You guys know it's not a review bomb, right?

Not my words btw,

“This game is a shadow of its former self. The devs let the game die in 2019 when there was no new content for 3.5 years. They promised an entire PVE campaign for OW1 and called it OW2 which would have been an entire story PvE game with high replayability and unique upgrade/build choices for your hero. There were trailers, streamers who play tested the early levels with already programmed maps, builds and much more video evidence of a standalone title. They lied to the player base that OW2 would be a seperate game from OW1 and that they will temporarily merge OW2 and OW1 until OW2 PvE releases. They knew for atleast 4 years that this will not be the case and despite of this made promises to the community that all will happen as they promised. With the start of OW2 however they fired all the old devs from OW1 (Jeff Kaplan left prior to this on his own) and hired a completely different team. To say that OW2 is full of bugs would be an understatement. Abilities glitch out. Entire maps have open spaces where you could hide during a competetive ranked game and be invulnarable to enemies. To Blizzards credit some of the bugs were fixed (some were not). But the worst offender by far was the bug that at the end of a competetive season players rank would decrease from what they actually achieved at the season end. People in GM got placed in M5 for example. Some players jumped ranks from Plat2 to Master5 without actually getting this rank during the active season. Titles from the season rank rewards got mixed up/ not delivered at all. This was the case for atleast 4 season and Blizzard adjusted the ranks 6 weeks after the new season had already started. Since the start of season 5 there were no adjustments to this day however despite the same rank bug happening again. Now they officially anounced that the so long promised PvE standalone title OW2 will be canceled. Instead they sell the game in little portions (story events) which take 20-30 mins per story mission and cost around 15€ for 4 missions. What a sad joke. I was in love with OW1 and the vison Jeff Kaplan had in mind but this transformation from a loved game to this ruthless cash grab led me to abandon this game for good. No amount of copium could convince me to trust this game again. What an end of a legacy.”

This is why the game is being review bombed just most are lazy gamers and dont feel like typing a term paper on the pro’s and con’s.


Which bugs that this person is talking about haven’t been fixed?
The only long term bug I experience is the stupid Kiri TP one. But they fix that a little bit every patch lol

Plus $10 worth of currency. People seem to miss that part out a lot

Like that review is so awful. They’ve spoken about basically NOTHING to do with the game in its current state lmao.

Seriously… go watch getquakedon he’ll show you all the bugs from just one character and there’s a lot.

Yeah doom has always had some serious spaghetti code Tbf. But even so these are not game ruining things that aren’t presented across the market. Have you ever seen all the bugs viego has in league?

Hey I didn’t write the review but you said there are no coding issues. Quaked is constantly getting no audio bugs where he can’t here footsteps or soundeffects these are not character specific and have been an issue for a long time. There are way more long term bugs but i too am a lazy gamer.

I did not

I literally talk about a bug I experience…
How can you misrepresent someone so blatantly :skull:

This, is implying there are no long standing bugs.

Funny you should say that, because most reviews I’ve seen were very long and reasonable.

So while you’re right they don’t have to, many did anyway! I love how passionate everyone can be about it without getting personal.

in fact, multiple ‘recommended’ reviews stated within that they didn’t recommend the game, with long reasoning as to why.

You have seen these forums haven’t you?

There are a bunch of people with nothing better to do lmao

Considering there are literally zero negative critic reviews, 37 positive reviews, and 15 mixed reviews, yea, the 9% steam rating is clearly a review bomb.

Reading comprehension is dead omg

Did those long and reasonable reviews talk about the actual game or just the cancelled PvE and monetisation? I’d love to see some people… actually review the game lol

The monetisation is an important component to talk about, especially in tandem with game quality, which all the ones I looked at did.


the review scores arent about rating the quality of the game in a vacuum, they are rating the game in it’s current state and the h1st0ry that lead us up to this point, which is one of lies, money grabbing - and wasted potential.

