You guys know it's not a review bomb, right?

I miss the jeff time when he would get on and talk to the community about the state of the game and upcoming changes… Guess that cost to much for them to still respect us enough to keep us informed.


No. My argument is that OW2 is being review bombed on steam, it’s obvious and there’s no denying it if you actually go through the negative reviews. I’m simply laughing at the fact that you’re seemingly incapable of accepting that as the truth but will then quickly turn around and say “lol critic reviews are a joke” while the OW2 review bombing is literally 95% memes and not reviews at all

You have nothing to say besides “nah, it’s not a review bomb” while there are literally thousands of negative “reviews” as proof that it is

Id say its a review bombing because its more anti-game direction than Overwatch being a bad or poorly made game.

I think a lot of it are review bombs. It’s quite meme-driven. A lot of posts are sarcastic or hateful remarks, some of which are misunderstanding the situations, unreasonable or irrelevant.

Sill, I can probably list some stuff that people might dislike but even then I don’t think it warrants the worst grading for a game ever, unless you really just hate the company. I’ll give my perspective below.

Even then, I don’t think missing out on PVE justifies such outrage to that extent. It wasn’t like the PVE was owed to anyone. They could have totally cancelled it and said, “nevermind, we’ll just continue the game as it was” and that’s it. It would be no big deal other than some disappointment. At most annoyed that we could have just had hero and map updates. however, the release cadence is back to normal so whatever. We now get the same schedule as OW1 + some extra events and BP related stuff.

Of course, I think it’s a bummer, and like others feel, I wish we could get a full PVE game experience and not have it partitioned in monetized seasons. However, OW as a game is still there so I can still continue to play at least the normal typical PVP experience. I just won’t get the PVE and BP stuff. I still think the experience of the other half the game is just fine aside finicky balance things which some people will disagree with me on because our hero balance or mode preferences are usually subjective.

If I had to list the other complaints that someone could critic the game OW2, in a mixed to maybe negative way, would be the following:

F2P - Some people don’t like that other players have access for free because they are worried about or paranoid about trolls and cheaters.

Monetization - Some don’t like the monetization regardless of F2P because they want to access and/or afford all the cosmetics at a free or at least low price.

Battle Pass , Cosmetics - Some people don’t like grinding to unlock items. Some don’t like temporary access to items (FOMO).

Battle Pass, Heroes - Some people (myself included) don’t like delayed access or paywalled heroes. I know it’s not totally locked out but it is a bummer to miss out on it and I think has the potential to cause issues in competitive when someone doesn’t have all the heroes available. This to me is a big flaw of f2p bp, and I believe they use this strategy to incentivize battle pass purchases.

5v5 - Some people want a second tank, they don’t like to solo tank or they want someone else to peel for them, or they don’t like the resulting tank and relative hero balance outcomes, etc.

Game modes - Some people like 2CP, some people dislike Push, or anything new and want the old. Or both etc.

Progression & Interaction - Borders removed, End Cards removed, Chats moved or reduced. etc. I personally find most of these pointless and did cause toxicity but some people like those features or just nostalgic for the old.

Those are the main OW2 related things that I can think of. I think a lot of people are forgetting the issues with the old when clouded with nostalgia. I can understand monetization issues, I myself can’t afford to get all the skins and I use to earn them free by grinding. Aside that, I think it’s a lot of subjective experience stuff like balance views, assumptions of match maker, toxicity or behaviors with others, the same old thing that has been happening on OW1 since the start.

Theres also things that people didn’t like in OW1 that they wish changed in OW2. Like I think the reviewer Dunkey was upset that OW2 still had Role Queue for QP and Comp. So, things like that will probably always make a portion of the player base, especially the very casual, dissatisfied even if or regardless that in the bigger picture, it has had a greater positive outcome for the game.

So, then there’s some social/political issues. This is stuff a lot of people get really angry about and troll about or take very serious, political:

  1. McCree → Cassidy name change. I think is a non issue but some people make a big deal about it. I think a subsect of people don’t like it for a reason that I won’t get into.
  2. The Hong Kong and China relationship. This can be iffy with regards to censorship and pandering to China. I don’t follow it so I don’t know.
  3. Sexual harassment and lawsuits. This is iffy with people. Some dislike the behavior but continue to play their games. I think if the company can change internally and make amends then maybe it’s fine? I don’t know.
  4. LGBT etc. and other stuff. Some people are critical of that; some pretend not to be but dislike it and use other issues as a cover.
  5. Bobby Kotick, Corporations, Money. People hate the rich doing questionable things.

Those issues I can understand people REALLY hating the game or the company itself regardless of the game. However, this is where it gets fuzzy with peoples intentions because its one thing hating the company for bad behavior but its another when they think there is some sort of social war going on but again that goes into deep politics stuff, I won’t get into here.

He said they are rating the game and is history… which means they aren’t rating the game lol. I wouldn’t go to Germany and be like “it’s a nice place but their history means it’s actually a bad country :frowning:

The only OW2 hero I can think of people not liking is Kiri which I can understand but it feels like she wasn’t make for a western market just like seraphine in league. JQ sojourn and LW are all new welcome personalities. Illari needs some more time to settle. Obviously ramattra is fantastic.
Even so, every character feels unique even to the way they hold their guns and wave hello. From hearing a few lines and seeing an animation or two you can understand a lot about who they are

Is UI buggy in flashpoint? I’ve played like 7 matches and not experienced any UI problems. The biggest FP issue I’m seeing is the maps are so big that you can’t find your way around lol. It is also a brand new mode so it wouldn’t be a shock if there are a few bugs here and there

It says LIFE GRIPPED in big writing above you and a specific filter is over the screen as well as a sound effect. I’m not sure what more can be done than that.

