You guys have worn me out

I just wanna warn you… Some people out there are… quite specific (at least at the lower elos cuz i suck at mobas ;_; )

You don’t have to warn me since I already experienced it. There’s nothing that can convince of what I have been through. As for the lower ranking in mobas eh just practice and hope for the best. I enjoy the challenge on their platform than OW because one screw up on your end = mass reports that will contribute every other match you mess up. That’s why players are very easily triggered here since they know the report system is automated doing the worst while GM just ignores your message and hit the banned button.

Falling away from me is one of their best songs, ugh, so goooooooD!!! Glad there are other korn fans around

To go the opposite direction, here is a song I listen to that always seems to put me in a great mood, maybe it’ll do the same for you:

I’m sorry what? He uses his mental health as an excuse to not have fun? Pretty sure that its actually the mental health making it hard to have fun. I think people underestimate how much mental health can warp some people’s thinking and mess with their heads.

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After all the tragic events and nonsense crimes people still want to cater to that safe comfort zone thinking everything going to be okay. They need to be happy the country they live isn’t under that sort of fire, but still struggling on some other toxic mental stuff a.k.a false accusations and politics in marketing messing with your views turning you into a follower on some sort.

is that a kpoppie boi

its namjoon from bts wink wonk

This doesn’t even just apply to you, it’s a major issue altogether with this game. I myself can even understand, I suffer from mental illnesses as well and get insulted constantly for being… well a girl and other things like you ones you stated. Just know that you aren’t alone and that there will be many people willing to help you out here.

Do you ever stop and… just look up at the sky? I hear you can see all sorts of things.


That’s the issue with this game. It’s just a game, It’s supposed to be fun but most people are just very toxic and rude. I’m sorry for what you’re going through, but if this game isn’t helping, then my advice would be to just stop playing it.

Remember half of the player-base are spoiled kids with brains still in development, effectively mentally deficient savages if you must really think about it. Don’t expect much.

You can also play a single player game with a great story.
Read a book. Watch a movie or TV Series.

I think that this topic deserves a sticky to remind everyone that not all is bad and our community has a big heart and a lot of good sides <3


i always play drunk as hell, and i tell lame jokes, but i’m always nice and fun to play with (atleast i think so :smile: )

definitely not worse than LoL

dude, i dont know what you mean by grown man, im from 1985 so im kinda grown up too, i kinda understand what youre sayign,t hese lil shets have grown on the internet, poor social skills, they just say crap because you cannot smash their faces with your fist over tcp/ip which made them be quite underdeveloped socially.

if you really let people get to you over a stupid childs game such as overwatch you should just stay away from the whole internet because this place is savage, children are really really cruel and selfish and the younger they are the more conceited and entitled and selfish they are and the bigger their projective neurosis.

just for your own sake, stay away bro.

Have you considered having private profile so people on the forums can’t rank shame you?

I wish people would just stop rank shaming as if someones opinion is just invalid cause they weren’t GM from season 1. Someone can know a ton about this game but not have the mechanical skill or time to get to high ranks but all the private profile “GM smurfs” out there will just call you bad. I got to GM playing Mercy and Sym and all I get every game is toxicity and if we win I did nothing and got carried. I keep my profile public cause this is, in fact, a team game and I want people to know what I play but all people actually use it for it to take a dump on my climb from silver in season 2 → GM last season. I worked damn hard for my rank and I don’t understand why it’s a bad thing that I got better at this game over time. Isn’t the whole point of comp to become better?

Sorry for the rant. I and many others been saying this same exact thing since launch and nothing has changed. Also sorry to say that most of these people who do this are DPS players just going leave that out there. They have proven to me that the “massive ego” stereotype is kinda true and it sucks cause I know plenty of DPS players who are amazing people.


This game is the most toxic game in the HISTORY of gaming. We should give blizzard an award for making such a “masterpiece” and getting such an achievement.

Cheer up, OP.

i get called “rubbish”, “garbage” a lot…

oh wait…