You have got to be kidding me with the new Experimental Card

The issue is his passive. He gets shields for spamming abilities, he’s an unkillable pest & this ult buff will make that worse.

What Tanks? Hog & Hammond were always DPS, that category has only 3 defenders left(Winston, Zarya & Orisa), and you will never see them get barrier buffs. In fact, the only changes they’ll eventually get, are the same ones Rein & Sigma gotten, be turned into DPS.

And Moira, she’s been a DPS since her heals got nerfed to death. In fact, the buff she gets is one to her self-healing. That will help just herself.


Blizzard balance philosophy has always been to appease the players who simply won’t shut up.

Unless they’re mercy players.


so nano is part of genji abilities now?

why u always assume he will have nano?

good luck killing anything with 110 damage / second without nano, and getting CCed to death

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If you think +1 point of damage, or 3 more damage in total will break the game especially on a hero like genji, then I really wonder what you think of ashe, mccree, tracer, echo, bap, and sigma

In other words, playing the game?

His ult was already that, I don’t see how it changes that.

Yes that was the entire point of the buff

So underperforming DPS shouldn’t even be buffed? I don’t think doom needed a buff but you act like buffing DPS is illegal. I for one support nerfing damage if they nerf sustain with it

Why would you care about balance in arcade?


Except he isn’t. That’s why he’s a mediocre pick in ranks where people play as a team and can aim. Most Dooms do little more than feed.

I think you’ll find that they’re in the tank category.

You dont get to arbitrarily redefine a heroes role. Hog and Ball are tanks. Moira is a support. You disliking that it doesn’t fit your narrative doesn’t change that there were just as many support/tank buffs as dps.

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I’m’na link a post I made a long time ago with regards to alleged “power creep:”

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Uh look at the winrates and pick rates dude. Genji and DF are terrible. Not to mention EASILY countered, lol.


Below those ranks though, Doomfist can be very very oppressive.

Then again, blizzard simply does not balance this game with much consideration for the average player.


Thanks. Gotta say. They keep buffing heroes who ‘‘need skills’’

while sombra, bastion, torb, symm, reaper still sit in trash tier…

but I gave up with this company.


He isn’t played much in any rank. He isn’t a hero people can just pick up and dominate on.

:man_shrugging: Well yeah.

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They both desperately needed buffs… these were really needed to put 2 of the weakest DPS on par with the easy to play ones

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Damage blade is now 110 damage per swing.

Mercy damage boost is 30% - 2 Genji autos = 286 damage

Nanoblade is 50% - 2 Genji autos = 330

So the nerf makes 0 difference to any target under 250 HP, which is the majority of the hero roster. Have I done the maths wrong or is no one else just seeing the same thing?


Ana is played like every game anyway.

df and genji are far far far away to be the worst dps


Them & everyone else that uses non-DPS chatacters, which at this point, including Mercy, there’s just 5 left(the others being Winston, Zarya, Orisa & dead Brig).

Because he always does. Its just like PharMercy, its rare to see one without the other.

Go play the Ex.Card & see if there ISNT a Genji slaughtering squishies(and those with more hp) more than normal.

Underperforming to who? The 1% of Comp players? Genji & DF arent weak, or else they wouldnt be common in the other modes.

As if that means anything now. Hog & Hammond were never defenders. In fact, when the Tank nerfs started, they were never affected. Because they never had barriers & average dmg.

Again, Hog & Ball were never defenders. Moira USED to be a beast Healer. They all get to shoot more and defend & heal never.

Nearly everyone in the Tank & Healer categories are DPS now, because Blizzard’s been going in an FPS direction for 3 years, mainly for the OWL.

All they want is damage. The jobs of Defending & Healing are dying. And in the Healers’ case, almost dead due to Mercy being the only one left that prioritizes on heals. Wait & see her get nerfed next instead of Pharah.

They did not.

If you’re a Zen main, RIP to you if Genji buffs go through


You misunderstand what a tanks role in Overwatch actually is.

Support too, apparently.

He still has all of his countering options, but can now be better rewarded for the skill put in, or isn’t as “they have awareness and can aim, can’t play the hero.”

I’d say that the main problem with this is that it is more directed at the mid ranks, and will better benefit them instead of higher up, which is where he’s actually struggling.

Then, lower CDs, or faster firerate might be able to help out.

They also nerfed dragonblade itself, which outside of Nano now makes a a subpar ult (I believe it was already bad by itself, but eh).

If he is too strong, they can compensate and work further upon him, and hopefully not make him worse than now.

Spamming abilities? When? You combo/punch to engage than use other abilities to leave. And you can’t just hop into the enemy team whenever your CDs are off.

This will make his very bad ultimate not as bad. I don’t see in any way how this buff will make his ultimate any stronger than the other DPS ults.

This game just keeps getting worse and worse…





Who? This is a genuine question, not a bait xD Who else do you feel is struggling?