You guys know it's not a review bomb, right?

Many long-time Overwatch fans, myself included, are frustrated with the direction of the game. Consider this predatory behavior: this season’s new hero is extremely overpowering, to the point that many (if not all) tier lists place her at S tier (meta), and Blizzard locks her behind a paywall. Teams cannot pick the same heroes if they don’t pony up cash, and that is inherently unfair. There are many valid concerns and the community is trying to make a point on Steam. Strawmanning all of their sentiments as a “review bomb” is candidly ignorant of the semantics behind it all. This is no longer the fair, competitive game that it once was. It is now pay-to-win, and I fear that this pattern will continue to repeat (intentionally) because having an extremely overpowered hero for a few weeks for EVERY new hero release makes $$$ at the end of the day.


Question: what might that game other P2W game be? Its not TF2, right? Because that games not P2W at all. Most of the weapons are side grades to each other; they’re balance around stock, so no gun is better than stock.

That’s if you’re talking about TF2 anyway.


Some are genuine and some aren’t. We could see the positive reviews as well and they’re equally as trolly. The game hit rock bottom and yet they continued to dig. Nothing will change the fact that this game failed to meet expectations. People dissatisfied will continue to play because its an addictive and toxic relationship.

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They say the games bad ten continue to queue :skull:

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It’s not a review bomb. The reviews on Steam have always been a mix of memes and productive criticism. There are a lot of reviews with genuine feedback.

Some Blizz defenders just don’t want to see reality, and I don’t get it. If the game I love is “hated” by everyone, why should I care? It’s just a game. Fanaticism is just a bad thing for mental health. Bad reviews will not undermine my game’s enjoyment and will not kill the game, that’s for sure.

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It’s not a new game…


And in that case all reviews should be well thought criticism of the game play, or businesses practices.

But instead most of it is some variation of " I thought it was ****"

it is a review bomb short a sweat.

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It’s only a review bomb because it’s the first time we get a chance to publicly post our opinions of the game/company. They game would still have 80000 negative reviews if we were able to rate it from ow2 launch to present it just seems like a review bomb because 80000 people finally got a platform to voice their displeasure of the way the company is running the game.


Lmao, 90k reviews, 91% of them negative.

Were well beyond “its just a review bomb by a couple of upset players”


Pretending that metacritic reviews haven’t been available for close to a year now are we?

You’ve also had these forums to vent on.

Stop trying to cover up the BS, it still stinks.

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it literally is by definition a review bomb lmfao

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Steam release =/= game release.


I’m sure what it was here me out, is 5 people made 15000 accounts each to sway people into think most people aren’t satisfied with the current state of the game because there is no way the overwatch community as toxic as it is banded together to protest the current state of the game. Heck we had to make a game mode to force teams to actually have healers and tanks in comp, there is no way those same people agreed enough to post on a platform with reviews their distaste for the current state of the game. Must be 5 people with 15000 accounts…

It 100% is a review bomb. Most of them are literally just meme’ing. or trying to roast the game in a funny way for internet fame. its weird. stuff like this only devalues user reviews.

But then again steam reviews are widely known as a joke, thats why there is a “this review is funny” button, cus reviews are just meme’ing its not real reviews. So who cares? Like what other place encourages meme reviews like steam? it exists to devalue legitmate reviews so they’re taken less seriously. It’s just childish and accomplishes nothing other to prove how much a joke the gaming community is. And thats why they ignore user reviews and only focus on the money.

SMH. ya’ll tripping.

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yada yada, still shouldn’t be anything like we are currently looking at.

And games that have been on the market for years still get reviewed bomb.

You don’t know what a review bomb is if you don’t think OW2 is experiencing one lol. It meets the literal definition.

It’s being falsely rated as the worst game on steam at just 9% approval. It’s nowhere near the worst game on steam and is objectively better than other games with higher approvals. If you need more proof of a review bomb then you’re trying not to see it lol

listen… even if they are troll reviews, where are the real ones. there is like 7k positive reviews and of the ones I saw most said did a good job making por* into a game. So the negative might be trolly but there are almost zero positive reviews that should be a clear sign the game is doing something wrong.


No, its not. its a well known entity of a game. People know what it is. A massive flood of a new release why even do it? and again, even “positive reviews” are trolling. that tells you everything.

It’s just a big trolling nothing burger is what it is. The devs won’t take it seriously. the shareholders wont care, no one cares. no one who matters cares. Cus its just trolling.

All this is, is a childish hissy fit organized by streamers and weirdos. so it’s totally meaningless.

If it was alot of negative reviews after hours of playing, or well thought out reviews then people might care, but its all trolling, so all it does is make user reviews a joke. why take them seriously if you dont?

Not only is it untrue that all gamers are lazy, but there are exceptions to every rule. Overwatch haters are notoriously relentless at doing whatever it takes to hate on the game… just look at these forums for the past several years. This review bombing is perfect proof at how relentless they are at hating on the game.

Agreed, Overwatch was once massive but the reworking of multiple heroes over the years, while showing contempt for the mains of said heroes, has left a bad taste in the mouths of many. And that’s only a single point of contention alongside many others.

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