What important elements are neglected?

I’ll have to disagree here. The only time I found the sound bad was when they put that dumb filter over ally voice lines. With my current headphone i can hear everything well

It is not random be fr. Anomalies happen but that is the same as EVERY game ever.

Maybe because it wasn’t actually a problem. Matchmaking in a team based online game is extremely complex anyway and a computer will never be able to make balanced teams 100% of the time. How often do you think a GM player is in bronze games fr.
And do you not remember the OW1 ranked queue exploits?
Every single game gets Matchmaker complaints all the time look at Apex’s ranked. OW matchmaking isn’t particularly bad, the game is just pretty punishing.

I also think monetisation in this game is bad. The fact you are never forced to pay money though makes it weigh the game down much less than something like SMITE where you are reaaalllyyy pressured into spending money or Warframe where as a new player you have to routinely wait 3 days to be able to do things if you choose not to pay.

Fun is subjective and balance changes so often that it’s not smart to base a review on. You review becomes obsolete after a single update.

Nintendo are extra strict with reviewers and their image. They are a corporate menace.

Winstons new skin is nice, it’s him as a scientist on the lunar colony. It fits the character very will

Every map has music at the beginning we also have menu themes

New characters in every game are released OP for the sake of hype. It’s a part of the F2P model. If they didn’t do that why would people want to get them quickly

I don’t play on a Mac so idk what that’s like. Most games are trash for Mac aren’t they. Kinda unfortunate. When I said accessibility I mean colour blindness and stuff.

i’d say the key difference between paladins and overwatch 2 is that paladins was always f2p. Overwatch used to be paid and switched to f2p with no compensation and a MUCH worse monetization.

Paladins also had it’s own fair share of controversies, OB64 almost killed the game due to greed and everyone craps on the battlepasses for how mind boggingly SLOW they are to complete. You either really like the first skin or you buy the “unlock all” bundle, no in between.

Also, gameplay is not ridiculously paywalled like in overwatch. There is a neat “all current and future hero” single purchease option and you can unlock them with free currency the day they release.
Overwatch is much more scummy with its monetized gameplay

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tf2 (if that’s what you’re talking about) lets you trade and sell the items you get, so if you don’t want something you can give it to a player.
getting handouts from people who have dozens of copies of the same weapons is as easy as joining the right server. Or you could just buy them for literal pennies (i mean the ENTIRE weapon selection) for less than a dollar on third party sites.

Should you end up with spare weapons you don’t need, there is crafting system to craft weapons you do need.

Or even craft random cosmetics for specific class.


you know that steam reviews are merely “yes” or “no” and the “worst rated game” simply refers to the number of negative reviews in percentage with the positive ones.
also, by law of numbers the big games will attract more buzz.

Where were you when Lifeweaver came out? Awfully quiet back then. They also gave Ana a slight nerf, and she just came out with a brand new Mythic skin, which was also a huge selling point of the BP. Which kind’ve goes against your supposed tinfoil hat assumptions.

People love to make up BS to fit their false narratives. Sad, really.

you’d have a point if blizzard didn’t directly said they were gonna make the new champ very strong. They realized when the champ is meta people are more likely to buy them.

Because they don’t want another Lifeweaver incident. Who tf wants a brand new character coming out that gets abuse whenever you play them. Do you not remember the state of the forums. Literally every single thread was everyone whining about Lifeweaver, also nicknamed Wifeleaver.

Like I’ve said previously. You can’t win either way. People love to make up narratives to fit their argument instead of looking at it objectively.

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objectively blizzard is a moneygrubbing company and the new monetization is needlessly much, much worse.
paid heroes killed the game integrity.
skins are overpriced.
they lied by omission about cancelling pve.
they sold us the table scraps.

making the new hero op to get more sales is literally the oldest trick in the book, they’re just savvy enough to not do it constantly.

I’m not being funny, but you have to understand that Blizzard is like any other company. They’re there to make money, and they’re just mimicking other popular games like Fortnite.

As for purposefully making the Illari impactful, I’m glad they did. I don’t want hyped up over something that’s perceived to be weak and unimpactful.

I’m not going to sit here and defend Blizzard all day, because I also don’t like what they’ve done when it comes to monetization, I’ve been playing OW since early beta too. The reason why most people are angry is because of the empty promises. Even I can admit they’ve messed up massively, but there’s a difference between realising that and being blinded by anger and frustration.

It’s rather entertaining though what some people will make up.

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I agree with the rest of your post but not this. I blame the team that made Jeff, Geoff and many others leave and that decided to go F2P with a business model that doesn’t fit a game released in 2016.

Current OW team is what’s wrong with the game.


I think it’s more so the higher ups honestly.


why do you say this like it’s some big reveal.
i know.

does that make it right? no.
also fortnite is much better monetized and it doesn’t put any gameplay behind paywalls. It also properly compensated people who bought into it when the battle royale mode was a bonus

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Also this, true. (20 char)

Because judging by the majority of the comments it needs spelt out for them. Anyone who’s going to compare OW1 to OW2 is going to have a bad time. I don’t think I spent a penny in OW1 and unlocked the best part of 99% of the skins, who’s going to complain about that, but I also understand that’s not exactly going to be sustainable income for the company.

Again, not taking sides with Blizzard because I also am in the same boat with being upset with some of these silly decisions, but these “OW bad, worst game ever, don’t play” is excessive, and just screams manchild crybaby. Which is even more funny when you realise the majority of these people are in their late 20’s to mid 30’s.

One things for certain, the art team slaps.




It’s that simple

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