If overwatch 2 came out today and was an entirely new game, people wouldnt be mad, but you took a game that people loved and paid for and turned it into a monthly subscription service with a disgustingly overpriced store. There’s literally nothing new in overwatch 2 that they are charging for that people couldnt get for free for the box price in overwatch 1.

the only justifiable reason for overwatch 2 being released was the promised pve - which they cancelled ENTIRELY to concentrate on their battlepass release model, which required them to redirect the skeleton crew that is left on the games money stream rather than the promised project they were formerly working on.

so dont pretend that “objectively its not a bad game” - when anyone who’s been paying attention (which you have) knows that there is a lot more context to the reviews. This is people (myself included) releasing our immense anger towards blizzard for the lies we have been sold over the past few years. They are lucky the hate is isolated to funny reviews after stealing our time and money.


You…realise that game ‘journalism’ is a joke and they always bandwagon in the same direction, regardless of the overall public response to things, right?

Critics do not represent the majority in the current landscape of videogames and people handing such power of influence to them is worrying.


What about the “game quality” is anything below good.
Art direction: stellar
Voice acting: great
Music: great
Character design and personality: probably the best on the market
UI: clear and easy to grasp
Accessibility: from my experiences pretty great

All the creative elements are great. All people can complain about is OPTIONAL monetisation. I agree the monetisation in the store is way overpriced for most things. But that doesn’t effect my in game experience at all

So… they aren’t rating the game then

Critics will just actually look at more aspects of the game than an angry gamer will. It’s the same with movie critics

Sorry, do you have any kind of argument?

You can’t seriously be entirely in agreement with the review bombing on steam which is mostly just memes and less than a sentence long and then turn around and say “lol critic reviews don’t even matter” lmao

Ignorance can only get you so far.

Put my opinion in there in quotes

Yes during OW1, but there’s been a noticeable decline with OW2; Ramattra is the only ‘new’ personality that has some depth to him, even if others are likeable.

Unsure if you’re joking at this point; beyond surface level for experienced players, plenty of the UI elements are atrocious. Look at Flashpoint for this one - the UI is a buggy mess in that mode that keeps changing its mind as to where it should send people whenever new points and spawns are decided (and even the UI and sounds for finishing a cap are difficult to notice)
That’s only the most recent example, but we can go one step back and look at how confusing it is to be affected by life grip. Sure, there are some excellent UI elements, but some of the more important aspects are neglected atm.

For me, not so much. As someone who is neurodivergent, the changes to the sound engine going into OW2 have made it incredibly difficult for me to discern some sounds or even hear them because of the audio vomit that is happening; this was never an issue previously where sound attenuation was excellent and I could always follow what was happening, even after having taking months long breaks.

Another aspect you forgot to talk about is how bad the matchmaking experience is for both casuals and competitive players alike. Matchmaking is random, just trying to give us a match as fast as possible with minimal restrictions on skill gap, they changed the way MMR is calculated so that it struggles more to figure out when people are in the right rank anyway (people on 15 loss streaks often still rank up, for example) and even assuming people are ranked correctly anyway, bronze and GM players who can’t queue up together will still end up in games together. Despite this being seen by many players and complained about, the devs have chosen to repeatedly gas light us, then tell us there actually was a problem, make a minor change to make it look like it’s improved, before people would complain about the same thing, cyclically.

You keep saying this and yet it’s not true; that’s just all you choose to latch onto because you think you have a catch-all retort to the idea there’s a problem with it.

Capitalising ‘optional’ doesn’t make the way it has been implemented into the game any less problematic.

After this comment, just wild:

Critics will always bandwagon. It happens every time and yet they hold so much sway despite constantly being wrong. They also rarely look at balance or fun. My experience is they’re typically positive when they were given a free copy to play early while being negative otherwise. (Kotaku with anything Nintendo comes to mind)

Your ‘argument’ is that the reviews from October, before the new problems with the game were clear to everyone, being average but leaning toward a bit positive, means negative reviews by actual players nearly a year later after countless controversies and mess ups directly affecting the quality of the game must be review bombs.

My point is that the pedestal you put game ‘journalists’ on with the current state of the profession is unhealthy for the industry. But also to suggest it must be review bombs because of that is ridiculous.


“What we’re hoping to do with Overwatch 2, is really redefine what a sequel means.”
-Jeff Kaplan, 2019

“Overwatch is a team vs team, 6v6 competitive experience. And there’s NO WAY we’re losing that at all!”
-Jeff Kaplan, 2019

prob why Jeff left lol


Yeah, to try blaming Jeff for all of this… is really ignorant. He left because he was being overruled by higher management.

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