciding onto the point, “THEY HAVE TO WALK TO THE POINT”.

Tell me how this is not rigged to end up with players like this so often.

Yeah, high Platinum / low Diamond is one hell of an ELO :joy:

I’m not 2.9k anymore, but oh my goodness bruh.

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If the game thinks you’re a higher rank than you actually are, your MMR will increase and you’ll get higher SR gains when you win, and lower SR losses when you lose. If your SR is approaching your hidden MMR you’ll get a harder game, and if you can break through that and win, then you deserve the higher SR.

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Doesnt that back up the point though? The skill difference between low Elo and high now is more extreme given the increased knowledge requirement at high ranks.

Low Elo players are still the same, they didnt get better. High Elo players did, so an average account now would have been higher ranked in the past. Top skill got higher but bottom skill didnt.

That would mean a mid ranked account now would be higher skilled and therefore able to mess up low ranked games more effectively than in the past.

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That’s gold, on my other account.

Another gem. Yeah, him running into them solo and feeding doesn’t matter. :joy:

The problem is, people think they’re better than they actually are. Having a 50% winrate means you are at the rank you should be at, you’re not yet good enough to climb. So you will win some, then lose some and end up around the same SR.

But if you are playing open queue you’re asking to lose the majority of your games.


It’s going to do that though because your winning. The system is trying to find you an even fair match, it can’t be fair match making if your winning 90% of your games eventually the system throws you some tough games to level you off, plus you are also encountering people like your self on massive win streaks so one of you have go to not win at one point.

This season I climbed to a a career high of like 2950 huge like 80% win streak with dva but eventually I hit some losses it happens but you’ll go on another streak eventually

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They never learned anything. Most low/average elo players too egotistical to realize they need to learn/evolve.

And continue to learn everyday :slight_smile: that’s how knowledge works (as you know).

Yes… you are correct.

Yes!! Exactly…

Well that depends… Where is the point of inflection?

As in… If you take all the average players:

Silver |21% of the population |
Gold |32 % of the population|
Platinum | 25% of the population|

Where, amongst all these players do the players begin to transition more aggressively from low, to low average, to average, to high average, to highly skilled players?

Some people will naturally become better overtime by sheer experience.

Others will remain hard stuck because they refuse to accept that there is more they need to do to become successful.

So in short, no… It doesn’t work like that.

I feel like that’s because the system thinks you have the ability to be game changer of that group so if they are bad MMR wise but yours is awesome I think the system throws you into that kinda match to be the balance

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Lmao :rofl:

Yeah bro, like you respawn again, so it’s ok :face_with_hand_over_mouth: