You guys know it's not a review bomb, right?

In the OW-sphere online I’m seeing a lot of people claiming that OW’s status as one of the lowest rated games is due to salty TF2 players or whatever.

I’m not sure if this sentiment is just being spread by new players that aren’t aware of OW’s history, but what I do know, from having actively played OW since beta is that

A) OW1 was massive, and few of the steam players reviewing it would have not formed an opinion from playing it.


B) OW is almost certainly in the top few games with the most players having negative perceptions of it. You can go to basically anywhere with a strong population of core-PC game players (the sorts likely to review OW on steam) and you’ll find a huge proportion quit OW on bad terms.

So whilst it is true that OW2’s position as one of the worst rated games on steam is perhaps undeserved in its present state, it’s not a review bomb. Blame Jeff and Geoff’s bad leadership for the quantity of angry ex-players, not the handful of TF2 memers joining in on the dog pile.

Add onto that the fact that OW’s active playerbase seems to despise the game (check the main OW subreddit anytime blizz does anything and there’ll be a multiple thousands of upvotes thread about how the game is bad), and it’s not surprising it is how it is.


I bet that the actual game’s online is even lower than review bombed steam’s online, as there are for sure 2 times more people who gave up playing this game than active player base.


If it were Steam players with no prior history of OW interaction, it would be strange that they have a common problem with the monetization especially when commonly referencing TF2, or with the knowledge that there are $2000+ items available on the Steam Marketplace.


M8 the game was out less then a day and immediately got like 2000+ negative reviews.

this is very much a review bomb, it’s was just a combination of OW players mad their not getting the PVE that Jeffy-boy wanted to make. And Tf2 players that their competition is actually getting updates.


Review bombs tend to refer to large quantities of bad faith reviews. If it’s OW players reviewing OW for their experience of OW (and its development issues) that’s not bad faith.

Yeah, I’m suggesting this group is comparatively small. TF2 just got a hefty update anyway, and I think it’s been a long while since the TF2’s community sentiment towards OW has been that of a competitor. I think most TF2 players have also played OW.


I mean how many people have both Bnet AND Steam? I know I do.

Sure there are some reviews just to be negative. But there are some that are coming from people who have played it and have a place outside of some game review website a person would need to go out of their way for.

Heck you can tell at what botched point they dropped the game or when it infuriated them the most.

There are some legitimate criticisms.



The game has been out for over 7 years. It’s not a review bomb, it’s people “reviewing” the game based on what they experienced over the past 7 years. They don’t have to write a novel to justify why they dislike it and there’s no conspiracy as to why a lot of people dislike the game.


Yup, if you go into the reviews themselves it’s just a lot of superficial stuff that really doesn’t have to do with the game.

or most new players really wouldn’t give a dam about, as OW2 is far from the only F2P game on steam that makes you grind for characters. Or lets you purchase them outright. with 20 Plus dollar skins.

Like paladins ow glitchy, litterially broken sometimes, that does all of the above, f2p competition doesn’t remotely get this much hate.

Not even some of most despised franchises gets this much release hate.

Also keep in mind if these were actual new players, weeeeeellll. Most of those wouldn’t be leaving a review till like 10 plus hours in.

not right at the start. A day into the release.

And would be talking about mostly the new game exerience. Which their not, their complaing about what all the old players are complaining about.

In the tone that they ruined the game. more so that’s it’s just a bad experience.

As example:


[12 reviews]

Not Recommended
0.1 hrs on record


This Company Is Not Worth Your Money

They essentially scrapped everything they promised for PvE and downgraded the game and are SLOWLY reintroducing aspects of the first game and calling them "Updates".
While the game play is still there, the greed overshadows everything else.

Or just Tf2 players memeing because why not at this point.

This is noooooothing like how actual review cycles work. Not even remotely.

This is very much a a review bomb.


Having knowledge of something else being bad does not justify others also doing bad.

I feel like no one on the Forums has ever read a Steam review. Thumbs up/down are generally honest, then a funny review to make people laugh. OW just takes itself so seriously that there’s no room for humor or fun.


