clearly that you dont know LOL that much. the OW toxic mostly stay in rank mode only. if you notice the toxicity increase the longer it takes to complete a match (and rank mode is the longest of all mode).
I feel you all too well my dear. The ignorance of people who have no idea lurk on the other side of that computer shows how little people care for humanity as a whole, and never think twice about who they are playing with. One of these days, when someone types “go kys” it may actually happen one day with someone and then trouble will occur.
I am sorry you deal with that. Life itself is hard and people like that only make it harder. They don’t realize there are people in this world struggling at times just to find a purpose to wake up everyday and for some, OW is that outlet for them to finally be themselves and to take that much needed time to them self. When the one source they love to escape reality from becomes endangered and toxic for them, it seems hopeless but all is not lost friend. If you can, take a breather, enjoy family and friends, good food, take a walk outside and see what life really is. While there is the one side that shows how sad we are as a race, there is also beauty as well.
I tend to use OW as an escape (video games in general) Writing and drawing are another past time. I too am an adult woman, but just because you are an adult doesn’t mean life gets any easier. It’s ok to cry, it’s ok to get angry and to feel emotions, as that is what makes you human my dear. People that say these things to you lack very little knowledge and are not yet aware of their surroundings. I pity them and to be honest? People like that mostly suffer from health issues themselves. Mentally or physically. Most with anger issues tend to flock to areas like games for their outlet, not yet realizing they are ruining it for a lot of others. Sometimes, realizing it is “just a game” is really much needed for most gamers who loose themselves in it.
These people have not yet reached a point in their life where understanding that whom you interact with is just as important as treating your family, is relevant. They feel hiding behind a screen makes them big and that they too can proceed to hurt others without warning.
I hope you find the time to let go and relax hun. Life is too short to be harboring it just on a video game. Try to take the time you need for other things because there is so much fun and beautiful things in the world for you to try and to do
I mean sure, but your missing the Benji parts, but yeah. I’m a POS.
Yeah… but no. League of Legends is still the most toxic game online.
I can still get really good teammates and fun matches where we communicate effectively and even have fun joking around often in Overwatch.
In League, 8 games out of 10 will be everyone yelling at each other, flaming opponents for playing OP champs, yelling at teammates for feeding or not fufilling their role, and overall the social experience will be negative all the time.
Then it is time to stop dude. The whole point of playing video games is to have fun. You aren’t having any of it.
Wish you all the best.
You can probably safely assume an adult man who’s had mental issues his whole life to have sought help at some point…muting, blocking and reporting doesn’t help everyone.
Wake up you ignoramus
To hell with Blizzard and their trash game.
Well it’s all fine, bro.
There is something way worse.
“a friend” who leaves games on his smurf because we are too bad it seems. what a joke of a friend he was. just leave all those joke people behind you
Go visit the BFV forums. You’ll realize it could be a lot worse for Overwatch…
You say this like you personally know the guy
You’ll see it’s all a show.
Keep 'em laughing as you go.
Just remember that the last laugh is on you.
I always feel better after this song ^^
Rule no1 of lol:
You either mute your team or dont jungle.
Worst thing is that they keep touting how toxicity has gone down by this and this percentage after adding their faulty report system (coincidentally never published EU percentages, man I wonder why)… I don’t see it, if anything it has only gone up. They even kicked out like 100 EU customer service peeps, it’s bound to get much worse on EU.
Best wishes for you OP. Don’t get the toxic scrubs get to ya.
The people who do that are angry people who have the need to make other people feel bad in order to make themselves look better, but deep down they hate themselves and they want you to be like them. If you feel that the game isn’t making your life better (which is kind of the point of video-games), just quit and find some other better games with decent people. It would be really ignorant from me if I said you to suck it up because that’s not how human beings work. Now, if you still decide to come back and want to avoid these things, all you can do is spam that block and report button on those idiots.
I’m really sorry about this experience you’ve been through and I hope you don’t let this affect the amazing person you are.
Your mileage may vary (by luck of the draw) but I have honestly seen a lot more and a lot more vile toxicity in OW than in LoL. Granted I played LoL a couple years ago and the general environment online has gotten worse in that time.
I can’t remember games that didn’t have someone toxic in them in League. I have a lot of fun games ppl aren’t toxic though in OW. People are toxic constantly in the pre-game select, in the game itself, and after the game too. In OW people only get toxic when losing and even then not all the time. In League they are toxic even if you are winning or haven’t started the game yet. The original DOTA was infamous for it’s toxicity too and it definitely carried over.
OW you can play deathmatch and ppl are usually just having fun even if they lose. You never ever see that in League.
I remember ganking for this gangplank and he just said snarky passive aggressive things to me all game even after I carried him and we got kills and were winning all game it was not even uncommon for ppl to be like that. My brother refused to play because his first game people were awful to him. League’s reputation is so well earned it’s ridiculous. People scapegoat in OW and it’s terrible, but people are nasty for the sake of it in League and pre-emptively scapegoat as a precaution.
And Riot is in large part to blame, their system lets people be that way unless they get to a “certain level” which just promotes people being kinda nasty all the time and just punishes anyone who doesn’t like taking all that negativity from everyone all the time or gets sick of it and has a melt down. It’s like they’re trying to grow toxicity. They allow all that and don’t stamp it out, and at the same time, they punish anyone who talks back and it escalates. So you end up in this situation where those people aren’t punished for instigating with ? marks spammed on people or negative blaming comments, and at the same time any retaliation against them leads to escalation which is punished. So you end up with this eco system that permits all this negativity and toxicity but doesn’t have any method to effectively curtail it, because there’s absolutely zero consequence for doing it. Fear of retaliation is a core reason why people respect each other, sadly enough, they remove it since people that retaliate are punished and nothing happens to anyone instigating negative comments and trolling so the toxicity is just free to spread its vileness everywhere. You’re told to just weather it and mute people game after game after game with it never changing and those people never punished. At the same time, they do not do any positive reinforcement methods, which are scientifically proven to be more effective, except very late and with great reluctance. They basically create the problem more than solve it and seem happy with that, if that kotaku article on how they treat their own employees is any indication.
Get another game…this game is toxic trash
If your still intrested in competitive games, try Natural selection 2, it has a really good community and smurfs are frowed upon
I actually feel safer to play on LoL toxicity level than OW. Sure players may get toxic, but in the end we still work as a team. Some may cry ks or whatever, but still get the job done. The best part is that you’re not banned for playing a champion they designed in the game unlike Overwatch. Vulgar language is one thing, but being banned for a champion and assuming they did game sabotage without evidence is ludicrous.
Bhahahahahaha. u serious? I hope you’ll never play on EUNE servers.
Players here also work as a team… they do the “who will feed the most kills to the enemy Illaoi”. Im starting to think that its a hidden objective or something
If I don’t get banned for silly stuff like playing a champion they designed for a game then I don’t care. That means a lot compared to this game mentality level.
Yeah if their maturity level ever awakens, but 9/10 it’s qp or comp toxicity and hero picks makes them rage more. I can play LoL longer than OW because I don’t run into a lot of bad stuff I do in OW. Their way of fun is different than LoL fun.