You guys know it's not a review bomb, right?

Why are they hating on the game? Could it be, now hear me out, that they are unsatisfied with the current state of the game and the decisions the company has made and their failure to deliver on all these promises they offered up as a reason to make a new game as opposed to a dlc.


No, dude, they’re doing it for clout, for nerdfame. hating games is cool these days. like aggressively hating games is cool to these people. theres like a weird group that also super aggressively hates assassins creed for example. its weird. trolls love the attention, its why, people are here who dont play the game, claim to hate the game, but are here whining about it. its for the attention.

hate is a powerful uniter. its group think to feel included. Like aggressively hating a piece of entertainment like this, its just weird man. i kinda pity those people.

There are almost 90,000 reviews. This is not a review bombing, this is a review nuke. Holy mother of Mako!

exactly, only true words spoken, here’s lil bit of mine

So you’re saying everyone loves the game and that 90k negative reviews should in no way indicate that the overall player base is not happy with the current state of the game?

If it weren’t review bombing. Why is it that basically none of the reviews seem to talk about gameplay (not balance), music, art direction, character design, voice acting, direction, UI, accessibility etc.
oh wait, it’s because those things are objectively good and that doesn’t fit the “OW2 is the worst game ever” narrative

It’s the equivalent of Ben Shapiro saying Barbie was bad because of Wokeness

Because a lot of them think it’s the cool/funny thing to do

I literally have a few friends who meme on Overwatch for the same reason and they’ve never played it

I have another friend who plays Overwatch every day, loves it, and left a positive review saying “OVERWATCH BAD HAHA”

No one is saying there is zero valid negative criticism. Not a single person is saying that. What is being said is that the game is being review bombed, and that’s a fact.

perhaps, people don’t want to repeat themselves…

for the 380th time


lets assume 75% of the reviews are troll, thats still 7k positive and 25k negitive. And thats me assuming that none of the positive reviews are troll, which they are.

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yes, because alot of those people are doing it for reasons beyond actual good faith reviews. So it devalues the user reviews to the point where all feed back from them is ignored cus its too much work to sort through them.

you get that right? its all childish and pointless.

Idk what you are trying to say, did you mean to reply to me?

You need to bump that 75% number up a bit

yes ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎

I guess all the websites with articles describing exactly where this overflow of negative reviews is coming from, they are part of the conspiracy to hide the fact that every loves overwatch too right?

u srsly think those guys have nothing better to do than do that?

it’s called clickbait on bad websites.

I would have to bump it to over 90% for the game to break even… One of those “bad” websites was ign.

good luck, even if you removed 90% of negative reviews, the remainder will still add up to extremely negative :man_shrugging:

It is a review bomb, otherwise there would be actual reviews in there

However, it comes from all sides as everyone is dissatisfied with the game for various reasons. It’s not just blind hate as there is reason for the hate, it’s just being expressed with reckless abandon

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That would also exclude my review - and I have 2500 hours in Overwatch.