You guys have worn me out

I’m a grown man well into his adult life, and I suffer from mental health issues my entire life. Played today to hear how I suck, n bomb dropped, kys, and just all around harassment. Then posted a few things to be told I’m terrible at the game and my opinion doesn’t matter because I’m silver and garbage. It’s worn me out. Like I said, I’m a grown man, and it’s sad that the trolling has got to me and I’m in literal tears. I’m done with everything, you guys win.


step away from the computer and go look at the beauty of nature or somethin hun. Its all good :slight_smile:


This game has become more toxic than LoL. And this was after their tribunal system too (where LoL toxicity was million times worse before tribunal).


This broke my heart to read. I’m sorry. A lot of people just say ‘grow thicker skin,’ but ignore the fact that everyone is going through their own struggles and sometimes, words can hurt.

I’m not really sure how to console you, but just know that the people who feel the need to say these things to you are sad, petty people. Much love to you :heart:


I’m really sorry buddy. In general I haven’t had too many problems with this community, in fact it used to be the best I’d ever been a part of. Then again it is the internet, and people will say whatever they want when they are behind a fake name and profile picture. Take a break, spend some time with family, and find other games to occupy yourself with. Maybe a singleplayer with decent story, or replay an old favorite. Trust me, it will pass with time and the trolls will get to you less and less.


you gots to play with friends, so much better win or lose.

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Nothing is worse than LOL, except supposedly payday2 where there’s literal white supremacists playing and being hostile to others constantly.

League I played jungler, even if you gank for someonee and do a good job they insult you. You die people spam ? on your corpse. You dare farm your own lane, people spam ? on you. And this is all certified A-Ok behavior by Riot games. Because Riot games themselves are a toxic slum. Just look up the kotaku article about how they treat their own employees.

That said, OW is pretty toxic but endorsement system helped.


im not good w/ words especially with mental health, but i hope days get better. sending u some love memes :heart:


Don’t worry about the opinions of those who hate and harass. They are the sort of people that bring others down to make them feel good about themselves. I say, if you have ps4, download Portal Knights. It’s free this month and it’s like mine craft. I play it to zen out/de-stress and it has nicer graphics.


Don’t focus on the toxic a-holes. This community is about bringing people up and you can see it everywhere. My best friend of 2 going on 3 years I met on this game. I hope you are able to move on to better things. :heart: :heart: :heart:

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The toxicity in LoL now is nothing compared to pre-tribunal. Right now, OW is in LoL Pre-tribunal stage (the bully game is outrageous, hearing people pick on other people because of how they speak, etc).

Endorsement does nothing now. It was only effective the first 2 weeks. Now people just try to maintain it for the free boxes, that’s it.


Most of what I quoted was after tribunal, tribunal didn’t do anything for LOL except reinforce their subculture and mob rule.

Hey bud. I’m bipolar here, 34yo.
I’d love to play with you sometime.
Forget the a*hats and trolls they aren’t worth a doodle. Please add me whenever it’s convenient. Honestly, pay no mind to what people say here or in game. They are usually toxic and aggressive towards others to compensate for their own shortcomings.

Have a lovely day dude. fist bump


I beg to differ. And i have been a moderator for another very popular free to play game. I’ve been playing online games since 1992.
This community is by a very wide margin, the most toxic i’ve been a part of. This includes LoL, rainbow six, counter strike and so on.


On a scale of 1 to 10, 10 being worse, payday 2 is a 10. League is a 9.5 and OW is like a 6.

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Thanks you so much for your words. I just want people to know their words do have a impact on others. I just can’t deal with it today I guess, getting that room closing in feeling, and that’s a red alarm for my mental state.


Experiences will vary from person to person, obviously. It’s my experience that overwatch has gotten very bad (the worst…personally.) and is only getting worse.

Overwatch is toxic. There’s no real way around it atm. Take breaks between gaming sessions, and, this may sound harsh, but grow a thicker skin. You have to ignore toxic people, and try to find some nicer ones to queue with!

You’ll be alright, man! :heart:


Leave voice chat and enjoy the game that way.


Such a sad op, and so much love in response.
I think I’m gonna cry

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