No, but using examples of games that feature monetization on par with what OW2 has to offer, on a platform that has an entire second hand marketplace built around fomo and loot box storefronts, with items going for $2000 (with the marketplace cap, some other items have been known to sell for $30k, one offer for as much as $1.5mil) is a little myopic.

Please look up the definition of a review bomb.

You’ll quickly find that what happened with OW2 on Steam and Metacritic meets the criteria for one. I get that you folks don’t want to recognize that because it weakens your argument that reviews are poor when you have to recognize that a review bomb happened, but one did happen whether you like it or not.

Hell, the fact that if you change the settings on steam to exclude reviews made with less than an hour of playtime, causes the amount of negative reviews to drop to just over 6k (and it drops even further if you change it to 4 hours) means this was an extremely concentrated effort, by people who did not invest a lot of time into the game (or added it to steam and played for a short time just so they could leave a negative review).


You’re right, it’s myopic as hell my dude.

It’s the most smoothbrained argument one can make.

Don’t play this game it’s so greedy, you should play this game built around P2W mechanics instead because it’s clearly superior, don’t forget to peruse the marketplace of second hand wares that people unboxed randomly or bought at one time for a cheap price only for it to jump up 1500% in price,”.

Get out of here with that excuse. If it’s only bad because it’s in OW, but it’s baked into the framework of how Steam operates and everyone is ok with it, then there’s not much substance to the argument or review.

It’s tilt for the sake of being tilted.

The issue is with this is that it’s just going off of the time played through steam.

People could have been playing since OW1 but Steam won’t reflect that.

Again I know some are just negatively reviewing it, but the positive reviews are also pretty backhanded.


You can find posts on the tf2 reddit, youtube, etc about calls to action to review bomb Overwatch. Some of it is justified by a large portion is from people who have barely or never touched the game before.

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Yep that’s exactly my point, it’s being reveiwed bomb primarily from people that are already salty. And not people on the steam platform coming into as new players.

Positive ones are mostly joking about making the **** models into an game.

If people really think that the current OW is worse than 80% of the games that you find on Steam then they are not trustworthy. People confuse the “rating of a game” with “rating the transition from OW1 to OW2 and blizzard”.

Does not matter in the long run. Let them give them bad reviews. It will change nothing.


However don’t they have the right to leave a review on steam vs some random site people would need to go out of their way to see?

Again, yeah some are just mocking the game, but some have laid out legit and thought out criticism.

Which is why I specifically said it was backhanded.


Most are just mocking the game, for every 10 **** model comment. (I’m typing the stars my self not trying to get my self banned)

Theirs like 1 legit critisim being made.

Like their in their…

But mostly it’s a straight up meme review bomb, and it isn’t reflecting the actual state of the game. As it’s like the 6 most played game on steam at the moment or something like that last I checked.

It’s a review bomb if the intent is to hurt sales or popularity, I’m speculating the intent is it’s angry ex/current-OW players voicing their anger. I think it’s pretty unlikely that there’d be a genuine, significant sales change expected from the people posting the reviews.

Well yeah, ex OW players (who may still have hundreds or thousands of hours) won’t have their time reflected on steam. And yes, it’s true that if you make a search more restrictive, less results appear. That’s sorta… universally true.


Thing is it’s a bit of both.

1 side is genuinely people leaving genuine reviews that are calling out the problems with the monetization, the problems with upper management and everything we’ve been screaming about for months. (Game breaking bugs ie teleports aside and actual problems) most of the decisions come from Bobby Kottick and the execs and this is people’s way of airing that.

The other side is just a bunch of petty people who aren’t being constructive in the reviews. “The overwatch adult content creators work harder than the overwatch developers” is just a pointless review.

If it was over 50k genuinely negative reviews that were well thought out then fine it’s got a negative reception but the amount of pointless feedback seems to drown out the genuine feedback people are trying to air on a public platform because they feel they aren’t being heard because the actual problem doesn’t give a :poop: about the game but more their profit margins.

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