You know those people who say matchmaking is rigged?

What doesn’t matter are 2 isolated clips of a couple of minutes of gameplay without showing the point in history of those characters.

Was this hammond actually a 2400 or 2600 hundred ranked with people just barely into 3000? Was the enemy team also faced with a player of similar low ranked play? Had this player simply decided to rage on a particular day due to how the team was playing. Was this a one time moment of someone soft throwing.

These clip don’t prove in any capacity that rigging is going on within the system itself by Blizzard. There is intentional manipulation from players, but there’s a few dozen variables going on in any given match and people will raise and fall. They will hardly ever be consistent.

A player doesn’t suddenly git gud and should expect to raise 1000 sr and say I should stay here. Again, if a person has a win streak after continually having a long series of staying at a general ranking it wasn’t miracle of them being good. It was them getting carried by others around them or people on the other team being horrendous for a number of games so when you finally go to play others 500 sr on a more routine basis that player finds, oh, I suck. I can’t actually carry my role or offset other players and they fall right back to where they were in the long term.

People need to stop caring about these short term wins and think they should be entitled to the notion of “oh, I finally got good I deserve to climb drastically”

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It does matter.

This player should not be in a diamond game, at all. Blizzard matchmaker put him there, because reasons. It’s either to force a loss or for people to carry him hard.

I really don’t get how people can say it’s not rigged when I run into these kind of people frequently.

On my other account I get this type of players frequently:

So, I win 2-3 games, then I get a game like that and I lose all the SR I won from those 2-3 games in that one loss. It’s just laughable.

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I mean… That doesn’t matter though…

I climbed a Gold border 2 star account from 13xx to 2371 and it took exactly 20 games. That’s an average of 50 SR per game.

If you are drastically outperforming your peers, they PBSR system tries to push you out of the lower ranks and into your own rank. However, PBSR does not effect games after 3000.

You are talking about the hammond right?

I mean… What? He used the ol “spin to win” tech to boop people off point, and then fed his nuts off against the soldier? You act like thats unusual for any rank.

I’ve seen players in Masters who play worse than him.


I play the same heroes on my other account as on this account. I need to win 2-3 games for every loss on my other account. On this account, I need to lose 2-3 games for every win to lose more SR than I gained.

Am I magically playing better when I play this account? I don’t think so. This account seems to be impossible to steer to far away from diamond, while my other account seems to be impossible to get past gold or low plat.

So your main account is Gold and your alt is Diamond?

How is this possible? I’m not trying to sound dismissive or anything, but I feel like a diamond player should be able to climb out of Gold easily.

Because I’m losing more SR than I gain in 2-3 wins on my other account if I lose one game. This account needs to lose 2-3 games to lose more SR than I gain in one win.

Even at a 60% win rate, I’m down in rating on my other account.

Something isn’t adding up here

What heroes do you play? Did you make it to Diamond solo or in a stack?

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Remember people.

The MM is only rigged when you are losing.

When you’re winning it’s all down to your own skill!


Most certainly not…

Well you’re trying to overcome MMR at this point. If you put significantly more hours onto your new account, eventually your new account and your old account will hit the same SR level.

UNLESS… You continue to improve as a player and put more effort into ONLY climbing your main account. In that case, your main account will never touch your alt account’s SR because rank in overwatch is a grind, not a sprint.

Their alt is high plat, apparently…

A Diamond player CAN and WILL climb out of gold easliy. They WILL NOT climb out of platinum easily as it is still within their consistent performance region.

What gives them credibility is:

Like… Think of this… If this player was a gold player… They’d be at a 50% winrate in gold. And on their plat account, unless they’re being boosted, they would endure a negative win rate as their individual contribution to the games would not be enough to maintain an average win rate.

Because their gold account currently has a 60% win rate, I think its pretty clear to see, across the course of multiple more hours of playing, that this player will climb out of gold and into platinum. Where in platinum would depend on their peak performance vs. consistent performance.


This is my peak rating on this account. My first account hasn’t been anywhere close to that. It can’t even get anywhere close to that.

And what’s your current SR?

It could… You would have to spend the hours to grind it out.

Its also contingent on if you achieved 3.3 solo-queuing or if you played with a stack.

If you solo-queue’d then its a question of just the hours required to get it there. If you played in a stack, you’re not a 3.3 player.

This does in fact matter because individual performance is what makes the Performance Based Skill Rating (PBSR) take effect.

I’m not trying to make myself sound good or anything, but as a Platinum Mercy/Ana two trick I can easily make it back to Plat, I solo climbed last season from 2k to 2.5k in open queue (it was hell, but possible).

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This is a strictly solo account. My other account has been played with friends in the past, whom I became unable to play with because I outranked them eventually.

This has been:

4 seasons one-trick torb account
3 seasons one-trick mei account
4 seasons one-trick roadhog

All of them, diamond at the end of seasons.

I mainly created this account to see how far I could go without my friends being there playing with me and causing losses due to lack of their skill and I ended up at 3330 as my peak.

You just said high platinum…

Anyways… If that’s really the case, then its simply a matter of the hours spent to climb out of gold. Your PBSR will ensure you win more SR when you win and lose less SR for a loss.

Again… Having climbed multiple accounts across multiple ranks… The system does work as intended if you are drastically outperforming your peers.

I’ve seen SR gains (on gold bordered accounts) as high as 75 SR for a win, and I’ve seen SR losses (on gold bordered accounts) as low as 10 SR.

Edit: If you’re gaining 75 SR on an aged account while winning, and only losing 10, its legitimately impossible to stay hard stuck… Like mathematically impossible… :joy:

Like I hate to sound like every other high elo player, but… If you’re good, you climb. The system ensures it…

Players like the wreckingball you mentioned, maybe he got lucky while queuing on his new account and managed to hit the unranked to GM crowd (ahppens often). Maybe he paid one of my friends for a boost (happens all the time tbh).

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Yes, as have I. On this account, when I was lower when I started playing it. At the start, I had to lose like 5 games to lose more SR than I lost in a loss. Now it’s 2-3 games I have to lose.

My other account though? Nope. It loses more rating than I gain in even 2 wins.

That’s what I am, now, yes. I have been diamond several seasons on this account and I’ll likely be diamond again if I just play enough on this account, I had 3 games with leavers/disconnects in placements and lost 1 of the placements legit.

The leavers were blizzard’s fault though for placing people on the wrong servers and they left because of the ping.

And then he left.

I recently upgraded from a 60hz to a 165hz monitor and felt an immediate impact on my gameplay. Before I was hardstuck in my rank for several seasons, but then I suddenly climbed 400 SR above my usual average in an extended winning streak and in an extremely short period of time and had no problem whatsoever maintaining my new rank.

I am over level 2000 right now and playing on this account since beta.

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So on your Gold account do you play with your friends or solo?

Solo nowadays since my friends quit the game.

Not gonna lie, I don’t understand what you’re saying here.

When you make a NEW account… The SR volatility is much higher. You do your placements and then you have 7-10 games where you get large SR swings. After that, the SR settles as the game has a decent idea of where you perform, and as you play more and more games, the statistical data can determine more correctly where you’re supposed to be on the ladder.

Then you’re not performing well enough. If you win 3-4 games in a row, where you’re outperforming your peers, PBSR kicks in. But if you go:


You haven’t consistently proven to the system that you don’t belong in that rank. And the PBSR will not help you. You have to CONSISTENTLY outperform your peers. Or PBSR will not boost you.